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Name ______________________________________________________________ Test Date_________________________________________
I. Cell Membrane (pgs. 182-183)
Every cell is surrounded by a cell membrane. The cell membrane is
_selectively permeable_ which means it only allows certain substances in
and certain substances out. This characteristic is critical in helping the cell maintain
A. The Cell Membrane is composed of three biomolecules:
1. Lipids – There are two lipids that make up the cell membrane:
__phospholipids_ and _cholesterol (steroid)__.
a. phospholipid bilayer - _Non-polar_ glycerol backbone with two fatty acid
tails (hydrophobic) and a _polar_ (hydrophilic) phosphate group on the
other end. The bilayer consists of 2 layers of phospholipid molecules.
b. cholesterol – found in the cell membranes of _animal_ cells to help
stabilize them. Cholesterol is wedged between the non-polar fatty acid tails
of the phospholipid bilayer to maintain stability and fluidity.
2. Carbohydrates – found on the outside of the cell membrane and Serve as “ID
tags” to _identify the cell__.
3. Proteins – Proteins are embedded in the phospholipids bilayer. Serve as
__channels__ and _pumps_ for transport of specific molecules across the
cell membrane.
II. Traffic Across the Cell Membrane
A cell is a working unit and thus, needs to move materials in and out of the cell.
A. Passive Transport (pgs. 183 – 187)
Movement of molecules across a membrane without using energy. There is a
movement of substances from a HIGH concentration to a LOW concentration.
There are 3 types of passive transport:
1. Diffusion – random movement of molecules in a liquid or gas from high
to low. Ex. perfume, food coloring
Many substances move across the cell membrane (phospholipid bilayer)
by diffusion. Ex. CO2, O2
2. Facilitated Diffusion – diffusion of specific substances from high to low
through a protein channel. Protein channels provide for larger openings for
molecules like glucose, fructose, galactose to get through.
3. Osmosis – diffusion of water from a high water concentration to a low
water concentration through a selectively permeable membrane. Cells must
have a mechanism for counteracting the pressure osmosis can
create, otherwise a cell could swell & burst or explode when it comes in
contact with a dilute water solution.
Cells control this osmotic pressure in one of three ways:
a. cell wall – physically prevents the cell from expanding. Ex. bacteria,
plants, fungi
b. contractile vacuole – actively pumps water out of the cell. Ex.
c. blood – cells are bathed in blood which is mostly water, but yet also
has other components to equalize the pressure on both sides of the cell
membrane. Ex: Human cells
**Comparative Terms: These terms describe the solution outside the cell compared
to inside the cell.
Hypertonic – increased concentration of solute (sugar, salt), and decreased
concentration of water.
Hypotonic – decreased concentration of solute (sugar, salt), and increased
concentration of water.
Isotonic – equal concentration of water & solute inside the cell compared to
outside the cell.
B. Active Transport – requires energy (ATP) (pgs. 188-189)
1. Protein Pumps – energy requiring process during which membrane
proteins pump molecules across a membrane against a concentration
gradient from a LOW concentration to a HIGH concentration. Ex.
Pumping of ions such as which are important in nerve transmission and
muscle contraction.
2. Endocytosis – “ sucking IN” Import of macromolecules INTO the cell
from the exterior by forming a vesicle around the molecule from the
existing cell membrane.
Specific types of endocytosis are:
a. phagocytosis – “cellular eating” Large, solid particles. Ex. Amoeba
eating; WBC’s in our immune system
b. pinocytosis – “cellular drinking” Small, fluid droplets
3. Exocytosis – “spitting OUT” Export of macromolecules FROM the inside of
the cell to the exterior of the cell by a vesicle fusing with the cell
membrane. Ex. Insulin, neurotransmitters