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The important things about life cycles is
that organisms reproduce offspring of their
own that resemble them and that things
like light, gravity, touch, or environmental
stress can affect their development and
However, the important things about life
cycles is that organisms reproduce
offspring of their own that resemble them
and that things like light, gravity, touch, or
environmental stress can affect their
development and growth.
Living things have offspring. Offspring
are young plants and animals. Offspring
inherit characteristics that make them
look like their parents. For example,
rabbits inherit long ears, large eyes, and
short tails from their parents. Plants will have the same
color and shape.
Living things need food, water, and air to live. Plants
and animals live in an environment. The environment
is everything around a living thing. An environment
includes air, sunlight, water, and soil. An environment
can change how a plant and animal grows. Plants
need just the right amount of sunlight and water to
grow and stay healthy. Animals need a ir to breathe
and food to grow.
All living things grow and change. The way a living
thing grows and changes is called a life cycle. There
are stages in every life cycle. Animals look different
at each stage. All animals change size as they grow.
Some animals may change shape and color too.
Life cycles are different for all species. A mammal is
warm-blooded, gives birth to live young, and has hair
or fur on its body. Humans are mammals too. An
insect has three body parts and six legs. An
amphibian is an animal that lives part of its life in the
water and part of its life on land. Amphibians are also
unique because they lay eggs.
A frog is an amphibian. A frog’s life cycle starts with
an egg. The egg turns into an embryo and then the
egg hatches and a tadpole comes out. A tadpole is
a young frog. The tadpole grows and changes. The
tadpole’s back legs grow first and then later the front
legs grow. Finally, it turns into an adult frog. This
complete change of appearance
is called
A plants life cycle starts with a seed. From the seed, a
small root grows down into the soil. Then, the stem
grows up toward the surface of the soil. Soon, the
stem breaks through the soil. When this happens, it is
called a sprout. Later, leaves begin to
form on the plant stem. Now it is called
a seedling. Finally, the seedling
develops into a plant which will look
like the plant it came from.
The Important Book About
Life Cycles
Adapted From Scott Foresman
Written and Illustrated by Shannon Jacobson