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Circulatory System
Chapter 4
The Body’s Transportation System
• Main job of circulatory system
– Delivers food & Oxygen to cells
– Carries Carbon Dioxide & other waste
products away from cells
• Powered by Heart
• Blood vessels are main passage
– Extremely extensive (large, complex)
• Oxygen & food = Energy
– Energy needed for cell life
– 1st to die w/o Oxygen – Brain Cells
• Important tasks of Circulatory System
– Delivery of Oxygen to body cells
– Removal of Carbon Dioxide
– Supplies body with defenses (chemicals)
against Bacteria/Viruses
– Carries chemical messengers for
Circulation in the Body
Heart → Lungs → Heart
Blood→ Body Cells→ Heart
Heart = muscle (only rest btwn beats)
Anatomy of Heart
– Left chest
– Fist or grapefruit
– Heartbeat = rhythm
– Pacemaker – area of nerve tissues that
regulate the heart’s pace (upper right side of
• Regulates muscle contractions of heart
Right Side
• 2 pumps in Heart
– right & left sides
– Septum (thick tissue wall) separates the 2 sides of heart
– 2 chambers on each side
• Right Atrium
– Collecting chamber
– Dark red, Oxygen-poor blood
– Receiving blood from body carrying waste Carbon Dioxide
• Right Ventricle
– Valve divides the 2 chambers
– Pumping chambers
– Leaves heart through large vessel
– Pumps blood to Lungs
To the Lungs and Back
• Right ventricle pumps blood to lungs
– RBC drop off carbon dioxide (exhaled)
– RBC pick up oxygen (inhaled)
– RBC carry oxygen to body cells
– Hemoglobin + Oxygen = Oxygen-rich
blood (bright red)
– Oxygen-rich blood enters back into heart
• Left Atrium
Left Side
• Left Atrium – collecting chamber
– Oxygen-rich blood flows through valve
– Enters left ventricle
• Pumps blood throughout body
• Left side works abt 6x harder than right
Arteries: Pipeline from the Heart
• Carry blood away from the heat
• Aorta – largest blood vessel in the body
– Arteries branch out sending oxygen-rich blood
throughout the body and some back to the heart
– 3 layers
• Smooth inner layer (easy flow)
• Elastic middle layer (smooth muscle tissue)
contract/relax to move blood
• Outer layer (flexible connective tissue) stretch
and return to normal size with heartbeat
• Blood is sent to body location according to priority
– Eating, exercising, waste removal, repair
• Blood always goes to the brain
Capillaries: The Unseen Pipelines
• Thin walled vessels (RBC in single file)
• Blood’s work occurs here
– Remove oxygen and pick up waste
– Pass in and out of capillaries thin walls
– Blood becomes dark red (no oxygen)
Veins: Pipelines to the Heart
• Blood trickles capillaries →veins → heart
• Veins thicker that capillaries but thinner that
– One-way valves to prevent blood from
Blood – The River of Life
Blood – tiny particles floating in a fluid
Fluid tissue (1 of 2 in body: Lymph)
4 Components of Blood:
Floating particles:
– Red blood cells
– White blood cells
– Platelets
• Fluid portion:
– Plasma
• 90% water
• 10% - sugars, fats, salts, gases, plasma
– 3 Groups of Plasma Proteins
• Regulate amt of water entering & leaving
• Antibodies – special proteins to help fight
of diseases
• Blood clotting
• Plasma carries digested food, hormones and
waste products
Red Blood Cells
• Most numerous in body
– Look like tine berets
– Centers very thin, enabling them to bend in
order to move through capillaries
• Produced in bone marrow
• Contains a nucleus in early stages but then
shrinks as cell ages
– Very delicate & only live for abt 120 days
– Die at a rate of 2million/sec
– New rbc form at abt the same rate
– Old/dying rbc broken down in liver & spleen
• Spleen: aka “cemetery” of rbc
• Hemoglobin – iron-containing protein found
in rbc
– Build-up of hemoglobin forces out nucleus
– Oxygen binds with hemoglobin to be
carried throughout body
– Binds with carbon dioxide also
White Blood Cells
Larger than rbc and live longer (mths or yrs)
Developed in bone marrow
Keep nucleus
Main function to protect body from disease,
bacteria, viruses, etc
– Surround and digest invaders
– Make antibodies
– Produce special chemicals to fight
• Aid in the clotting of blood
• Platelets burst open when a cut occurs
producing the chemical Fibrin
– Act as a net, weaving a fiber across a cut
trapping plasma and cells
– Hardens and then clots (scab)
• Fragments of cells
– No nucleus, no color
– Break off from larger cells produced in
bone marrow
Blood Groups
• Transfusion – transferring of blood from 1
person to another
• Clumping chemicals – proteins on the outer
coats of rbc that react with different proteins
• A and B: proteins in red blood cells
• anti A and anti B: proteins in the plasma
– Named for their reaction to A & B
• 4 Basic Blood Groups
– AB
A people contain A protein
B people contain B protein
AB people contain A & B proteins
O people contain neither A or B proteins
Transfusions must be compatible
– Donor – person giving blood
– Recipient – person receiving blood
– Both tested to find out blood type
• anti A & anti B chemicals needed when wrong
blood type is not used or available in a
• O blood type contains A& B anti chemicals
– anti A causes rbc containing protein A to
clump together
– anti B causes rbc containing protein B to
clump together
• A blood receive A or O
• B blood receive B or O
• O blood only receive O
• AB blood receive A, B, AB & O
• Rh Blood Group
– 18 other proteins found on the surface of
– Found on rhesus monkeys
– Rh+: contain any 1 of the 18 proteins
– Rh-: do not contain any of the 18 proteins