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NtBk #_______
Age of Exploration Notes
1st Europeans to Reach Americas:
The _______ or Norsemen are believed to be the first ___________________________,
sailing from present day Scandinavia to Iceland and Greenland as early as the 800s.
Viking voyages were not well known throughout Europe and the rest of Europe does not
“discover” the America’s until the late 1400s.
Who is leaving Europe and why?
Those looking for adventure or _________and are very brave to do so.
Land routes to Asia were expensive and very dangerous so nations turned their focus to
look for ________________________.
Portuguese Exploration
Portugal's small political boarders but large coastal areas allow for them to lead the way
with exploration as they are ___________________.
Prince Henry __________________ laid the groundwork for sailing exploration.
In 1420 he set up a center for ________ and invested large amounts of money into the
best programs for __________and ship building.
Earns the nickname _______________ since he planned voyages for sailors and studied
reports and accounts brought back by his sailors.
Sailed along the coast of _______________ and traded for ________________.
Set up trading posts along the coast of West Africa.
Due to large amounts of _______ in West Africa, it becomes known as the “Gold Coast”
NtBk #_______
Early ties to slavery of African Americans begin.
Begin looking for routes around ________ to _______ to trade directly with India and
Goal is to bypass middle men in Africa and trade directly with Asia.
Team Portugal
___________________ sets sail in 1487 with 2 small caravels to explore the
southernmost part of Africa.
Dias makes it to the southern tip of Africa, known and named by him as the
____________________due to the storms he had to pass on his return to Portugal.
________________ in July of 1497 sets sail headed for Africa.
Makes it to the port of _______________ in May of 1498.
Kicks of the exploration craze, ______ more ships set sail with news of this route.
Spanish Goals and interests in Exploration
Goals : 3 G’s
G______ – Spread Catholicism
G______ – Get paid! Wealth!
G______ – Build an Empire.
Christopher Columbus
Spain “signs” 3 strong explorers: Christopher Columbus, ______________________to
Team Spain.
Italian born Christopher Columbus led 90 sailors on 3 ships on a voyage into the
unknown in 1492 with the goal of __________ but with a different route than the
Portuguese used.
Columbus believed Asia was about ______ miles away – a 2 month ship voyage
Columbus underestimated the ________________ and land masses in the way of Asia.
While many nations _______ to fund his voyage due to funds spent on keeping the
Muslims from invading Western European, the __________ agree to _______.
The Spanish see the success of the Portuguese and want in on the riches.
King Ferdinand and Queen Isabella of Spain agree for 2 key reasons:
NtBk #_______
1. Promise of bringing _____________________________.
2. _____________ associated with finding a trade route to
Columbus’s Voyages
October 12, 1492 Columbus and his displeased crew on a small chain on islands, modern
day _____________.
Believed to have landed in the _________________________.
Makes 3 more voyages for Spain (1493, 1498, 1502)
Explores the Caribbean Islands of Haiti and Dominican Republic, Cuba, and Jamaica.
Claimed the land for _________________.
While Columbus did not read Asia, he instead found a new part of the world unknown to
This kicked off the Spanish Empire in the Americas.
Splitting the world…fairly?
__________________________ take an early lead in exploring the new world and want
to protect their claims in the Americas.
Both nations want to keep the rest of Europe out of their newly found areas.
Turn to Pope Alexander VI for help in 1493.
Pope Alexander orders ___________________________ – which is an imaginary line
that ran from the North Pole to the South Pole and cut the Atlantic Ocean into 2. ______
was to control all lands to the west of the line, while __________________ would control
all lands to the ______________.
Portugal feels Spain is getting more land and later in 1494 sign an agreement of the
_________________________________ which moved the line further west.
NtBk #_______
1. How did Henry the Navigator earn his name?
2. Who sailed along the coast of Africa?
3. Why are European countries so eager to explore? What are 3 main goals?
4. These two countries argue over who controls what land. How is this argument settled?