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of Atomic
Chapter 4, Section 1
The Beginnings of
Atomic Theory
 Atoms
 Determine the properties of matter.
 Atomic theory was developed SLOWLY over time.
 First theory of atoms was proposed over 2,000
years ago.
 Greek philosopher Democritus suggested that the
universe was made of invisible units…he named
them atoms from the Greek word atomos which
means “unable to be cut or divided”.
Democritus did not have evidence
 Although
his theory explained some observations,
Democritus had no evidence to support his claims.
 THINK: Would you trust someone’s opinion if they
had no evidence to back it up?
 Even with no evidence, people supported
Democritus’ claims….but other theories were also
 Chemistry was developing in the 1700s and
emphasis on making careful and repeated
measurements in experiments was increased.
 THINK: How do you think this affected Democritus’
atomic theory?
Dalton’s Atomic Theory
 1808,
English schoolteacher named John Dalton
proposed a revised theory
 Dalton’s theory was developed on a scientific
basis which (parts) hold(s) true still today.
 According to Dalton, all atoms of a given element
were exactly alike, and atoms of different
elements could join to form compounds.
Dalton used experimental
 Dalton
based his theory on experimental
 According to the law of definite proportions, a
chemical compound always contains the same
elements in exactly the same proportions by
weight or mass.
 THINK: What does this law sound like? (something
we already learned)
 This helped support Dalton’s theory
Dalton’s theory did not fit all
 Today,
Dalton’s theory is considered the
foundation for modern atomic theory
 As some parts turned out to be correct, some of
Dalton’s thoughts could not be explained or
supported with experimental evidence
 Over time, the atomic theory changed as new
scientists gathered more information and
conducted more experiments.
Thompson’s Model
of the Atom
 1897,
J.J. Thompson, a British scientist, conducted
an experiment that suggested that atoms were
not indivisible.
 Thompson was studying cathode rays when he
noticed mysterious rays in vacuum tubes
 His experiment suggested that cathode rays were
made of negatively charged particles that came
from inside atoms.
 This revealed that atoms could be divided into
smaller parts
Thompson developed the plumpudding model
 Through
his experiments, Thompson found that
when beams were deflected, this was due to
charges (think magnets)
 Thompson discovered electrons, which are
negatively charged particles inside the atom
 Thompson’s proposed model is known as the
“plum-pudding model” because he thought the
electrons were spread evenly throughout the
atom, like blueberries in a muffin.
Rutherford’s Model of the Atom
 Ernest
another British scientist,
developed an
experiment to test
model….he found it
needed to be revised.
 Rutherford proposed
that most of the mass of
the atom was
concentrated in the
atom’s center
Rutherford conducted the
gold-foil experiment
Rutherford discovered the nucleus
 His
experiments suggested that an atom’s positive
charge is concentrated in the center of the atom
 This positively charged, dense core of the atom is
called the nucleus
 Data from his experiment suggested that
compared with the atom, the nucleus is very small
 In Rutherford’s model, negative electrons orbit
that positively charged nucleus in such a way that
planets orbit the sun.
 THINK: What do we know about the atom today?
What else is involved??
Section 1 Review
 Please
complete questions 1-6 in COMPLETE
SENTENCES and turn them into the basket 
The Structure
of the Atom
Chapter 4, Section 2
What is in an Atom?
 Less
than 100 years after Dalton published his
atomic theory, scientists determined that atoms
consisted of smaller particles, such as the electron.
 Atoms are made up of various subatomic particles
 The three main subatomic particles are
distinguishable by mass, charge, and location in
the atom
What is in an Atom?
 At
the center of each atom is
a small, dense nucleus.
 The nucleus is made of
protons, which have a positive
charge, and neutrons, which
have no charge.
 Moving around outside the
nucleus is a cloud of very tiny,
negatively charged electrons.
 The mass of an electron is
much smaller than that of a
proton or neutron.
Each element has a unique
number of protons
hydrogen atom has one proton
 A helium atoms has two protons
 Each element has a unique number of protons
 An element is defined by the number of protons in
an atom of that element.
 THINK: Why do you think protons are the only ones
that matter??
Unreacted atoms have
no overall charge
 Even
though the protons and electrons in atoms
have electric charges, most atoms do not have
an overall charge.
 The reason is that most atom have an equal
number of protons and electrons, whose charges
exactly cancel.
 If an atom gains or loses electrons, it becomes
 A charged atom is called an ion.
The _______________ holds the atom
Knowing the charges of the parts of the
atom, what do you think holds them together???
 Positive and negative charges attract one
another with a force known as the electric force.
 The electric force between protons in the nucleus
and electrons outside the nucleus holds the atom
Atomic Number and Mass Number
 Atoms
of different elements have their own unique
 Because these atoms have different structures,
they have different properties
 Atoms of the same element can vary in structure,
 Atoms of each element have the same number of
protons, but they can have different numbers of
The atomic number equals the
number of protons
 The
atomic number of an element, Z, tells you how
many protons are in an atom of the element.
 Remember most atoms are neutral because they
have an equal number of protons and electrons
 The atomic number also equals the number of
electrons in the atom
 The atomic number of a given element never
The mass number equals the total
number of subatomic particles in
the nucleus
 The
mass number of an element, A, equals the
number of protons plus the number of neutrons in
an atom of the element
 The mass number reflects the number of protons
and neutrons….WHY??? What about electrons???
 Although atoms of an element have the same
atomic number, they can have different mass
numbers because the number of neutrons can
 An
isotope is an atom that has the same number
of protons but a different number of neutrons
relative to other atoms of the same element
 Isotopes of an element have the same chemical
 Isotopes have different masses
 Isotopes of an element vary in mass because their
numbers of neutrons differ
 INVESTIGATE: In your book under the heading of
isotopes, please find the three most common
isotopes of hydrogen and how often they occur in
our universe. Describe a radioisotope and what
happens to them.
The number of neutrons can be
To represent different isotopes,
you can write the mass number
and atomic number of the
isotope before the symbol of
the element
If you know the atomic number
and mass number, you can
calculate the number of
neutrons that an atom has
The number of neutrons can be
found by subtracting the
atomic number from the mass
Atomic Masses
 The
mass of a single atom is very small
 Because working with such tiny masses is difficult,
atomic masses are usually expressed in unified
atomic mass units.
 A unified atomic mass unit (u) or (amu) is equal to
one-twelfth of the mass of a carbon-12 atom
Carbon-12, an isotope of carbon, has 6 protons and
6 neutrons, so each proton and neutron has a mass
of about 1.0u…remember electrons don’t contribute
to mass.
Average atomic mass is a
weighted average
 The
atomic mass listed for an element in the
periodic table is an average atomic mass for the
element as found in nature
 The average atomic mass for an element is a
weighted average
 Commonly found isotopes have a greater effect
on the average atomic mass than rarely found
isotopes do
The mole is useful for counting small
 Because
chemists often deal with large numbers
of small particles, they use a large counting unit
classed the mole (mol).
 A mole is a collection of a very large number of
particles..1 mol= 602,213,670,000,000,000,000,000
 Named after Amedeo Avogadro an Italian
scientist…Avogadro’s number = 6.022 x 1023
 THINK: Should Avogadro’s number be used for
something like popcorn kernels??
Moles and grams are related
 The
mass in grams of one mole of a substance is
called molar mass.
 In nature, elements often occur as mixtures of
 A mole of an element usually contains several
 An element’s molar mass in grams per mole
equals its average atomic mass in amu.
Converting between moles and
grams!! 
 Let’s
Compounds also have molar mass
 Recall
that compounds are made up of atoms
joined together in specific ratios
 To find the molar mass of a compound, you can
add up the molar masses of all of the atoms in a
molecule of the compound
 Let’s practice!! 
Section 2 Review
 Please
complete questions 1-16
 On questions 1-4, 6-7, 9-12 use complete
 On questions 13-16 please show your work! 
Modern Atomic
Chapter 4, Section 3
Modern Models of the Atom
 Dalton’s
theory that the atom could not be split
had to be modified after the discovery that atoms
are made of protons, neutrons, and electrons
 Like most scientific models and theories, the
model of the atom has been revised many times
to explain new discoveries
 In the modern atomic model, electrons can be
found only in certain energy levels. Furthermore,
the location of the electrons cannot be precisely
Electron location is limited to
energy levels
 1913,
Niels Bohr, a Danish physicist, suggested that
the energy of each electron was related to the
electron’s path around the nucleus
 Electrons can only be in energy levels
 They must gain energy to move to a higher energy
level or must lose energy to move to a lower
energy level
 Bohr’s description of energy levels is still used by
scientists today
 THINK: what could be a real world example of
Electrons act like waves
 1925,
Bohr’s model of the atom no longer
explained all aspects of electron behavior.
 A new model was proposed where electrons
behave more like waves on a vibrating string than
like particles
The exact location of an electron
cannot be determined
Looking at a spinning fan, can you precisely
determine where a specific blade is located?
 Determining the exact location of an electron in
an atom and the speed and direction of the
electron is impossible.
 The best that scientists can do is to calculate the
chance of finding an electron in a certain place
within an atom
 The darker the shading, the better the chance of
finding an electron at that location…orbitals.
Electron Energy Levels
 Within
an atom, electron that have various
amounts of energy exists in different energy
levels…and there are many levels that electrons
can occupy
 The number of energy levels that are filled in an
atom depends on the number of electrons
 The electrons in the outer energy level of an atom
are called valence electrons…these electrons
determine the chemical properties of an atom
Electron Transitions
 The
modern model of the atom limits the location
of electrons to specific energy levels
 An electron is never found between these level
 Electrons jump between energy levels when an
atom gains or loses energy
 The lowest state of energy of an electron is called
the ground state
 If an electron gains energy, it moves to an excited
state…gains energy by absorbing a particle of
light called a photon.
 Electrons may lose energy and fall back to a lower
energy level by releasing the photon.
 THINK: What determines how much an electron
will move?
Atoms absorb or emit light at
certain wavelengths
 The
energy of a photon is related to the
wavelength of the light
 High-energy photons have short wavelengths, and
low-energy photons have long wavelengths
 Because each element has a unique atomic
structure, the wavelengths emitted depend on
the particular element…giving it an “atomic
fingerprint” that is unique
 THINK: How could this knowledge be used in every
day life?
Section 3 Review
 Please
complete questions 1-7 in COMPELTE