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The Puzzle of Life’s Diversity, Ch 15
Voyage of the Beagle
–In 1831, Darwin set sail from England aboard the ___________________ for a voyage around the world.
–Darwin went ashore and collected ____________ and ________________ _______________ for his collection
and filled many notebooks with his ____________________ and thoughts.
–During his travels, Darwin made numerous observations and collected evidence that led him to propose a
hypothesis about the way life changes over time.
-That __________________ has become the _________________________________.
- Evolution is the process by which _____________________ have descended from _________________.
–A ______________________________ is a well-supported testable explanation of phenomena that have
occurred in the ________________________________.
Darwin’s Observations
–Darwin observed that many plants and animals were ________________________ to the environments they
–He was impressed by the ways in which organisms __________________ and _________________________.
–Darwin was puzzled by where different species lived and did not live.
Ideas that Shaped Darwin’s Ideas
1. ____________________
–During the 18th and 19th centuries, ____________________________________________ gathered information
suggesting: Earth is VERY old, and the processes that changed the earth in the past are the same processes
that operate in the present (_____________________________).
This understanding of geology influenced Darwin:
–If the Earth could change over time, life might change as well.
–It would have taken many years for life to change in the way Lyell suggested.
This would have been possible only if the ____________________________________.
2. ____________________________________________________________
Jean-Baptiste Lamarck (1744-1829) recognized that:
–_________________________ have changed over time.
–all species were ___________________ from other species.
–organisms were __________________ to their environments.
Lamarck’s Assumptions
a. ________________________________- organisms change because they “want” to better themselves
Example: ____________________________________________________________________________
b. _______________________________: organisms could alter their appearance by using them or not using
c. ________________________________: if an animal acquired a trait during their lifetime, they could pass on
that trait to their children
Example: ____________________________________________________________________________
–Lamarck’s hypotheses of evolution are incorrect in several ways.
Lamarck did not know:
–how traits are _________________________.
–that an organism’s behavior has no effect on its ______________________________.
3. _______________________________________:
–In 1798, ______________________________ published a book in which he noted that babies were being born
faster than people were dying.
–The only forces he observed that worked against this growth were ____________________________________
–Malthus reasoned that if the human population continued to grow unchecked, sooner or later there would be
______________________________________ and ___________ for everyone.
–When Darwin read Malthus’s work, he realized that this reasoning applied to plants and animals.
Natural Selection and Evidence for Evolution, Ch15
Publication of On the Origin of Species
 In ____________, Darwin published his book, On the Origin of Species. In his book, Darwin:
o Proposed a ________________ for evolution called natural selection.
o Presented _________________that evolution has been taking place for __________________ of
years and continues in all living things.
Inherited Variation and Artificial Selection
 Members of each species ___________ from one another in important ways.
 In Darwin’s day, __________________ were thought to be unimportant, minor __________.
 Darwin noted that plant and animal breeders would breed only the largest hogs, the fastest horses, or the
cows that produced the most milk.
 Darwin termed this process _______________________ ______________________.
Evolution by Natural Selection
 Darwin compared processes in ________________ to artificial selection.
 He developed a scientific _________________ to explain ______ evolution occurs.
 Darwin realized that high ____________ rates and a ________________ of life's basic needs would force
organisms to __________________ for resources.
 The ____________________________________________ means that members of each species
compete regularly to obtain food, living space, and other necessities of life.
Survival of the Fittest
 The ability of an individual to survive and reproduce in its specific environment is ________________.
 Darwin proposed that fitness is the result of _______________________.
 Individuals with characteristics that are not well suited to their environment either _____________ or leave
few _____________________.
 Individuals that are better suited to their environment _________________ and ____________________
 Darwin called this process ____________________________________________.
 Because of its similarities to artificial selection, Darwin referred to the survival of the fittest
 In natural selection, ___________________________________________________________________.
Summary of Darwin’s Theory
1. There is _______________ among populations.
 Variations are ____________________ and passed from parent to offspring
2. Some variations are ___________________- favorable variations improve the ability to function.
3. Not all young produced in each generation can __________________.
4. Individuals that survive and reproduce are those with ______________________________.
Evidence of Evolution
1. ______________________________
 Darwin saw fossils as a _____________________ of the history of life on Earth.
 By comparing fossils from _______________ rock layers with fossils from ______________________
layers, scientists could document that life on Earth has _____________________ ________ _________.
2. ______________________________
 Structures that have different mature forms but develop from the same ______________________ tissues
are called ___________________________________.
 Similarities and differences in homologous structures help biologists __________________ animals
according to how recently they last shared a common ____________________________.
 The organs of many animals are so reduced in size that they are just vestiges, or traces, of homologous
organs in other species. These organs are called _________________________________________.
3. _________________________________
 The early stages, or ________________, of many animals with ____________________ are very similar.
 The same groups of embryonic ________________ develop in the same ___________________ and in
similar ______________________________ to produce the tissues and organs of all vertebrates.
4. _________________________________
 ____________________ is a protein involved in using energy in the cell. Over time, _________________
in the DNA sequence occur. As a result, the amino acid sequence of Cytochrome C also changes.
 _____________- branching diagram showing relationship of animals based on shared anatomical features
Evolution of Populations, Ch 16
Where do variations come from? _______________________ and _______________________
Natural Selection and Populations
______________gene traits- controlled by 1 gene.
______________ trait- controlled by 2 or more genes.
-______________________________: those at _________________________________________________
-______________________________: those at _________________________________________________
-______________________________: those at _________________________________________________
- Natural selection and chance events can change the relative ____________ of alleles in a ____________ and
lead to speciation. ______________________ is the formation of new species.
-A _________ is a group of organisms that breed with one another and produce ___________ _____________.
What factors are involved in the formation of a new species?
-The ________ __________ of two populations must become ______________ for them to become new species.
Reproductive isolation- When members of the two populations can’t breed with each other and produce fertile
offspring, ___________________ ______________ has occurred
Isolating Mechanisms: How can reproductive isolation occur?
1. ______________ ______________: when two populations are capable of interbreeding, but have differences
in courtship rituals or other reproductive behaviors. Ex: Meadow Larks...
2. _______________ _______________: two populations are separated by _______________ ____________,
like rivers, mountains, or bodies of water. Ex: Grand Canyon Squirrels
3. ___________ _____________: when two or more species reproduce at ____________ __________ (ie.
different months or seasons). Ex: Leopard Frog, American Bullfrog
Genetic Drift- ______________________ in allele frequency that occurs in ___________ populations.
1. ________________________- new population started by a small group, that can skew the gene pool.
2. ________________________- when a large population is reduced by disaster, leading to loss of variation
Patterns of Evolution
1) Mass Extinction
Causes of Mass Extinction:
- _________________________- rapid changes in early weather patterns, ex: Ice age
-_________________________- sudden oozing of millions of cubic meters of lava, releasing poisonous gasses
-_________________________- Meteors or asteroids impacting the earth.
2) Adaptive Radiation:_______________________________________________________________________
3) Convergent Evolution:_____________________________________________________________________
4) Coevolution:_____________________________________________________________________________
5) Punctuated equilibrium:_____________________________________________________________________
2) Gradualism:_____________________________________________________________________________
Strata- ___________________________________________________________________________________
Geologic Time- ____________________________________________________________________________
There are four eras:
Precambrian (______ billion- ______ million years ago)
Paleozoic (__________________ million years ago)
Mesozoic (____________________ million years ago)
Cenozoic (____________________________________)