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Name __________________________ Date ________ HWS pd ____ Mrs. Hornstein What motivated Europeans to Explore? Historical Background In the 1400s, a new interest in exploration arose among Europe’s leaders. This new interest would
soon result in Europeans’ discovery of the Americas. That new interest grew, in large part, from a
desire to buy products from Asia. Europe’s contacts with the Middle East had grown during the
Crusades. Also, Marco Polo, of Italy, had traveled to China and lived there for a number of years.
His book about his travels became a best seller in Europe. From the book, Europeans learned about
the existence of spices, dyes, fruits, rich tapestries, and other desirable products in Asia. But the
eastern overland route between Europe and Asia was too long and too costly to be practical. So
explorers, with financial backing from the monarchs of Spain and Portugal, began to seek ocean
routes. Sea travel would provide faster and cheaper trade routes to the rich products of India and
China. Thus, in the late 1400s an Italian sea captain named Christopher Columbus approached
Spain’s king and queen. He proposed to reach Asia by sailing west. With the monarchs’ support
and funding, Columbus stumbled onto several Caribbean islands in the summer of 1492. Europe
had now “discovered” America.
The following documents will help you answer the document-based question. Read each document
carefully. Answer the questions that follow each document to prove your understanding.
Document 1
The document below was issued by Pope Alexander VI in 1493, soon after Columbus returned to
Europe with news that he had happened upon a series of new lands (America). In the document
below, the pope’s office identified one of the primary motives for exploration through orders given
to the Spanish government.
We have…learned that you [have] discovered certain islands and mainlands … to the
[purpose] that you might bring to the worship of our Redeemer [Jesus] and the profession of
the Catholic faith to their residents and inhabitants … We command you [to] appoint …
God-fearing … men, in order to instruct the … inhabitants and residents in the Catholic
faith and train them in good morals.
1. What, according to the pope, was a major motive for early European exploration?
Document 2
Below is an excerpt from a letter written by Columbus during his return voyage from the New
World, to the king of Spain.
In the earth are many mines of metals … There is incalculable gold … The men whom I am
leaving there will discover a thousand other things of value.
2. What, according to Columbus, was a major motive for European exploration?
Document 3
Below is a painting of Francis Drake being knighted by Queen Elizabeth. He was the first
Englishman to sail around the world, which he did (1577 – 1580) in his ship The Golden Hinde.
Drake started his circumnavigation of the world from Plymouth, England, passed through the
Straight of Magellan, into the Pacific, up the western shores of the Americas, crossed into Asia and
Philippines, and finally returned to Britain on September 26, 1580. Use details from the image
below to support your answer as to what motivation this event is showing.
3. What motivation for European exploration is depicted in this scene?