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LE includes pelvis, thigh, leg and foot
Pelvis consists of two hip bones (os coxae), sacrum and coccyx
Hip bone consists of ilium, ishium an pubis fused together and the sacrum and coccys
Thigh is the femur and patella
Leg is tibia and fibula
Foot is 7 tarsals, 5 metatarsals and 14 phalanges
Hip is primarily for weight-bearing and walking activities and is very stable
Femur is the longest, strongest and heaviest bone in the body
Joint capsule is strong and thick and covers the joint in a cylindrical fashion round the
joint and most of the femoral neck
Iliofemoral is most important and reinforces the capsule anteriorly. It splits into two parts
distally and is often referred to as the Y ligament or ligament of Bigelow
Functions to limit hyperextension
Pubofemoral ligament located medially and inferiorly to limit hyperextension and
Ischiofemoral ligament located posteriorly to limit hyperextension and medial rotation
The three ligaments all attach along the rim of the acetabulum and cross the hip joint in a
spiral fashion. This configuration limits motion in one direction (hyperextension) while
allowing full motion in the other (flexion). They are slack in flexion and become taut as
moves into hyperextension.
Acetabulum depth increased by fibrocartilagious acetabular labrum
The iliotibial band or tract is very long, tendinous portion of the tensor fascia latae
(TFL) muscle. Attaches to the anterior portion of the iliac crest and runs superficially
down the lateral side of the thigh to attach to the tibia. Consists of fibers from the gluteus
maximus and TFL