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Electricity Structured Reading: Intro to Electricity
Electric Charge and Static Electricity: Starting on page 420 of the Prentiss
Hall text.: Answer the questions that follow:
1. What is so unusual about the electric eel?
2. How do they use their power?
3. What prevents the electric eel from hurting itself?
4. On page 421, answer questions #7 and #8
5. On page 422, answer the very first question in the first line of the page.
6. Activity: Rub two balloons with wool cloth. Hold the balloon to your hair:
Describe what happens.
7. What is the Law of Electric Charges?
8. The force between _____ ______ object is called the ___________ field.
9. The size of the electric force is determined by two factors. What are they?
10. The greater the charge, the _________ .
11. The greater the distance, the __________ .
12. If a charged particle is in the ______ field of another charged particle, the
first particle is _________ or ________ by the ________ force exerted on
13. On page 424, why do atom have “no” charge.
14. If an atom looses electrons it becomes ______ charged.
15. If and atom gains electrons it becomes ________ charged.
16. Skim page 425: What does conservation of charge mean?
17. On page 426
What does an electroscope do?
How is an object charge by friction
Compare conduction vs. induction (briefly)
18. What is a conductor?
19. What is an insulator?
20. Because clothing is an insulator, the _________________________ on
each piece of clothing, creating ______________ electricity.
21. Why do clothes stuck together by static electricity eventually separate on
their own.
22. Lightning is an example of _________ _________ .
23. Why do building have lightening rods?
Electrical Energy: Starting on page 430: Answer the questions that follow:
1. In order for ______ energy to be useful, its must be _______ continuously.
2. A continuous flow of energy is called and ______ current.
3. The ______ reaction in a battery can cause an _____ current.
4. A cell and/or a battery coverts _________ to _______ ________ .
5. What is an electrode?
6. What are the two types of cells?
7. Your car battery is a ______ cell, you phone battery is a _____ cell.
8. An electric current, is really a flow of _________ .
9. What is stronger a 12v battery or a 6v battery?
10. A generator converts _______ energy into _____ energy.
11. What is the conversion in a photocell?
12. What is the conversion in a thermocouple?
Electric Current: Starting on page 433: Answer the questions that follow:
1. Current is defined as the rate of _____ .
2. The higher the current the more ____ passes.
3. The unit for current is ______, its abbreviation is capital ___ .
4. Sometimes the symbol capital ___ is used in equations.
5. What is DC?
6. Where do you get DC.
7. What is AC,
8. What type of current does your home use?
9. The higher the resistance, the lower the ______ ______.
10. The units for resistance are ______. Symbol is ___ .
11. Good conductors have a ____ resistance.
12. Superconductors have practically no _______ .
13. When conductors are cooled they have _______ resistance.
14. What is the formula for Ohm’s law?
Types of Circuits: Starting on page 440: Answer the questions that follow: