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Muscualr System Study Guide
1. Diagram of the muscle to include tendon, deep fascia, epimysium, perimysium,
fascicles, endomysium, muscle fibers, myofibrils, filaments (actin and mysosin).
2. Diagram of a sarcomere to include Z-line, A band, I band, H-zone, M-line. (know
what is present in each of these, i.e. actin, myosin, or both).
3. Label the muscles of the face and know what they do.
4. Describe the parts of the neuromuscular junction.
5. Which neurotransmitter is present in the NMJ?
6. What is cholinesterase?
7. Know how a muscle contracts and relaxes.
8. Describe the aerobic and anaerobic pathways to get energy for muscle
9. Define a motor unit.
10. Describe an all-or-none response.
11. Draw and describe a myogram.
12. Explain three causes of muscle fatigue.
13. Describe skeletal muscle interactions to include synergists, antagonists, and
prime movers.
14. What is hypertrophy and atrophy?
15. Tell the difference between isometric and isotonic contractions.
16. Word stems and vocabulary definitions
17. Essay possibilities: rigor mortis, sprain vs. strain, how a muscle contracts and
relaxes, fast-twitch and slow-twitch fibers