Download Functions Protection for organs of the inferior abdominopelvic

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Protection for organs of the inferior abdominopelvic cavity
Attachment for powerful lower limb muscles
Support and weight-transfer from axial to lower skeleton while standing and
Pelvic Girdle
o Complete ring formed by 3 bones
 R and L hip bones (right and left coxal bones, os coxae, pelvic bones, or
innominate bones)
 Arise from the fusion of 3 bones by age 25
o Ilum: fan shaped, largest portion
 Ala, iliac crest, body, iliac tubercle
 Superior spines palpable
Trantubercular plan: imaginary line passing through
iliac tubercle and L5
o Ischium: posteriorinferior part of the hip bone
 Ishiopubic ramus
 ischial tuberosity
 Butt bone, hamstring attachment
 Ishial spine
 Greater and lesser sciatic notches (become
foreman with ligaments)
o Pubis: forms anteromedial part of hip
 Body, superior and inferior rami
 Pubic crest and pubic tubercles
 Attachment of abd muscles and inguinal
ligaments (Abercrombie line) respectively
acetabulum: cup shaped depression that articulates with head of
o means vinager cup in latin
o acetabular notch, lunate surface, acetabular fossa
Lower limb
o Femur: thigh
Greater trochanter allows hip abductors and rotators to be placed
away from leg extensors
Angle of inclination: allows for increased mobility by keeping
neck away from acetabulum and also allows for tibias to be placed
directly underneath the body to assist with weight distribution
Torsion angle
Angle dictates direction of foot when walking
o Abnormal: pigeon toe (in), duck foot (out)
o Patella: sesamoid bone embedded in quads tendon
 Increases leverage in extending knee by lengthening lever arm
o Leg: Fibula and tibia
 Tibia: medially placed is dominant
 Application of force (like radius)
 Fibula: posterolateral
 No weightbearing function
 Does not articulate with femur
o Foot
Anatomical classification:
 Tarsus
o Calcaneus: heel
o Talus: articulates with leg
o Cuboid (lateral) navicular (medial)
o Lateral, intermediate, and medial cuneiform
 Metatarsus
o Great toe (halex) metatarsus considered 1
 Phalanges
o Each digit has 3 except great toe