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Phet Explorations: Atomic Charges
Name: _______________________________ Period: ____ Date: _____
Go to the list of Phet HTML5 Chemistry simulations. Click on the Build an Atom simulation and start the sim.
Once the simulation opens, click on “Atom”.
a. Click on the X’s behind the Net Charge and Mass Number titles to display the graphics.
Add protons, neutrons & electrons to the model until you discover some general rules that determine if your atom
will be neutral, positively charged (ion) or negatively charged (ion). What is a rule for making:
a. A neutral atom which has no charge? ____________________________________________
b. A positive ion which has positive charge? ________________________________________
c. A negative ion which has negative charge? _______________________________________
Fill in the following table for the indicated isotopes. (All must have a stable nucleus.)
Beryllium - 9
(neutral, 0 charge)
What is in your
atom or ion?
Carbon - 12
(positive charge)
# of protons:
# of neutrons:
# of electrons:
# of protons:
# of neutrons:
# of electrons:
Fluorine - 19
(negative charge)
# of protons:
# of neutrons:
# of electrons:
Draw your
atom or ion
What is
the net charge?
Changing the atom/ion.
How do the following changes show up in each type of atom/ion?
NOTE: Rebuild the ORIGINAL ATOM each time before you make a change. So, after you add a proton and see what
the effects are, remove the extra proton – and THEN remove an electron.
Beryllium - neutral
# e-
Atomic #
Mass #
Net Charge
# e-
Atomic #
Mass #
Net Charge
* Original atom
* Add a proton
* Remove an electron
* Add an electron
Carbon – pos. charge
* Original atom
* Add a proton
* Remove an electron
* Add an electron
Play the Games to check your understanding. Record your scores:
Table __________
Balance __________
? _________