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Molecular Genetics
1. Which are the two main parts that make up a chromosome?
a. DNA and protein
b. DNA and RNA
c. RNA and phosphate
d. sugar and phosphate
2. Which base always base pairs with guanine?
a. adenine
b. cytosine
c. thymine
d. uracil
3. Which scientists discovered the double helix model of DNA?
a. Chargaff and Levene
b. Franklin and Wilkins
c. Hershey and Chase
d. Watson and Crick
4. Which is the function of the DNA helicase enzyme in the DNA replication process?
a. coils new DNA strands
b. joins DNA to RNA primer
c. matches nucleotide pairs
d. unwinds the double helix
5. Which defines a codon in DNA or mRNA?
a. pair of nucleic acid and sugar
b. pair of phosphate and sugar
c. three-base code
d. two-base code
6. The one-gene/one-enzyme hypothesis has been modified to refer to the fact that one gene codes for
a. carbohydrate.
b. nucleotide.
c. polypeptide.
d. protein.
7. Which type of mutation causes the DNA replication to stop early?
a. addition
b. deletion
c. frameshift mutation
d. nonsense mutation
8. Which explains how DNA strands fit inside of a cell?
a. DNA strands coil tightly around proteins called histones.
b. The average strand is only composed of 50-245 nucleotides.
c. The chromatin fibers of DNA are only three molecules thick.
d. The double helix shape of DNA greatly reduces its volume.
9. Which is the function of the enzyme DNA polymerase during replication?
a. bonds mRNA to original parent strand
b. bonds new nucleotides to parent strand
c. unwinds the replicated DNA strand
d. winds up the replicated DNA strand
10. Which is the central dogma of biology?
a. DNA codes for RNA, which guides enzyme synthesis.
b. DNA codes for RNA, which guides protein synthesis.
c. RNA codes for DNA, which guides enzyme synthesis.
d. RNA codes for DNA, which guides protein synthesis.
1. During replication, the bonding of a nucleotide to a parent strand is catalyzed by ____________.
2. The synthesis of mRNA from DNA is called ____________.
3. The process of the mRNA connecting to a ribosome and reading the code to produce a protein is called
4. A type of mutation that is a chemical change in just one base pair is called a(n) ______________.
ANS: point mutation
5. During replication, the double helix is unwound by the ______________.
6. A strand containing ribose and uracil is called ________________.
7. Histidine, which contains the base sequence cytosine-adenine-cytosine, is an example of a(n)
1. Identify the nucleotide structures base, phosphate, and sugar labeled A-C in Figure 1.
2. Describe the ladder-like structure of a DNA molecule.
3. Define the central dogma of biology.
4. Infer how the disruption of the transcription process would affect a bacterium’s ability to make
5. A newspaper article describes a mutated strain of bacteria that cannot be killed by drugs such as
antibiotics. Explain how this mutation occurred.
6. Describe the structure of a DNA molecule.
7. Infer why the central dogma of biology was based on Watson and Crick’s discovery.
8. Contrast RNA and DNA.
9. Infer why mutations always begin at a cellular level in an organism.
10. Infer why the federal government sets maximum limits on the amounts of chemicals that are in drinking
water. Include the term mutagens in your answer.
11. Identify the nucleotide base found only in DNA and the base found only in RNA.
12. Contrast prokaryotic DNA and eukaryotic DNA.
13. Describe the functions of the three types of RNA.
14. Differentiate between transcription and translation.