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The Renaissance
Desiderius Erasmus
Aldus Manutius
Pico della Mirandola
Chapter 1 – A New Dawn
• Patron – a wealthy person who supports
an artist
• Humanities – history, languages, and
• “Rebirth”
• Great achievements in literature,
philosophy, education, architecture,
sculpture, and painting
• Began in Italy, 1350 – 1550
• Began with rediscovery of old manuscripts
Important People
Leonardo da Vinci
Why Italy?
• 1. Center of the ancient Roman empire
• 2. central location for business and trading
– Peninsula in Mediterranean Sea
– Perfect place for trading
• 3. No central government
- divided into city-states
4. New merchant class
- merchants became wealthy from the trade
business; became patrons of the arts
5. Members of merchant class gave sons an
- created jobs for humanists as tutors or
teachers; spread the love of humanities
Important Invention
• Printing press; made in Germany around
1450 by Johannes Gutenberg
• Allowed numerous copies of the same
written work to be produced quickly and
Chapter 2 – From Artisan to Artist
• Mason – a person who builds or works
with brick or stone
• Apothecary – a druggist or pharmacist
Change of Status
• During Renaissance, status of artists
changed dramatically
• Artists became more respected; before
were put in class with bakers and
• Patrons paid for artist to create art only for
their family
• Renaissance was a self-conscious age
– Artists and patrons interested in themselves,
social standing, and own personality
Portrait Painting
• Emphasis on realism (realistic detail)
– Exact appearance of people, distinct facial
expressions, dramatic
Natural World
• Brunelleschi rediscovered perspective
– technique that allows artists to show objects
as they appear at various distances from the
viewer, with distant objects shown smaller
and nearby objects larger
Chapter 3
The Cradle of the Renaissance
• Located on flatland alongside the River Arno,
which gave access to the Mediterranean Sea
• Accessible through a number of mountain
• During Renaissance, larger, richer, and more
politically stable than other city-states
• Powerful merchant class
• Best known in history for its painters,
sculptors, architects, and scholars
• Became intellectual center where political
and artistic ideas could grow and flourish
Wool and Banking
• Florence’s wealth was dependent on wool
and banking
• Considered itself a republic, power was in
the hands of the ruling class of citizens,
merchant class
Powerful Family
• Banking made some merchants as rich
and powerful as the nobility
• Bankers and merchants became patrons
of the arts
• Most powerful family, Medici
– Wool merchants who also had a banking
business; branches in Italian cities and other
European cities
– Moneylenders to the pope, the Christian
leader in Europe
– Cosimo and grandson, Lorenzo, most famous
and both were patrons of the arts
• Asked by Cosimo, Brunelleschi’s most
important work was cathedral in Florence,
Chapter 4
Rome and the Renaissance
• Fresco – a painting made on fresh, moist
plaster with color pigments dissolved in
• Basilica – a Christian church building,
often in the shape of a cross
Vatican City, Italy
St. Peter’s Basilica
The Pope
• Pope’s responsibility to lead the Christian
• Managed the largest organization in
Europe – the Roman Catholic Church
• Ruled the 2nd largest kingdom in Italy,
Vatican was the center (Rome)
• Pope Nicholas V credited for bringing
Renaissance thinking to Rome
St. Peter’s Basilica
• Building began 1506, finished 1626
• One of the most beautiful and remarkable
buildings in the world
• Michelangelo and Raphael contributed
• To fund the construction, Leo X,
Lorenzo’s son, promised spiritual benefits
which led to the Protestant Reformation
Chapter 5
Venice: Jewel of the
• a shallow body of water, especially one
separated from a larger body of water by a
sandbar or reef
– lagoon
Glittering City
• Venice built on 117 small islands
• 150 canals connected by more than 400
• Buildings rested on pillars driven into mud
• Safe from attack
• Built wealth on trade
• Goal – carry out trading without
interference, not gaining territories
• Industries: glass, textiles, jewelry
• Defended by strong navy; building ships
largest industry of time
Republican Government
• City-state
• Head of government – doge Latin word for
“leader”; chosen for life by Greater
• Real power in hands of Council
• Venice relied on displaced scholars, most
from Constantinople
Decline of Venice
• Turks challenged trade in Mediterranean
• Newly discovered sea routes would turn
trade away from Mediterranean Sea
• Would lose trade dominance
Chapter 6
Leonardo da Vinci
• Someone who agreed to live with and
work for another for a specified period, in
return for instruction in a trade or craft
– Apprentice
the person, or officer, in charge of a priory or
da Vinci
• 1452 – 1519, died at the age of 67
• “jack-of-all-trades” – sculptor,
painter, designer, and scientist
• Spent time as an apprentice
for 5 years before opening
own workshop
Master of Trades
• Sent resume to Duke of Milan
• spent 3 years painting The Last Supper on
the dining room wall of a monastery
• Designs:
device to study solar eclipse
model city
musical instruments
mathematical drawings
Beyond Milan
• Mona Lisa, most famous painting
– wife of wealthy Florentine citizen
– Use of light and shade
– Attention to detail
– Invented landscape
– “What was she thinking?”
• Renaissance Man – one who is highly
skilled and has broad interests in many or
all of the arts and sciences
Chapter 7
Staring at the Ceiling
• 1475-1564, died at the age of 89
• Thought of himself as sculptor, but was a
talented painter
• Spent 1 year as apprentice learning to mix
paints, create frescoes, and draw with
• Studied Medicis’ collection of Greek and
Roman statues
To Rome
• Created 1st major work in Rome, Pieta,
statue of Mary holding and nurturing dead
son, Jesus
• Awe-inspiring statue of David, who killed
giant Goliath
Sistine Chapel
• Appointed by Pope Julius II to paint ceiling
• Took 4 years, 300 figures, some 18 feet
high, 118 feet long and 46 feet wide
• Scenes from Old Testament
• Most famous work
The Path to the Sistine Chapel
Last Project
• Last Judgment painted on Sistine Chapel
• Work of great power; Jesus cursing the
sinners and welcoming the blessed, brown
and orange colors, expressions and
movements, gloomy feeling
Chapter 8
Two “How-To” Men
• Incapable of error; certain
– infallible
Baldassare Castiglione
• Author of The Courtier – meant to define
the role of a gentleman
• He served as a soldier and diplomat for
Duke Urbino
• The book was a series of conversations on
what made men & women proper
gentlemen & ladies
Niccolo Machiavelli
• Diplomat of Florence government
• Interested in how rulers gained and kept
• He wrote The Prince that is considered the
1st book of modern political science
• He advised princes to be powerful, but
willing to break rules
Chapter 9
The Renaissance in
Northern Europe
• Chateau
– A French castle, or large country house
Spread of Ideas
• Translation of the printed word one way
Renaissance ideas and values spread
• Italian artists traveling to other countries
• Visitors to Renaissance Italy took home
the respect
• Invading armies were influenced
• Factors that made Italy the center of the
– 1. closeness of Roman ruins
– 2. geography and economic condition of citystates
– 3. rise of merchants and patrons
– 4. reform of education
Northern and Western Europe
Developed well organized central governments
Center of trade shifted to Atlantic Ocean
Royal courts supported young artists
New, wealthy merchant class became patrons of
art and learning
Renaissance in England
• Reached height in late 16th and early 17th
• Writers more than artists
• William Shakespeare
– Used pen and paper to capture personality
– He was a Renaissance man because he
wrote comedies, tragedies, histories,
romances, and poems
Renaissance Spain
• Miguel de Cervantes writer of Don Quixote
• Don Quixote is a hero with a noble heart,
but does foolish things as he tries to
imitate the brave knights he has read
• Began in Italy
– Enthusiasm for the classical past as a source
of inspiration
– An interest in portraying the natural world
– A fascination with the individual
– An appreciation for artists and their work