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Details of Approved Courses For Mphil/Ms, Mphil Leading To Phd And Phd Programs
Phys 571
Quantum Mechanics-I
Waves and Particles, Introduction to the Fundamental Concepts of Quantum Mechanics, The
Mathematical Tools of Quantum Mechanics, The Postulates of Quantum Mechanics. Application
of the Postulates to Simple Cases, Spin ½ and two levels systems, The One Dimensional
Harmonic Oscillator, General Properties of Angular Momentum in Quantum Mechanics, Particle
in a central potential: The hydrogen atom
Text Book: Quantum Mechnics (Vol. 1) by Cohen Tannondjj (John-Wiley and Sons Inc.
latest edition).
Recommended Books:
1. Quantum Mechanics by Dirac, P. A. M (Oxford University Press)
2. Advanced Quantum Mechanics by (Sakurai J. J ,Addison-Wesley)
Phys 581
Quantum Mechanics-II
An Elementary Approach to the Quantum Theory of Scattering by a Potential, Electron Spin,
Addition of Angular Momenta, Stationary perturbation theory, An application of perturbation
theory: the fine and hyperfine structure of the hydrogen atom, Approximation methods for timedependent problems, System of identical particles
Text Book: Quantum Mechnics by Cohen Tannondjj (John-Wiley and Sons Inc. latest
Recommended Books:
1. Quantum Mechanics by Dirac, P. A. M (Oxford University Press)
2. Advanced Quantum Mechanics by (Sakurai J. J ,Addison-Wesley)
Phys 572
Introduction to Electrostatics, Boundary-Value problems in Electrostatics1, Boundary-Value
problems in Electrostatics11, Multipoles, Electrostatics of macroscopic media, Dielectric,
Magnetostatics, Time-Varying fields, Maxwell Equations, Gauge transformation. Poynting
vector Conservation Laws, Cherenkov radiation. Fields and radiation of localized oscillating
sources Plane Electromagnetic Waves, Waves Guides and Resonant Cavities, Simple Radiating
Systems and Differaction, Magnetohydrdynamics and Plasma.
Text Book: Classical Electrodynamics by J.D.Jackson (General Edition, John-Wiley and
Sons, latest edition).
Phys 582
Special Theory of Relativity, Relativistic-Particle Kinematics and Dynamics, Collision between
charged Particles, Energy Loss and Scattering, Radiation by Moving Charges, Bremsstrahlung,
Method of virtual Quanta, Radioactive Beta Process, Multipoles Fields, Radiation Damping,
Self Fields of a Particle, Scattering and Absorption of Radiation by a Bound System.
Text Book: Classical Electrodynamics by J.D.Jackson (General Edition, John-Wiley and
Sons, latest edition)
Phys 573
Classical Mechanics
Survey of the elementary principles, Variational principles and Lagranges’s equations,
Oscillations, The classical mechanics of the special theory of relativity, Hamiltonian equations of
motion, canonical transformations, Hamilton-Jacobi theoryand Action angle variable, Classical
Chaos, Canonical perturbation theory, Introduction to the Lagrangian and Hamiltonian
formulations for continuous systems and fields, Classical mechanics of liquids and deformable
solids; stress, deformation and strain flow.
Text Book: Classical Mechanics by Goldstein (latest edition)
Phys 574
Mathematical Methods of Theoretical Physics-I
Mathematical methods for theoretical physics; Vector analysis in curved coordinates and tensors,
Group theory, Gamma function (factorial function), diffrintial equations, Sturm-Liouville theory
(orthognalfunction), Bessel function, Legendre functions, Fourier series, Integral transforms,
Calculus of variation
Text Book: Mathematical Methods for Physicist by George Arfken. (Acad Press, latest
Phys 583
Thermal and Statistical Physics
Thermodynamic laws and potentials, kinetic theory, hydrodynamics and transport coefficients;
introduction to statistical mechanics, ensembles, partition functions, Phase transitions and critical
phenomena, Ginzburg-Landau theory, Bose-Einstein condensation, super-fluids, Fermi systems,
low-temperature expansions.
Text Book: Statistical Mechanics by Pathria. R. K. (latest edition).
Recommended Book:
1. Statistical Physics by F. Mandl, ELBS (John Willey latest edition)
2. Fundamentals of Statistical and Thermal Physics by F. Reif, (McGraw Hill, 1965, latest
Phys 592
Theory of Condensed Matter:
Bloch's theorem and Brillouin zones, electronic states. Electron-electron interaction, screening.
Kohn effect. Dielectric constant. Plasma oscillations. Dynamics of electrons. Electrons and
holes. Excitons. Zenner breakdown. Scattering of electrons by impurities. Electron-phonon
interaction. Dynamics of electrons. Optical properties. Multi-phonon processes. Interband
transitions. Interaction with conduction electrons. Anomalous skin effect. Ultrasonic attenuation.
Magnetism including paramagnetism, diamagnetism, ferro-magnetism, antiferromagnetism and
magnons. Superconductivity including the electron-electron inter-actions. BCS theory and
Ginsburg-Landau theory
Recomended Books:
1. The Quantum Theory of Solids by R.E.Peierls (Oxford U.P.).
2. Principles of the Theory of Solids,by M.Ziman (Cambridge U.P.).
3. Solid State Theory by T.Landsberg, (John-Wiley and Sons).
4. .Kittel,Quantum Theory of Solids (John-Wiley and Sons).
Details Of Elective Courses For Graduate Physics Programs
Phys 585
Experimental Nuclear Physics:
Activation analysis. Theory and basic principles of neutron activation analysis Applications of
activation analysis. Nuclear models. Single particle shell model. Spin-orbit interaction.
Collective model. Intrinsic states in a spheroidal field. Rotational and vibrational states. Nilsson
model. Static and transition moments. Neutron Physics. Neutron sources. Interactions of
neutrons with matter, energy distribution of neutrons. Slowing down and diffusion of neutrons.
Chain reacting systems. Breeders and converters. Nuclear spectroscopy. Crystal diffraction.
Magnetic spectrometer. Beta and total absorption spectrometer. Energy measurement of the
Recommended Books:
1. K.Siegbahn, Alpha, Beta and Gamma Ray Spectroscopy (North-Holland).
2. K.H.Beckurtz and K.Wirtz, Neutron Physics (Springer).
3. J.N.Marion and J.L.Fowler, Fast Neutron Physics (Interscience).
4. G.C.Philips, J.B.Marrion and J.R.Risser, Progress in Fast Neutron Physics (Chicago U.P.).
5. E.Morgan and J.E.Turner, Principles of Radiation Protection (John-Wiley and Sons)
Phys 586
Plasma Physics-I:
Introduction, Occurrence of plasma. Concept of temperature. Debye shielding. The plasma
parameter. Criteria for plasma. Applications of plasma physics. Single-particle motion in
electromagnetic field. Uniform and nonuniform E and B fields. Time-variant E and B fields.
Fluid description of plasma. Wave propagation in plasma. Derivation of dispersion relations for
simple electrostatic and electromagnetic modes. Introduction to Controlled Fusion: Basic nuclear
fusion reactions. Reaction rates and power density, radiation losses from plasma, operational
Recommended Books:
1. F.F.Chen, Introduction to plasma Physics, 2nd ed. (Plenum).
2. N.A.Krall and A.W.Trivelpiece, Principles of Plasma Physics, 1973 (McGraw Hill).
3. S.Glasstone and R.H.Lovberg, Controlled Thermonuclear Reactions, 1960 (D.Van Nestrand).
Phys 686
Plasma Physics-II:
Physical Conditions for Thermonuclear Reactions
Mechanism of Thermonuclear Reactions, Rates of thermonuclear reactions, Charged particle
energies, Nuclear Fusion reactions, Thermonuclear reaction cross sections, Thermonuclear
reaction power density, Lawsen Criterion, Radiation losses from plasma, Bremsstrahlung, rate of
Bremsstrahlung emission, ideal ignition temperature, effect of impurities on radiation loss,
Cyclotron radiation. The Pinch Effect.The equilibrium Pinch, The Bennett Pinch, Dynamic
Model of the pinch, Instabilities in a Pinched Plasma coulumn, The sausage Instability, The
KINK Instability, Convex Field Configurations. Equilibrium and stability, Hydromagnetic
equilibrium, The Concept of  , Diffusion of magnetic field into a plasma, Classification of
instabilities, Two-Stream instability, The Gravitation Instability, Resistive Drift waves, The
weibel instability.
Text Book: Introduction to plasma Physics by F.F.Chen, Latest ed. (Plenum).
Other Recomended Books:
1. M.O.Hagler & M.Kristianson, An Intruduction to Controlled Thermonuclear Fusion, 1977).
2. N.A.Kran and A.W.Trivelpiece, Principles of Plasma Physics,1973 (McGraw-Hill).
3. Glasstone and R.H.Lovberg, Controlled Thermonuclear Reactions, 1960 (D.Van Nustrand).
4. Alfred Gril, Cold Plasma in Material Fabrication, IEEE Press, New Yark, (1993)
Phys 592
Experimental Plasma:
Introduction to Cold plasma
Cold Plasma Generation, DC Glow discharge, Pachen’s Law, Radio frequency discharge, Micro
wave Plasma, Electron Cyclotron resonance plasma. Plasma Diagnostics Electrostatic Probes,
Probe characteristics, Probe analysis, Plasma electron temperature with electrostatic probe,
Plasma electron density with electrostatic probe, Optical Methods, Plasma Spectroscopy, Atomic
absorption spectroscopy, atomic emission spectroscopy, optical emission spectroscopy,
Monochromator, photomultiplier tube, deduction of Plasma parameters with Optical emission
Text Book: Introduction to plasma Physics by F.F.Chen, Latest ed. (Plenum).
Other Recomended Books:
5. M.O.Hagler & M.Kristianson, An Intruduction to Controlled Thermonuclear Fusion, 1977).
6. N.A.Kran and A.W.Trivelpiece, Principles of Plasma Physics,1973 (McGraw-Hill).
7. Glasstone and R.H.Lovberg, Controlled Thermonuclear Reactions, 1960 (D.Van Nustrand).
8. Alfred Gril, Cold Plasma in Material Fabrication, IEEE Press, New Yark, (1993)
Phys 587
Laser Physics-I:
Review of quantum mechanics. Interaction of radiation and atomic systems. The density matrix.
Homogeneous and inhomogeneous broadening of atomic transitions. Gain and saturation effects.
Hole burning. Optical resonators. Gaussian beams. Laser oscillation. Rate equations for a laser
oscillator. Amplitude fluctuations and spiking. Some specific laser systems. Q-switching and
mode locking. Focusing of laser beams.
Recommended Books:
1. Quantum Optics by S.M Zubari.
2. Lasers by A.E Sigman, (University Science Book).
3. Quantum Electronics by Amnon Yariv, (John-Wiley and Sons).
4. Sargent III, M.O.Scullly and W.E.Lamb Jr., Laser Physics (Addison-Wesley).
5. E.Siegman, An Introduction to Lasers and Masers (McGraw-Hill).
Phys 687
Laser Physics–II:
Development of laser systems, carbon dioxide laser, excimer laser, nitrogen laser, dye laser, ruby
laser, nd- y ag & glass lasers, fibre lasers, semi-conductor lasers. metrological and atmospheric
applications. lidar, types of lidar, laser sources for lidar, non-linear optics, design choices. lasers
in defence industry. range finders, laser target marking and designation. laser material
processing. laser cutting, laser welding, laser drilling, laser surface treatment. scientific
applications. laser spectroscopy, interferrometery, laser uranium enrichment, laser induced
plasma and fusion. medical applications. medical laser systems, light interaction with tissues,
dennatology & aesthetic surgery, general surgical applications, neuro-surgery, cancer detection.
communication and fibre optics. introduction to fibre optics, optical information, transmission &
storage optical communication, laser printing and optical disk systems thermal imaging. puised
laser deposition technique. laser ablation, sputtering processes, energy
Recommended Books:
1. Quantum Optics by Scully and Zubari.
2. Lasers by A.E Sigman, (University Science Book).
3. Advances in Lasers and applications, by D.M. Finlayson & D.B.Sinclair.
4. Lasers Fundamentals by William T.Silfvast (Latest edition.
5. Lasers Principles & Applications by J. Wilson, J.F.B. Hankes (Latest edition).
Phys 588
Materials Science-I:
Crystallography. Translational periodicity. Crystal classes. Crystal forms. Point and space
groups. Crystal growth. Methods of purification. Zone refining. Zone levelling. Impurity control.
Methods of perturbing the concertration of impurities in semiconductors. Formation of n-p and
n-p-n junctions. Different techniques of growing single crystals. Imperfections in crystals.
Impurities. Vacancies. Grain boundaries. Dislocations. Stacking faults. Frenkel and Schottky
disorder. Electrons and holes. Color centers. Mechanical properties of metals. Polymers and
ceramics. Elastic and plastic deformation. Fracture, creep and fatigue phenomena. Strengthening
mechanism. Annealing. Effect of imperfections on the mechanical properties of materials,
Modulation spectroscopy for optical properties in solids. Modulation techniques. Wavelength
modulation. Temperature modulation. Stress modulation. piezo absorption and piezo-reflectance.
Electric field modulation.
Recomended Books:
1. Structure of Metals by C.S.Barrett, (McGraw-Hill).
2. Introduction to Ceramics by W.D.Kingery, (John-Wiley).
3. Crystal Growth by E.Buckley, (John-Wiley and Sons).
4. Properties and Structure of Polymers by V.Tobolsky, (John-Wiley and Sons).
5. An Introduction to Crystallography by C.Phillips, (John-Wiley and Sons).
6. Theory of Dislocatio Structure of Metals by C.S.Barrett, (McGraw-Hill).
7. Properties and Structure of Polymers by A.V.Tobolsky, (John-Wiley and Sons).
8. An Introduction to Crystallography by F.C.Phillips, (John-Wiley and Sons).
Phys 688
Materials Science-II:
Structure of materials. Ionic bond. Covalent bond. Metallic bond. Van der Waal's bond. Polymer
chains. Polymerization. Polymer processing. Ceramics. Oxide and silicate structures. Phase
transformations. Fabrication technology of semiconductor electronic devices. Cement, glasses
Books Recommended:
1. Structure of Metals by C.S.Barrett, (McGraw-Hill).
2. Properties and Structure of Polymers by A.V.Tobolsky, (John-Wiley and Sons).
3. An Introduction to Crystallography by F.C.Phillips, (John-Wiley and Sons).
4. Theory of Dislocations in Crystals by A.H.Cottrell, (Gordon and Breach).
Phys 589
Computational Physics-I:
Introduction Computer Programming Using "C++": Introduction to the C++ Language:
Background, Identifiers, Data Types, Variables, Constants, Coding Constants, Reading and
Writing data. Concept of Loops, Pretest and Post-test Loops, Initialization and updating, Event
Control and C()LlJ1ter Control, Loops in C++, Other statements related to loops.
Pointers: Concepts, Pointer variables, accessing variables through pointers, pointer definition and
declaration, Initialization of pointer variables, pointers and functions, pointers to pointers,
Compatibility, L value and R value, Arrays and pointers, pointer arithmetic and arrays, passing
array to a function, understanding complicated declarations, Memory Allocation functions, array
of pointers. Arrays, Strings and structure:
Concepts, using arrays in C++, arrays and functions, Two dimension arrays, Multi-dimension
arrays, String concepts, C++ Strings, Strings, an-ays of Strings, String manipulation functions,
Enumerated type structure, Accessing Structure, complex Structures, array of structures.
Text and Binary Files: Concept of a file, File and streams, Standard Library input/output
functions, Formatting input/output. Character input/output functions, Detecting File errors, Using
Binary Files, Standard Library function for Binary Files. Converting File Type. Errors:
Introduction to Computer Errors; Typographical Errors; Logical Errors; Round off Errors;
Propagation of Errors from Initial Data; Truncation Errors. Basic Mathematical Operations:
Numerical Differentiation; Numerical Quadrature; Finding Roots; Semiclassical Quantization of
Molecular Vibration. Ordinary Differential Equations with Initial Conditions: Simple Methods;
Multistep and Implicit Methods; Rungc-Kl1tta Methods; Stability; Order and Chaos in TwoDimcl1sional Motions. Structures of C++ Language: Expression, Precedence and Associatively,
Evaluating Expressions, Mixed Type expressions, Statements. Functions:
Designing Structured Programs, Functions in c++, User defined Functions, Default parameter
Arguments, Standard Library Functions, Scope. Selection Making Decisions: Logical data and
operators, To way selection, Multi-way Selection, More Standard library functions.
Recommended Books:
1. Computer Science a structured Programming approach using C++ By BehroLlz A. Forouzan
and Richard F. Gilberg.
2. Fundamentals of C++ understanding progran1ming and problem solving by Kenneth A
Lambert, Douglas W. Nance.
3. Computational Physics (Fortran Version) by Steven E. Koonin & Bawn C. Meredith,
Addison-Wesley Publishing Company, 1990.
4. Computer Application of Numerical Methods by Shan S. Kuo, Addison-Wesley Publishing
Company, 1972
Phys 689
Computational Physics-II:
Boundary Value and Eigenvalue Problems:
The Numerov Algorithm; Direct Integration of Boundary Value Problems; Green's Function,
Solution of Boundary Value Problems; Eigen values of the Wave Equation; Stationary Solution
of the One Dimension Schroedinger Equation.
Special functions and gaussian quadrature:
Special Function, Gaussian Quadrature, Born and Eikonal Approximation to Quantum
Matrix Algebra and Simultaneous Equations:
Elementary Operations of Matrices, Matrix Inversion, Gauss-Jordan Elimination Method, GaussSeidel Iterative method, Eigen values of a Tri-Diagonal Matrix, Reduction to Tri-Diagonal Form,
Determining Nuclear Charge Densities.
Elliptical Partial Differential Equation:
Dissscretization and the Variational Principle, Iterative Methods for Boundary Value Problems,
Elliptical Equations in Two Dimensions Parabolic Partial Differential Equations:
Naive Discretization and Instabilities, Implicit Schemes and the Inversion of Tri Diagonal
Matrices, Diffusion and Boundary Value Problems in Two Dimensions, Iterative Methods for
Eigen value Problems, The Time-: Dependent Schoedinger Equation..
Monte Carlo Methods:
The Basic Monte Carlo Strategy, Generating Random Variables with a Specific Distribution, The
Algorithm of Metropolis et. aI., The Ising Model in Two Dimensions.
Recommended Books:
1. Computer Science a structured Programming approach using C++ By Behrouz
A. Forouzan and Richard F. Gilberg.
2. Fundamentals of C++ understanding programming and problem solving by Kelmeth A
Lambert, Douglas W. Nance.
3. Computational Physics' (Fortran Version) by Steven E. Koonin & Dawn C. Meredith"
Addison-Wesley Publishing Company, 1990.
4. Computer Application of N_1I11erica1 Methods by Shan S. Kuo, Publishing Company, 1972.
Phys 590
Laser Spectroscopy:
The Hydrogen Atom:
Solution of Schrodinger Equation, Hydrogen Spectrum, Einstein's Coefficients, Transition
Probabilities I; The electric dipole Approximation selection-rule for 1 and ml, Hydrogen find
Structure.Two-electron system: Electrostatic interaction, Ground and Excited States of Helium,
Pauli Exclusion Principle. Central Field Approximation: Central Field, Hartee Fock Method,
Thomas Fermi Potential, Gross Structure of the Alkalies, LS Coupling Approximation I', Si Jj
Coupling and other type of Coupling, Zeeman Effect in LS Coupling, Quadratic & Stark Effect,
Linear Stark Effect, Hyperfine Structure.
Molecular Structure: Introduction, Rotational Spectrum of Diatomic molecule, RotationalVibrational Spectra of diatomic molecule, Franck-Condon Principle, Born Oppenheimer
Approximation. Lasers:
Introduction, Planck's Law, Einstein Coefficients and Stimulated Emission,. Light Amplification,
Pumping Schemes, Monochromaticity, Coherence, Directionality, Brightness, Population
Inversion, Gain Curve for Inhomogeneous Transitions, Line Narrowing and Amplified
Spontaneous Emission, Three level and Four level Systems, Resonators, Time dependent
Solutions and Q-switching, Mode Locking. Types of Lasers: Gas Lasers, Solid State Lasers,
Liquid Lasers, X-rays Lasers, Free Electron Laser. Geometrical Optics, Fibre Optics and
Applications of Lasers: Matrix Formulation of Geometric Optics., Gaussian Beam, Febry Perot
Interferometer, Second harmonics Generation and Parametric Oscillation, Fibre Optic and its
role in communication, Material Processing, Holography, Optical Data Storage, Medical
Recommended Books:
1. Atomic Spectra by H.E. White.
2. Lasers by A.E.Sigman (University Science Book).
3. Quantum Electronics, By Amnon.Yariv (John Wiely and Sons Inc).
Phys 591
Advanced Condensed Matter
Lattice vibrations and defects, ionic and electronic conductivities, band theory, magnetic
properties; luminescence. Theory of solids, Green’s functions, correlation functions and other
field-theoretic methods, magnetism, superconductivity and transport properties.
Recommended Books:
1. The Elements of Solid State Physics b y H.Craft.
2. Introduction to solid State Physics, by Charles Kittel, (Seventh Edition, John Wiley and Sons).
3. Solid State Physics by S.O.Pillai, (Sixth Edition, New Age International).
4. Solid State Physics by J.S Blakemore (Second Edition, Cambridge University Press)
Phys 593
Surfaces and Interface studies:
Properties of surfaces and interfaces of materials. Relation between electronic properties and
atomic structure Surfaces: thermodynamics, experimental techniques, structure and
reconstruction. Thin film Physics. Methods of preparation of thin films. Methods of thickness
measurement. Surface studies techniques. Preparation of samples. Low energy electron
diffraction. AUGER ellipsometry. Particle detectors and techniques of charged particle and
gamma-ray spectroscopy. Electron and ion sources.
Books Recommended:
1. Methods of Experimental Physics by R.L.Horovitz and V.A.Johnson, (Academic).
2. Methods of Experimental Physics by D.Williams, (Academic press).
3. Semi-conductor Electronics by J.Gibbons, (McGraw-Hill).
Phys 594
Semiconductors and Thin Films
Techniques and processes encountered in growth and characterization of epitaxial semiconductor
thin films. Interactions of gases at solid interfaces and gas phase dynamics related to epitaxial
processes. Sol-gel, molecular beam epitaxy and chemical vapor deposition. Film characterization
by electrical, structural, optical, and chemical techniques. Issues involved in epitaxial growth
such as: lattice match, critical layer thickness, heterostructures, superlattices and quantum wells.
This course addresses: i) local atomic structure of non-crystalline/amorphous dielectrics experimental methods and theory; ii) classification of dielectric materials - by bond ionicity,
bond density and bonding contraints atom to discriminate between ideal covalent random
networks, disrupted networks, and nano-crystallinity; iii) thermally-grown silicon dioxide and its
interface with Si - the standard for alternative dielectrics; iv) electronic structure and bonding in
transition metal/lathanide rare earth dielectrics; and v) intrinsic limitations on the performance
and reliability of metal-oxide-semiconductor devices.
Recommended Books:
Phys 595
Methods and Techniques of Experimental Physics.
Numerical methods. Solutions of equations by the method of iteration (Newton-Rapson method).
Solution of differential equations of higher order. Gaussian quadrature. Random numbers.
Monte-Carlo methods. Resume of theory of errors and experimental statistics. Least-squares fit
to a polynomial. Nonlinear functions. Data manipulation, smoothing, interpolation and
extrapolation, linear and parabolic interpolation. High vacuum techniques. Physical principles of
diffusion and rotary pumps. Ultra high vacuum by ionization. Sorption and cryogenics.
Measurement of pressure. Leak detection. X-ray. electron and neutron diffraction techniques.
Methods of recording diffraction patterns. Examples of structure determination. Analysis of
Books Recommended:
1. Methods of Experimental Physics by R.L.Horovitz and V.A.Johnson, (Academic press).
2. Methods of Experimental Physics by D.Williams, (Academic).
3. Elements of X-Ray Crystallography by L.V.Azaroff, (McGraw-Hill).
4. High Vacuum Technique by J.Yarwood (Chapman Hall).
Phys 596
Quantum Optics
Quntum theory of radiation. quantization of the free electromagnetic field, fock states, lamb
shift, quantum beats, light. Coherent and squeezed states of the readiation field. Quqntum
distribution theory and partially coherent radiation. Field-field and photon- photon
intrerferometry. Atom-field interaction- semiclassical theory. Atom-field interaction- Quantum
theory. Lasing without inversion and other effects of atomic coherence and interference.
Quantum theory of damping-density operator and wave function approach. Quantum theory of
damping-Heisenberg-Langevin approach. Resinance fluorescence. Quantum theory of the laserdensity operator approach. Quantum theory of the laser- Heisenberg-Langevin approach. Theory
of the micromaser. Correlated emission laser: concept, theory and analysis. Phase sensitivity in
quantum optical system: application. Squeezing via nonlinear optical pricess. Atomic optics.
EPR paradox, hidden variables and bells theore. Quantum non demolition measurements.
Quantum optical tests of complementarity. Two-photon interfferometry, Quantum measurement
Text Book: Quantum Optics by S.M Zubari.
Phys 597
Nuclear Structure Physics:
Advanced description of nuclear models and nuclear reactions. Topics including internucleon
forces, compound-nucleus processes, shell model, optical model, R-matrix theory, direct
reactions, collective model, electromagnetic transitions, isobaric analog states.
Recommended Books:
Phys 598
Atomic and Molecular Physics
Negative ions. The atomic structure and spectra. Mechanism for formation of negative ions.
Total collision cross-section, its analysis and measurement. Momentum transfer cross-section,
Experimental methods for the study of negative ion formation and electron detachment.
Diffusion of electrons and ions. Diffusion for various geometries. Ambipolar diffusion and
experimental results. Recombination, its mechanism and theory. Experimental methods of
studying slow electrons gases. Photo-emission and absorption in gases. General features and
theory of photo-ionization. Experimental results. Surface phenomena. Absorption of gases on the
surfaces. The impact of electrons and heavy particles on surfaces. Surface ionization.
Experimental investigations. Physics of atoms and molecules using quantum theory.
Recommended Books:
1. Negative Ions by Messy
2. Photodetachment and photoionization:
3. E. W.McDanial. Collision Phenomena in Ionised Gases (John-Wiley and Sons).
4. J. B.Hasted, Physics of Atomic collisions (Butterworth).
5. N.F.Mott and H.S.W.Massey. The Theory of Atomic Collisions (Oxford U.P.).
6. L.R.Loeb, Basic Processes of Gaseous Electronics (California V.P).
7. S.C.Brown, Introduction to Electrical Discharges in Gases (John-Wiley and Sons)
Phys 599
Advanced Special Topics in Physics
Advanced study in astrophysics, atomic and molecular physics, condensed matter physics,
nuclear physics or plasma physics. Emphasis on new and rapidly developing research areas.
Recommended Books:
Phys 699
Advanced Special Topics in Quantum Mechanics
Emphasis on new and rapidly developing research areas in Quantum Mechnics.
Recommended Books:
Advanced Quantum Mechanics by J. J. Sakuri (latest edition).
Phys 601
Magnetism in Condense Matter
Introduction to magnetism, Isolated magnetic moments, Environments, Interactions, Order and
Magnetic structures, Order and Broken symmetry, Magnetism in Metals,
Text book: Magnetism in Condense Matter by Stephen Blundell
Phys 602
Optical properties of Solids
Introduction, classical propagation, interband absorption, excitons, luminescence, semiconductor
quantum wells, free electrons, molecular materials, luminescence centers, phonons, non linear
Text: Optical properties of solids by Mark Fox (latest edition)
Phys 600
Master’s Research, Thesis, and/or Examination Variable credit (P, F, I grading).
Phys 700
Doctoral Research, Dissertation, and/or Examination Variable credit (P, F, I