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Marine Chapter 3, Death by firey doom of eternal slow goo mushing.
Multiple Choice
Identify the choice that best completes the statement or answers the question.
1. What evidence did James Hutton use to discount
a. layers that are separated. b. the mass per unit
the biblical account of the Creation of Earth?
of volume. c. the weight of a substance. d. the
a. The erosion rates of streambeds b. The patterns
speed at which a liquid moves.
of rocks found in the countryside c. The
10. What was not an invention rendered by the Chinese
distribution of sediments in rivers d. All of these
to facilitate their ocean voyages?
a. Chronometer b. Compass c. Central rudder
2. What caused Earth to partially melt when being
system d. Watertight compartments
11. How much lithosphere is submerged into the
a. Accumulation of decaying radioactive elements
b. Impact of asteroids, comets, and debris
a. 90% b. 30% c. 70% d. 10%
c. Gravitational compression d. A combination of
all of these choices
12. What keeps Earth's asthenosphere pliable?
a. Insulation from the lithosphere b. Earth's
3. Who determined that S waves were unable to
internal heat c. Chemical composition of the
survive deep passage through the Earth's interior?
asthenosphere d. The density of the
a. Richard Oldham b. Francis Bacon c. Alfred
Wegener d. Inge Lehmann
13. What process involves the radiation of internal heat
4. Who set out to explore worldwide wind and current
to the surface?
patterns for commercial and naval purposes?
a. Radioactive decay b. Conduction
a. Matthew Maury b. Tim Folger c. Benjamin
c. Convection d. Combustion
Franklin d. Charles Wilkes
14. If P and S waves were to travel at the same constant
5. What substance was able to show previous
speeds, what could be inferred about the Earth's
orientations of Earth's magnetic field?
a. Magnetite b. Magma c. Basalt
a. The interior is homogenous. b. The interior is
d. Magnesium
liquid. c. The interior is density stratified.
6. What motivated Europeans to explore during the
d. None of these choices
Age of Discovery?
15. Since the Earth has density stratified layers, which
a. Food sources b. Just to explore c. Possible
layer would be the densest?
commerce d. Empire expansion
a. The crust b. The outer core c. The inner core
7. What characteristic is associated with convergent
d. The mantle
plate boundaries?
16. How much of the Earth's water is found in the
a. Spreading zones b. Solidification of crust
materials c. Violent geological activity d. New
a. 97% b. 67% c. 71% d. 3%
crust formation
17. What was the first evidence that suggested the
8. Why is biosynthesis unlikely to occur today as it
Earth's crust might be broken into pieces?
did in Earth's youth?
a. Plotting of deep earthquakes in the Pacific Ring
a. There is less available oxygen in the atmosphere
of Fire b. Radiometric dating c. Radioactive
b. Living organisms have altered oceanic and
decay d. Echo soundings aboard the Meteor
atmospheric conditions c. Ozone is less
protective from the sun's influence d. All of these
18. What is the name given to Earth's cool, rigid outer
choices are true
layer based on physical properties?
a. Lithosphere b. Troposphere c. Core
9. Density is defined as:
d. Asthenosphere
19. What is an ophiolite a result of?
a. Divergent plate boundaries b. Portions of
continental crust squeezed and sheared onto the
face of the continent c. Continent to continent
convergent boundaries d. Parts of oceanic crust
obducted onto the edges of continents
20. What hindered the acceptance of the continental
drift theory?
a. There was no evidence of tropical plants ever
existing in currently cold areas. b. The general
shape of the continents. c. The explanation of
centrifugal effect as the driving force behind the
continents moving. d. The discovery of similar
fossils found on different continents.
21. What process intensified arguments about Earth's
age because it would require long periods of time to
a. Biblical creation b. Uniformitarianism
c. Catastrophism d. Natural Selection
22. What specifically describes the balance between the
lithosphere floating atop the asthenosphere?
a. Isostatic equilibrium b. Density stratification
c. Buoyancy d. None of these choices
23. A(n) ____ is a test involving manipulations made
on conditions of a particular observation.
a. experiment b. hypothesis c. scientific
method d. theory
24. A(n) ____ is a very large column of superheated
mantle that originates at the boundary of the core
and mantle.
a. Volcano b. Plume c. Asthenosphere
d. Ridge
25. What type of plate boundary would continental
volcanoes like the Cascade Mountains in the
western United States be associated with?
a. Transform plate boundaries b. Convergent
plate boundaries c. Divergent plate boundaries
d. All of these choices
26. What is considered to be the densest type of crust?
a. Basalt b. Continental crust c. Granite
d. None of these choices
27. Who was responsible for the theory of continental
a. Sir Ernest Shackleton b. Alfred Wegener
c. Antonio Snider-Pellegrini d. Francis Bacon
28. Since the formation of our ocean, Earth has made
approximately ____ orbits around the galaxy.
a. 280 b. 20 c. 42 d. 230
29. Paleomagnetic data has been used to:
a. reconstruct continents b. measure spreading
rates. c. calibrate the geological time scale.
d. All of these choices has been determined by
paleomagnetic data.
30. Who led a fleet of at least 317 during the dark ages?
a. Christopher Columbus b. Admiral Zheng He
c. Bjarni Herjulfsson d. Prince Henry
31. When two oceanic plates converge what determines
which crust will submerge?
a. The temperature of the crust b. The age of the
crust c. The density of the crust d. All of these
32. What is not a factor that separates the
asthenosphere and the lower mantle into two
distinct layers?
a. Pressure b. Chemical composition c. Density
d. Temperature
33. Whose expedition was able to prove
circumnavigation of the globe was possible?
a. Matthew Murray b. Ferdinand Magellan
c. Christopher Columbus d. Captain James Cook
34. What type of wave causes the most damage to
property during an earthquake?
a. Surface waves b. Secondary waves c. Body
waves d. Primary waves
35. What prevents the subduction of terranes?
a. The compression of continental crusts b. The
low density c. The relative thin layer of crusts
d. The proximity from plate boundaries
36. What process accounts for the layers found in
a. Plate tectonics b. Accretion c. Density
stratification d. None of these choices
37. What did Harry Hess and Robert Dietz suggest the
cause of the continents moving was?
a. Conduction b. Radioactive decay
c. Convection currents d. None of these choices
38. Why do transform faults form?
a. They form as results of secondary seismic waves.
b. They form due to remnants of convergent
boundaries. c. They form because the axis of
seafloor spreading across the surface of the Earth
cannot follow a straight line smoothly. d. They
form due to lithospheric plate subduction zones.
39. Primary waves travel ____ as fast as secondary
a. three times b. half c. at the same speed
d. twice
40. What allowed scientists to confirm their theories
that the Earth's interior had layers?
Indicate whether the statement is true or false.
43. Paleomagnetism was the confirmation needed to
show historical plate movements.
44. The mantle is the largest layer in terms of mass and
45. Earthquakes are generated by two types of low
frequency waves.
46. The spreading ridges are almost devoid of free
sediment especially compared to basins.
47. The rate of convergence and divergence is
approximately the same worldwide.
48. Hot spots always occur at plate boundaries.
49. Transform plate boundaries are not involved in the
creation or destruction of crust, rather the plates just
move past one another.
50. The Earth's core only effects S wave behavior
a. A large earthquake that occurred in Alaska
b. A system of 800 seismic stations placed
worldwide c. The correlation between intensity,
frequency, and characteristics of waves d. All of
these choices
41. Which Library of Alexandria librarian is
responsible for the development of the longitude
and latitude system?
a. Claudius Ptolemy b. Hipparchus c. Hypatia
d. Eratosthenes
42. The sustained heat within the Earth's interior is
attributed to:
a. Conduction b. Radioactive Decay
c. Isostatic Equilibrium d. Convection