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1. ___________________
Connective tissue covering over entire muscle
2. ___________________
Attaches muscle to bone
3. ___________________
Stores & releases Ca++
4. ___________________
Connective tissue covering over muscle fiber
5. ___________________
Muscle bundle
6. ___________________
Light area on either side of the Z line
7. ___________________
Repeating units of skeletal muscle that cause its striped
Thin filaments
8. ___________________
9. ___________________
Area of sarcomere that consists of overlapping fibers of actin &
Carries the impulse from the neuron further into muscle fibers
Stores neurotransmitters
Connective tissue covering over muscle bundle
Blocks the binding sites of a muscle at rest
The neurotransmitter that motor neurons use to stimulate
Functional unit of muscles that shorten when muscles contract
Enzyme that breaks down any excess neurotransmitter in the
synaptic cleft
Area of sarcomere that consists of myosin filaments only
Ending points of sarcomere
Thick filaments
The motor neuron & the muscle fibers it acts on
Multiple Choice
_____ 21.
In smooth muscle, Ca++ combines with __________ to allow cross-bridges to
a. calmodulin
b. troponin
c. myosin
d. tropomyosin
_____ 22.
The period of time during which a muscle will not respond to a stimulus is:
a. refractory period
b. threshold
c. latent period
d. relaxation period
_____ 23.
The reddish brown color of muscle is due to the presence of
a. creatine phosphate
b. hemoglobin
c. myoglobin
d. iron
_____ 24.
The antagonist of the triceps is the
a. deltoid
b. lattisimus dorsi
c. biceps
d. brachioradialis
_____ 25.
The gap between the muscle & the nerve is the
a. synapse
b. motor end plate
c. synaptic vesicles
d. motor unit
_____ 26.
During the contraction of a sarcomere, calcium ions bind with the protein
a. actin
b. myosin
c. troponin
d. tropomyosin
_____ 27.
Which of the following is true about lactic acid?
a. Lactic acid uses up the O2 in muscle cells, resulting in oxygen debt
b. Lactic acid is produced in muscle cells in the presence of oxygen
c. Lactic acid accumulation results in soreness after exercise
d. Lactic acid is used in cellular respiration to synthesize creatine phosphate
_____ 28.
As the diameter of a muscle fiber increases,
a. the strength of its contraction decreases
b. the strength of its contraction increases
c. they are said to hypertrophy
d. both B & C
_____ 29.
Rigor mortis can best be described as
a. muscular relaxation due to the unavailability of ATP
b. after death when ATP collects in muscle tissue & causes total release
of cross bridges & consequently muscle rigidity
c. muscle rigidity due to unreleased cross bridges in muscle cells
d. a lack of ATP because of halted metabolic activities resulting in cold body
_____ 30.
What biochemical change is most directly responsible for the return of a
muscle fiber to a resting condition?
a. absence of Ca++
b. absence of acetylcholinesterase
c. the release of acetylcholine
d. the regeneration of ATP
Sequencing – Place the following events in the correct order by putting a 1 in the 1st
step, etc.
_____ 31.
Z lines of the sarcomere are drawn together & sarcomere shortens
_____ 32.
Cross bridge movement begins
_____ 33.
Cross bridges b/t actin & myosin form
_____ 34.
Ca++ bind to troponin
_____ 35.
ATP is converted to ADP & cross bridges are released
Select the type of muscle that best fits the descriptions listed below.
Smooth muscle
Skeletal muscle
Cardiac muscle
___________ 36. Spindle shaped
___________ 37. Large T-tubules
___________ 38. Susceptible to a release of hormones
___________ 39. May undergo peristalsis
____________40. Slower to contract, but may retain contraction longer
41. Compare smooth, skeletal & cardiac muscle tissue by filling in the chart below.
Cells elongated
w/multiple nuclei/cell
T-tubules present
Needs nerve impulse for
Ca+² binds to troponin
Not affected by hormones
Contracts & relaxes
Not affected by stretching
42. The function of creatine phosphate is ____________________________________
43. Oxygen is carried in the bloodstream bound to _____________________________
44. Liver cells can convert lactic acid to ______________, but it requires ____________
45. A muscle cramp results when ____________________________________________
46. Threshold is defined as _________________________________________________
47. A myogram is ________________________________________________________
48. Three parts of a muscle contraction are ____________________________________
49. Summation occurs when ________________________________________________
50. Recruitment of muscle means ____________________________________________