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Study Guide Answers
3. a form of government in which citizens choose their leaders; citizenship was limited (not evevyone was a citizen)
4. Patricians were the oldest and wealthiest people in Rome; they held most public offices; they were the only ones who could perform religious
Plebians – were the poorer citizens of Rome; artisans, merchants, teachers, workers
Plebians could not marry Patricians
5. Rome took deliberate steps to protect its new republic.
Consuls – 2 consuls elected each year; each had to agree before laws could be passed; each could veto
the other
Senate – 300 members, chosen for life, handled the daily problem of Rome
Judges, Tribunes, Assemblies – protected the rights of the poor people
6. See #5: Advised consuls, handled problems with other countries, proposed laws, approved public contracts
7. conquer its neighbors, particularly the Etruscans
8. A Legion is a group of Roman soldiers; 5000 soldiers in each legion, could be subdivided into 60-120 soldiers (legionaries), could move easier
and faster than a phlanx
9. At first Rome did not enslave its conquered territories; However, after latifundias took over small independent farms from the Roman farmers,
slaves were needed to work the land. Reason – farmers had moved to the city
10. The 2nd Punic War was the most devastating for Rome. Hannibal and his troops left the Roman countryside in ruins after their 15 year “tour” of
the Italian peninsula. They burned and destroyed towns, villages, and farms. After the war, farmers could not afford to rebuild so they were forced
to sell to wealthy landowners (latifundias). Farmers moved to the city hoping to find jobs and start a new life. Because there were not enough jobs,
farmers found themselves in a desperate situation. They were forced into poor living standards in the city of Rome. A huge gap between the rich and
poor developed.
Poverty will force the people into political corruption. All citizens had the right to vote. Politicians used this to their advantage. They would buy
votes from poor citizens.
11. development of a navy
12. Rome won all three Punic Wars
1st – Rome developed a Navy; Peace agreement – divide the Med. Sea in half with an imaginary line;
everything to the north belonged to Rome; south of the line belonged to Carthage
2nd – The Roman countryside was devastated (thanks to Hannibal and his destruction)
3rd – Carthage was completely annihilated during the 3rd Punic War: city burned, crops destroyed,
people killed or enslaved
13. Hannibal took 40,000 soldiers and 37 war elephants through Spain and across the Swiss Alps. He entered Italy from the north.
14. a. the size and purpose of farms changed (from small farms to large latifundias) (started out growing food to feed families in Rome but after the
Punic Wars, large latifundias grew crops to make money) Wheat had to be imported from Sicily and northern Africa
15. Latifundias grew crops to make money. Wheat had little value.
16. At the beginning of Roman Expansion, Rome did not enslave people. However, after the second Punic War, Roman farmers were unable to fix
their farms so they sold out to latifundias. The large estates needed workers. Rome began to enslave conquered peoples to work on these large
17. Overcrowded living conditions, poor sanitary conditions, buildings easily caught fire and collapsed, disease, no jobs, no money (desperate)
18. Several Possible Answers!
Vargy blames Hannibal! See #10
Some historians blame Gaius Marius:
Gaius Marius was a Roman General. He was the 1st lower class person to be elected to high office. He was supported by poor and ex-soldiers. He
will set up professional army open to all. He offered pay to his soldiers: land, pensions, booty (things taken from the enemy in war). Soon, Marius’
soldiers developed a loyalty to him instead of the Republic. This will mark the beginning of conflicts within the Republic. Civil Wars will emerge as
a result.
19. Caesar, Pompey, Crassus
20. Octavian, Antony, Lepidus
21. Caesar and Pompey held different ideas on how to govern Rome. Although they joined together to form the First Triumvirate and Julius Caesar
allowed his daughter (Julia) to marry Pompey, they were rivals for power. When Pompey and Crassus were appointed as consuls, Julius Caesar
became angry. After Julia died (during childbirth) and Crassus was killed in battle, Pompey began to fear Julius Caesar desire for power. Pompey
encourage the senate to force Caesar to break up his troops. Word was sent to Caesar. Caesar controlled the territories north of the Rubicon River.
Once he crossed the Rubicon, the natural boundary of his governed territory, he would be declaring war on Rome. The quote “crossing the Rubicon”
has come to mean “the point of no return”. Pompey and his troops fled. Caesar battled Pompey’s troops at Pharsalus. Pompey’s troops were
defeated. Pompey, however, escaped to Egypt where he was killed as soon as he set foot on the beach.
22. Caesar was killed by 60 men, mostly Roman senators. They feared he would soon declare himself to be king. He was killed on March 15, 44
B.C. (The Ides of March)
23/24. Caesar went to Egypt for 2 reasons: to find Pompey who had fled after the Battle of Pharsalus; to settle squabble between Cleopatra and her
brother, Ptolemy before Egypt erupted into civil war (and destroyed much wheat). Julius Caesar and Cleopatra became involved in a love affair
resulting in the birth of a son, Caesarian. When Caesar returned to Rome, Cleopatra and her son stayed in an estate outside the city. After Caesar’s
death, she fled to Egypt. Caesarian was not named as Caesar’s heir; Octavian was the heir.
After forming the Second Triumvirate, Marc Anthony was forced to negotiate with Egypt. There he also fell in love and became involved in an affair
with Cleopatra. After returning to Rome, Octavian slyly offered his sister to Antony in marriage. If Antony refused he would lose the support of
Rome’s citizens; he he agreed he would lose Cleopatra. He decided to marry Octavia. Eventually (3 years) he was forced to return to Egypt to
negotiate a peace/trade. He and Cleopatra reconciled and planned their assault on Rome and Octavian. Octavian’s forces clashed with Antony’s and
Egypt’s forces in the Battle of Actium. Antony and Cleopatra were defeated. Both committed suicide.
25. With all that happened in Rome: Punic Wars, Civil Wars, Corruption – the Roman Republic was failing. After Octavian (who was now called
Caesar Augustus) defeated Marc Antony, he was declared the first emperor of Rome. His reign marked a 200 years peace known as the Pax Romana.