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A unique legacy: 2500 ago Greeks began on rock bound peninsula
Greek basic of our American language
One out of every 8 words in English especially in science and
technology has a Greek base.
Taught western man how to reason and think
Aegean world and outdoor life:
Indo European Caucasian migrated to Balkan Peninsula
Traded Grains oil and wine with the near east.
Drawn to the sea
Spend most of the day outside: Working, Market, theatre, gym
No body lived more than 50 from the ocean
Started on Crete before 4500 BCE
Palace of Knossus ruled by kings :most famous being Minos
Powerful from 2500 to 1500 BCE
1800- 1900 Sr. Arthur Evens found modern plumbing
Minoans age ended abruptly due to volcano explosion, earthquake or
foreign invaders.
Heroic Age – Trojan War
2000 B.C. Mycenaean moved to mainland Greece settling near
Mycenae . They dominated Greek history for 700 year.
Mycenaean built a flourishing civilization built great halls, enjoyed
thriving sea trade Warrior – kings successful of plunder
1290 B.C.
Mycenaean’s and the Achaeans joined forces to fight against Troy, call
Ilim in that day.
Paris kidnapped Helen of Sparta this event started the Trojan War.
Homer wrote about it 300-500 years after the events in his poem the
Iliad. He also wrote the Odyssey which tells about Ulysses adventures
on his way home from the Trojan war.
Rise of Polis/ Seeds of democracy.
750 B.C. E new era City State called Poleis.
Use to keep order in ancient Greece
Polis like Athens or Sparta city and the surrounding countryside
measuring from 50 – 500 square miles.
Poleis allowed for individual males participation based on how small
they were and usually voting after and open debate.
War in heroic age had many Greeks fight to defend their polis, leading
citizen to demand a bigger voice in government. This lead to revolts
and tyrants who were ambitious aristocrats fighting for a bigger voice
in government.
These aristocrats established colonies all over Mediterranean sea who
ere loyal to the mother city sate.
Coming of Athens
By the early 6th century B.C. Athens and Sparta were the leading city-
States in Greece
Road to democracy took years going through tyrants and many
Athens went through years of aristocrats and tyrants until
508 B.C.E. reforms were made leading to almost a full democracy:
Athenian assembly (Ekklesia);
Council of 500 whose job was to propose laws and advise the
assembly members chosen randomly
Introduces ostracism which is a method of banishing citizens who
were dangerous to the polis
Sparta iron way
War like inhabitants enslaving the local population called helots
Spartan life was more like a boot camp
Boys age 7 – 21 were trained to be Greeks great warrior
Making fierce warriors was their main goal not other great
achievements like Athens.
Persian Threat
Persian empire attacked Greeks between 500-480 B.C.E
Their first battle on plains of Marathon, Greeks won, Persians
retreated. Greeks sent runner from Marathon to the city of Athens to
tell of the victory. It was 26 miles from Marathon to Athens is why we
have a 26 mile marathon today.
Persian’s attacked Athens second time ten years later. Greeks not
prepared. Sent 300 Spartan’s to slow down the Persians while people
retreated to islands called Salamis. Persians burned city of Athens and
Greek king lost power.
One year later Plataea Greeks were victorious and stopped the
Persians for the last time.
Athenian Greatness/ Drama/ Philosophy
Athens rebuilt after the Persian’s under Pericles took over 50 years
from 480-430 BCE.
Built huge temples and public buildings; the most famous is the
Parthenon on the Acropolis
Art specifically sculpture glorified the human figure; it valued
symmetry, order, balance, and elegance.
Greeks invented it but Athenians perfected it.
Drama’s were a part of civic pride; people were paid obols for
attending plays.
Wrote plays about universal human behavior’s in both tragedies and
Philosophy a common interest in Greece; learned from masters Plato,
and Socrates extending to history, mathematics and science.
Philosophers constantly questioned the world around them; they
sought to understand truth; philosophy lovers of wisdom.
Civil War/Alexander the Great / The Hellenistic Era
Greek against Greek conflict exploded in 431 B.C.E. Athens and Sparta
fought as Sparta became jealous of Athens power and prestige.
Both gained allied from other Greeks and soon all Greece was
involved in the Peloponnesian war. This war lasted for 27 years with
Sparta defeating Athens. Even in defeat Athens remained a cultural
Phillip II father of Alexander were Macedonian, they wanted to
takeover and unify Greece around 335B.C.E.
Alexander was a military genius, taught by Aristotle.
Between 334-332 B.C.E. he conquered worlds largest empire
uniting Greeks and Macedonian.
Died at 33 in Babylon with no successor.
Hellenistic Era developed in Greece. Mixing of Persian Egyptian
Indian and Greek culture began in this time with clothing and religion.
Philosophers , mathematician and scientist became more advanced
influencing all the world