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Muscle Tissue
• Function is to contract, or shorten, to produce
• Three types:
1. Skeletal muscle
2. Cardiac muscle
3. Smooth muscle
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Muscle and Nervous Tissue
Pages 97-101
Three types of muscle tissue
• Skeletal
• Cardiac
• Smooth
Skeletal Muscle Tissue
• Voluntarily (consciously) controlled
• Attached to the bones or skin
• Produces gross body movements or facial
• Characteristics of skeletal muscle cells
– Striations (stripes)
– Multinucleate (more than one nucleus)
– Long, cylindrical shape
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Figure 3.20a Type of muscle tissue and their common locations in the body.
Part of muscle
(a) Diagram: Skeletal muscle
Photomicrograph: Skeletal muscle (195×)
Cardiac Muscle Tissue
Involuntarily controlled
Found only in the heart
Pumps blood through blood vessels
Characteristics of cardiac muscle cells
– Striations
– One nucleus, short, branching cells
• Look somewhat like bamboo
– Intercalated discs:
• Areas between cells which contain gap junctions to connect
cells together so that the impulse spreads across the heart
to create one contraction at a time
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Figure 3.20b Type of muscle tissue and their common locations in the body.
(b) Diagram: Cardiac muscle
Photomicrograph: Cardiac muscle (475×)
Compare the two- note the differences
Smooth Muscle Tissue
• Involuntarily controlled
• Found in walls of hollow organs such as stomach,
uterus, and blood vessels
– where constricting and enlarging is required
– Peristalsis: a wavelike activity that moves digested
material through the small intestine
• Characteristics:
– No visible striations
– Single nucleus
– Spindle-shaped cells
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Figure 3.20c Type of muscle tissue and their common locations in the body.
muscle cell
(c) Diagram: Smooth muscle
Photomicrograph: Sheet of smooth muscle (285×)
Nervous Tissue
• Two types of cells:
– Neurons
– nerve support cells called neuroglia
• these insulate, protect, and support neurons
• Function: receive and conduct electrochemical
impulses to and from body parts
– Irritability
– Conductivity
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Figure 3.21 Nervous tissue.
Nuclei of
Nuclei of
Cell body
of neuron
Cell body
of neuron
Diagram: Nervous
Photomicrograph: Neurons (320×)
Figure 3.22 Summary of the major functions and body locations of the four tissue types: epithelial, connective, muscle, and nervous tissues.
Nervous tissue: Internal communication
• Brain, spinal cord, and nerves
Muscle tissue: Contracts to cause movement
• Muscles attached to bones (skeletal)
• Muscles of heart (cardiac)
• Muscles of walls of hollow organs (smooth)
Epithelial tissue: Forms boundaries between
different environments, protects, secretes, absorbs,
• Lining of GI tract organs and other hollow organs
• Skin surface (epidermis)
Connective tissue: Supports, protects, binds
other tissues together
• Bones
• Tendons
• Fat and other soft padding tissue
Tissue Repair (Wound Healing)
• Occurs in two ways:
1. Regeneration
• Replacement of destroyed tissue by the same kind of
cells; cells divide to make new ones
2. Fibrosis
• Repair by dense (fibrous) connective tissue (scar tissue)
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Tissue Repair (Wound Healing)
• The type of healing is determined by:
1. Type of tissue damaged
2. Severity of the injury
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Events in Tissue Repair
• Inflammation
– Capillaries become very permeable
– Clotting proteins migrate into the area from the
– A clot (visible fibers from blood) walls off the injured
• Granulation tissue forms
– Growth of new capillaries
– Phagocytes dispose of blood clot and fibroblasts
– Rebuild collagen fibers
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Events in Tissue Repair
• Regeneration of surface epithelium
– Scab detaches
– Whether scar is visible or invisible depends on
severity of wound
• Scar tissue is constructed of many collagen fibers
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Regeneration of Tissues
• regenerate easily
– Epithelial tissue (skin and mucous membranes)
– Fibrous connective tissues and bone
• regenerate poorly
– Skeletal muscle
– Dense connective tissues like tendons, ligaments
• replaced largely with scar tissue
– Cardiac muscle
– Nervous tissue within the brain and spinal cord
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Development Aspects of Cells and Tissues
• Growth via cell division continues through puberty
• Cell exposed to friction replace lost cells throughout
life (like epithelial cells)
• Connective tissue forms repair (scar) tissue
– Scar tissue is a form of connective tissue constructed of
many collagen fibers
• Cells that lose ability to divide: (become amitotic)
– muscle tissue (by the end of puberty)
– Nervous tissue (shortly after birth)
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