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Guided Note Sheet: Flipped Genetics Notes
What is the Driving Question behind Genetics?
Genotype –
Phenotype –
Examples of Phenotype:
How does the cell’s DNA determine the phenotype of an organism?
What does DNA stand for, and what is the function of DNA?
Molecular Components of DNA
4 ________________________ called ______________________, ______________________,
__________________________ and ___________________________.
A, T, C, and G are connected to a ______________________________ and
__________________________________ snaps the rungs of the ladder together creating a single
of DNA.
What holds the two sides of the double helix together?
What determines what type of gene you have?
Okay that’s just one side of the helix and DNA is a double helix. What is the other strand if there is
only one coding strand in the double helix?
What are the rules for pairing Nucleobases?
Write in the complimentary strand beneath the coding strand: A T C G T A C
How is DNA stored within the cell?
Each person has ___________________________________________________________________________.
What is found on each chromosome?
How many copies of every chromosome do you get?
The above results in you getting ….
How did you get each of your chromosomes?
What is a Karyotype?
How do we have variation in phenotypes and genotypes?