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Reproduction Review
1. What are two functions of the testes? Produce sperm and testosterone
2. What are the components of semen and what purpose does each serve? Sperm – one will potentially fertilize
the egg; fructose – energy for the sperm; proteins – causes semen to clump; prostaglandins – causes
rhythmic contractions in the uterus to help move the sperm; alkaline buffer – protect from residual urine and
the vaginal acid; mucus – protection from urine residue, aid in sperm movement, and hinders other sperm.
3. Describe the structure of a human sperm. Head (acrosome, nucleus, very little cytosol, mitochondria) and a
tail (flagellum).
4. What is the function of the sperm's flagellum? Whip-like movement to allow the sperm to swim.
5. Why do sperm require mitochondria? They need obtain the energy stored in fructose so power their
6. From where do these mitochondria obtain fuel? Fructose
7. Through which opening do sperm leave the male body? Urethra
8. What hormone stimulates the testes to produce sperm? FSH
9. Which female structure is analogous to the male testes? Ovaries
10. Which female structure is analogous to the male vas deferens? Oviducts
11. Write the following structures in the order in which a sperm travels through them
a) epididymis (2) (b) testes (1) (c) urethra (4) (d) vas deferens (3)
12. Explain the function of each of the following
a) Sertoli cells – sperm production; hormones released to regulate hypothalamus and pituitary.(b) seminiferous
tubules – lined with sertoli cells (c) epididymis – location of sperm maturation and completion (gain motility);
temporary storage of sperm.
13. Describe the effects of testosterone in males. *See details in notes*
14. It is important that only one sperm fertilize an egg. What would be the result if multiple sperm fertilized a
single egg? Too much DNA
15. Sometimes physical trauma to the mother can affect the fetus. How would partial detachment of the placenta
from the endometrium affect the fetus? Bleeding; fetal distress (inefficient gas, nutrient, and waste
16. What structure attaches the embryo to the placenta? Umbilical cord
17. Where does fertilization occur? Oviducts
18. a) An egg is released from what organ? Ovary (b) From what specific structure within that organ? Follicle
19. The other name for the female's Fallopian tubes are…… oviducts
20. What is the fertile period during the menstrual cycle……ovulation (approx. 14 days after menstruation
begins) and post ovulation up until a few days before menstruation begins again.
21. The time when adult females stop their menstrual cycle is called…..menopause
22. Which of the two reproductive hormones is highest at the time of ovulation? LH
23. About how often is an ovum produced? One per menstrual cycle (once per month)
24. Describe the events associated with the flow phase, follicular phase, and luteal phase of the menstrual cycle.
Flow phase – endometrium is shed; follicular phase – follicle develops in the ovary, which produces estrogen.
The estrogen thickens the endometrium and triggers secondary sex characteristics; luteal phase – corpus
luteum develops and matures. Follicle is gone so estrogen levels drop slightly. The corpus luteum estrogen
and progesterone which thickens the endometrial lining, strengthens the uterus, prevents further ovulation,
prevents uterine contractions.
25. Which hormone stimulates the development of follicles? FSH
26. What causes the follicle to burst and ovulation to occur? Surge of LH – estrogen stimulated the anterior
pituitary to produce more.
27. What happens to the corpus luteum if fertilization occurs? It is maintained by HCG for three months postfertilization, up until the placenta is fully developed.
28. What occurs when the production of estrogen and progesterone drop? Menstruation is triggered
29. What if pregnancy does not occur? Progesterone and estrogen levels drop, menstruation begins.
30. How does an embryo get oxygen? Gas exchange from maternal blood through the placenta
31. Before birth of a male fetus, the testes descend from the abdominal cavity into the scrotum. Explain why
testes that fail to descend cannot produce sperm. The testes are not at the optimum temperature for sperm
production (too warm)
32. Why does menstruation not occur if the ovum is fertilized? The corpus luteum is maintained by the HCG that
the developing fetus releases, therefore the estrogen and progesterone levels are maintained and
menstruation is postponed.
33. Identify the functions of estrogen in the menstrual cycle and in the birth process. Menstrual cycle – 1.
Feeds back to inhibit FSH and promote LH release, 2. Feeds back to inhibit FSH and LH production; Birth –
triggers sensitivity to oxytoxin.
34. Suppose a woman's oviducts were blocked. Would she produce ova? Could she become pregnant? Ova would be
produced but she could not become pregnant because the sperm would not be able to pass through the
35. What would happen if the corpus luteum disintegrated after an ovulation that resulted in a pregnancy?
Progesterone and estrogen levels would drop and the endometrial lining would be shed, resulting in a
36. Explain how negative feedback works to regulate the level of FSH during the menstrual cycle. Estrogen,
produced by the developing follicle, feeds back to inhibit FSH production. After ovulation, the corpus
luteum then produces estrogen and progesterone which feed back to inhibit FSH and LH production.
37. What hormone level is increased during the last weeks of pregnancy, sparking the first contractions? oxytoxin
38. How would oxytocin injections affect labor? Labor would be induced.