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Plant Science
Essential Standard 3.00: Understand the plant industry
Objective 3.01 - Remember careers in the plant industry.
Major Plant Science Industries:
 The science and art of producing, processing, marketing and distributing
plants grown for their appearance or beauty
 Examples
o Flowers
o Shrubs
o Trees
o Grasses
o Interior plants
 The science and art of producing, processing, marketing and distributing
fruits and vegetables
 Examples:
o Blueberries
o Apples
o Peaches
o Strawberries
o Tomatoes
o Cucumbers
o Sweet corn
o Squash
o Sweet potatoes
o Agronomy
 The science
 Examples
o Wheat
o Barley
o Field corn
o Soybeans
o Cotton
Examples of Ornamental Horticulture Careers
 designs and arranges cut flowers
o Groundskeeper
o Landscape
 a professional trained in the art and science of
o Golf Course Superintendent
 manages the
o Nursery Operator
 manages a business that grows and sells greenhouse plants
o Gardener
 a person who grows and maintains plants
o Landscape
 a person licensed to install landscapes based on passing certification
Examples of Fruit and Vegetable Careers
 grows and sells vegetables for the fresh, wholesale and retail markets
 manages retail produce departments of
 manages the production of wines
Examples of Agronomy Careers
 a specialist in soil and crop sciences
o Forage Manager
o Federal grain Inspector
 Federal employee that inspects harvested grain crops
Examples of General Plant Science Careers
o Plant Physiologist
 person who studies plant
o Plant
 person who develops new plants through, selection, hybridization, etc
o Plant Propagator
 a person who
 a person who studies insects
Objective 3.03 - Understand basic horticultural (ornamental, fruit and vegetable) and agronomic
principles and practices.
Type of Plant Growing Media
o Soil is the top layer of the Earth’s surface and is the
 Topsoil
 Subsoil
 Parent material
Type of Plant Growing Media
 used for encouraging root growth under certain conditions
 consists of partial decomposed mosses in waterlogged areas called bogs
o What’s the difference?
volcanic glass material
mineral- type mica
used for starting new plants and in media mixes
Amending the Plant Growing Media
o Add
o Specific nutrients
 Improper pH will
 measure of the degree of acidity or alkalinity
o Changing Soil pH
 high alkalinity are made more acidic (
or aluminum sulfate
 high acidic level is made more alkaline (
 finely ground dolomitic limestone
 supplies both Ca (calcium) and Mg (magnesium)
) by
) by
o Complete fertilizer
 N(
 P(
 K(
o Incomplete fertilizer
 Missing one of the three primary nutrients
o Organic fertilizers
 made with plant or animal products
 Bone meal (high in phosphorus)
 Blood meal
 lacking in the other primary nutrients (except bone meal)
o Inorganic fertilizers
 higher analysis of soluble nutrients
Fertilizer Application
 evenly spreading over the
surface of a lawn or other growing
 placing fertilizer in bands about 8” from the row of growing plants
 spraying of liquid fertilizer directly onto the
Principle Parts of Plants
o Roots
 Generally two types
 Function
 anchor the plant
 take in water and nutrients
o Transport in Plant
 Carries water and nutrients to the upper portion of the plant
 Pipeline
 Carries food to the roots
 Food is stored in the roots
o Two basic types of aboveground stems
o Supports other plant parts
o Water and nutrients are carried up to the leaves
o Sugar made in the leaves is transported down to the roots
for the plant by using light
energy (
o The chemical equation for photosynthesis is:
light energy
6 CO2 + 6 H2O =
C6H1206 + 6 02
o Photosynthesis
 Slowing Photosynthesis
 Low Carbon dioxide
o Greenhouse
o Carbon dioxide generators
 Low Light
o Light intensity matters
 Temperature
o Extreme temps can stop photosynthesis
Leaves are very useful in
plants and vary greatly
 leaf margin (edge), shape and arrangement are all important in
plant identification
o The primary function is the
o Male flower part is the
(anther, filament)
o Female part is the
(stigma, style, ovary).
o Can be male, female or both
o Petals attract insects to aid in pollination
 Pollination
o The ovary (lower part of the pistil) of a flower matures into a fruit that surrounds
the seeds
o The seed has 3 basic parts:
- protection for the seed
– food for the seed
– baby plant
Common Plant Science Skills
o Can be done by hand or machine
Example: a seedling tomato from a cell pack in the greenhouse into a
home garden
 is the use of
for reproducing plants
 only way to obtain new varieties and hybrid vigor
 Asexual (
 use of a part or parts of a plant for reproducing plants
 results in an
of the parent
o Examples
 Vegetative parts that the parent plant uses to regenerate itself.
are often applied to
speed up the development of roots
 A method of dividing or separating the main part of a plant into
smaller parts
 Grafting
 Tissue culture
 use of a very small piece of a plant (
) to produce a
large number of new genetically identical plants
Objective 3.04 - Remember tools and their safety practices related to the plant industry.
Plant Science Related Tool Safety Concepts
o Choosing the right tool for a job
o Caring for tools and keeping them in
 promote safety in the shop and workplace
Plant Science Related Tools
 planting and transplanting bulbs
o Grafting tool
o Hose bib
for attaching a water hose and turning water
supply on and off
 Cutting large branches when pruning shrubbery.
o Pruning saw
 cutting and shaping shrubbery
o Hedge shears
o Soil auger
into soil to get samples
 determining soil temperatures
o Soil tube
o Water breaker