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Reading Guide: Digestion & Human Nutrition
Starr-Taggart (Ch. 41)
1. What is the function of adipose cells? ____________________________________
2. If the number of fat cells in your body never changes, then what happens when you
lose weight (in the form of fat)?
3. What is the body’s response to dieting?
4. Define NUTRITION:
5. What is the function of he DIGESTIVE SYSTEM?
41.1 The Nature of Digestive Systems
6. Describe the difference between an INCOMPLETE DIGESTIVE SYSTEM & a
COMPLETE DIGESTIVE SYSTEM. Give examples of organisms that have each.
7. Describe the 5 tasks that a complete digestive system accomplishes:
a. ______________________________________________________________
b. ______________________________________________________________
c. ______________________________________________________________
d. ______________________________________________________________
e. ______________________________________________________________
8. How is feeding behavior related to the structure and function of an organism’s
unique digestive adaptations? Give at least 2 examples.
9. Ruminants are animals with specialized adaptations for digestion. Explain what they
are and how they fit with what ruminants eat.
10. How is a carnivore’s digestive system different from an herbivore’s digestive
11. Take a look at Figure 41.5. What adaptations does this snake have to allow it to
access the nutrients locked up in the meal it is about to consume?
41.2 Visual Overview of the Human Digestive System
12. Define LUMEN: ______________________________________________________
13. What 2 purposes does MUCUS serve in the digestive system?
14. If you were a morsel of food, name the major components of the human digestive
GUT (& their functions) that you would pass through: (Note: not all of you would be
absorbed! )
a. ______________________________________________________________
b. ______________________________________________________________
c. ______________________________________________________________
d. ______________________________________________________________
e. ______________________________________________________________
f. ______________________________________________________________
g. ______________________________________________________________
h. ______________________________________________________________
15. What accessory organs would aid the process above? (note their functions!)
a. ______________________________________________________________
b. ______________________________________________________________
c. ______________________________________________________________
d. ______________________________________________________________
16. Label all the components above (#14 & 15) on the diagram below.
41.3 Into the Mouth, Down the Tube
17. Describe the adaptations of human teeth for mechanically breaking food into small
18. Describe the structure and function of the tongue.
19. Describe the composition of SALIVA. What is the function of each component?
20. Once “processed” food enters the muscular pharynx it is called a “ball” or ________.
21. Describe the adaptation that we possess to keep food from passing into the
TRACHEA (which would obstruct breathing)?
22. What is the function of a SPHINCTER?
41.4 Digestion in the Stomach and Small Intestine
23. List the components of GASTRIC FLUID. How do these components aid in
24. Describe how protein digestion is started in the stomach. What is the role of
GASTRIN (a hormone)?
25. How is it advantageous for a protease (protein-digesting enzyme) to kept in an
inactivated form (PEPSINOGEN) until needed? Name the activated form.
26. How does PERISTALSIS aid in digestion?
27. Name the 3 regions of the small intestine.
28. How does the PANCREAS aid in digestion? What enzymes (name 5) does it
secrete and what do they do?
29. Explain the connection between the LIVER, BILE and the GALL BLADDER.
30. What is the function of BILE?
31. Think about the structure of LIPIDS. Now, why would EMULSIFICATION be
essential to digesting LIPIDS?
32. All parts of the body must work together & exchange information constantly to
maintain HOMEOSTASIS. Explain how the stretching of the stomach (as you fill it
with food you have eaten) triggers changes in the internal environment that allow
your body to respond to this “new condition”.
33. Briefly tell the trigger & response of each of these hormones of digestion:
a. GASTRIN _____________________________________________________
b. SECRETIN ____________________________________________________
c. CHOLECYSTOKININ (CCK) __________________________________________
d. GLUCOSE INSULOTROPIN PEPTIDE (GIP) ______________________________________
41.5 Absorption From the Small Intestine
34. Study Figure 41.10. Explain the significance of the convoluted folding of the
epithelial lining of the small intestine, the VILLI and MICROVILLI to absorption of
35. How does SEGMENTATION aid in the process of ABSORPTION?
36. Study Figure 41.11. Use it to explain how each of the major products of digestion—
monoglycerides, amino acids, monoglycerides and fatty acids—cross from the
lumen into the epithelial cells of the small intestine.
41.6 Disposition of Absorbed Organic Compounds
37. Summarize this section. Be sure to include the information in Figure 41.12.
38. How does the COLON absorb water from CHYME? Explain how sodium ions
participate in this process.
39. What products do the cells lining the COLON secrete and why are they necessary?
40. How do BULK and GASTRIN influence movement in the COLON?
41. Why is APPENDICITIS usually treated with surgery to remove the appendix?
42. Explain the connection between COLON CANCER and fiber-poor diets.
41.8 Human Nutritional Requirements
43. After reading this section, summarize the basic nutritional requirements of human
nutrition. Include:
 The role of insulin
 The effect of refined carbs and complex carbs
 Why it’s important to eat fats & oils, especially those containing essential fatty
 Why it’s important to eat proteins, especially those containing essential amino
41.9 Vitamins and Minerals
44. Define VITAMIN and MINERAL:
45. Choose 3 vitamins from Table 41.2. Tell where they come from, what they do in the
body and what the result is if you don’t get enough or if you get too much of it.
a. ______________________________________________________________
b. ______________________________________________________________
c. ______________________________________________________________
46. Choose 3 minerals from Table 41.3. Tell where they come from, what they do in the
body and what the result is if you don’t get enough or if you get too much of it.
a. ______________________________________________________________
b. ______________________________________________________________
c. ______________________________________________________________
41.10 Weighty Questions, Tantalizing Answers
47. Describe factors that influence how much a person weighs. What are the two most
important factors.
48. Describe the role of genes, the hormone leptin and the hormone ghrelin in
metabolism and weight control.