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2006-2007 学年度第二学期期末考试
《病毒学》A 试卷
60 分)
Are the following statements true or false?
( +)1. Virus particles cannot generally be seen using light microscopes
( -)2. Edward Jenner first vaccinated a patient against smallpox on 14th May 1976
(+ )3. Louis Pasteur invented the term ‘virus’ in the 1890s
( +)4. Dimitri Iwanowski showed that viruses could pass through filters fine
enough to retain the smallest known bacteria
(+ )5. The vast majority of virus infections do not result in disease.
( -)6. Viruses are submicroscopic, obligate intracellular parasites. This simple
definition excludes all other types of microorganism
( + )7. Virus particles (Virions) do NOT ‘grow’ or undergo division
( +)8. Viruses lack the genetic information which encodes apparatus necessary for
the generation of metabolic energy
( +)9. Viruses encode the genetic information which encodes apparatus necessary
for protein synthesis (ribosomes)
( +)10. Prions are infectious agents believed to consist of a single protein
( +)11. The poxvirus contains dsDNA genome and the particle structure is very
( -)12. Picornavirus particle contain more than 100 different proteins
( -)13. The tailed bacteriophages are released from the host cell by budding
( -)14. The tailed bacteriophages have separate assembly pathways for the head and
tail sections of the particle
( +)15. Reovirus capsids are composed of a double protein shell
( + ) 16. Matrix proteins are internal virion proteins that link the internal
nucleocapsid assembly to the envelope
( +)17. Matrix proteins are often very abundant in the virus particle
( +)18. External glycoproteins are usually the major antigens of enveloped viruses
(+ ) 19. External glycoproteins are usually the virus attachment proteins of
enveloped viruses
( +)20. The influenza virus M2 peptide is a transmembrane protein
( + )21. Picornaviruses have icosahedral symmetry
( +)22. Rhabdoviruses are helical enveloped viruses
( +)23. The lipid composition of a virus envelope is similar to that of the host cell
( +)24. Virus envelopes are acquired during budding of the particle through the host
cell membrane
( -)25. Virus genomes vary in size from 300 nucleotides to approximately 300
kilobase pairs
( +)26. The genetic code of a virus must be similar to that of the host organism so
that it can be decoded by the host cell biochemical machinery.
( +)27. Virus genomes consisting of plus-sense RNA are infections when the
purified vRNA is applied to cells in the absence of any virus proteins.
( +)28. Reverse genetics makes possible the manipulation of minus-sense RNA
virus genomes.
( -)29. Infection of cells caused by nucleic acid alone is referred to as transduction
( +)30. Mutation rates in herpesvirus genomes are low, similar to those seen in
cellular genomes
( +)31. Mutation rates in retrovirus genomes are high due to the low fidelity of
reverse transcriptase.
( +)32. Every new HIV provirus formed contains, on average, at least one new
( +) 33. Temperature-sensitive (t.s.) mutations usually result from mis-sense
mutations in proteins
( -)34. Superinfection is infection or a single cell by a very large virus particle.
( + ) 35. The probability of recombination between two genetic markers is
proportional to the distance between them
( +)36. In virus with segmented genomes, 'reassortment groups' are usually
equivalent to the individual genome segments.
( +)37. Populations of virus genomes consisting of mixtures of molecular variants
are known as quasispecies.
( + ) 38. Site-specific molecular biological methods are commonly used to
mutagenize virus genomes.
About retroviruses (true or false?):
( + ) 39. Reverse transcriptase is also expressed by hepadnaviruses and
( +)40. Are the only RNA viruses whose genome is produced by cellular
transcriptional machinery.
( +)41. Are the only plus-sense RNA viruses whose genome does not serve directly
as mRNA immediately after infection.
( -)42. Have low mutation rates, due to the high fidelity of reverse transcriptase
( +)43. Have a high rate of recombination, due to reverse transcription.
+)44. Virus penetration of cells is an energy-dependent process.
+)45. influenza haemagglutinin is a virus fusion protein.
-)46. Uncoating only occurs in the nucleus of the host cell.
+)47. The product of uncoating is usually a complex of nucleic acids and virus
( -)48. Nucleoproteins associated with virus genomes are responsible for cell
( -)49. Virus receptor molecules are always proteins.
( -)50. Most viruses have more than one receptor molecular.
( +)51. No known plant virus used a cellular receptor.
( +)52. Sialic acid is the influenza virus receptor.
( +)53. The expression of receptors on the surface of cells is the major factor which
determines the tropism of viruses.
( -)54. Adenoviruses encode their own DNA polymerase.
( + )55. Poxviruses encode their own DNA polymerase and are independent of
cellular enzymes for genome replication.
( +)56. Reovirus genomes are transcribed by a virus enzyme present in the particle.
( -)57. All RNA virus genomes are replicated in the nucleus of the host cell.
( +)58. Retrovirus genomes are transcribed by cellular RNA polymerase.
( +)59. Reovirus transcription occurs inside virus core particles.
( -)60. Segmented virus genomes are usually transcribed to produce polycistronic
1.根据病毒基因组以及复制方式的不同,病毒可分为几大类? (10 分)
全部答对得 10 分,答对 1 个得 1 分,答对 6 个得 6 分,一次类推
(6)ssRNA, 有 DNA 复制中间体
(7)dsDNA, 有 RNA 复制中间体
(10 分)
(1) MHC 1 型抗原递呈的抑制,逃脱 CTL 反应
(2) MHC II 型抗原递呈的抑制,
(3) NK 细胞溶细胞作用的抑制
(4) 细胞因子作用的抑制(病毒编码受体,病毒因子)
(5) 阻断干扰素引发的信号转导
(6) 对体液免疫的逃逸,病毒蛋白的变异
(7) 对补体联级反映的逃逸
4.逆转录病毒与 DNA 肿瘤病毒都可以引起细胞转化,请比较两类病毒引起细
胞转化的机制有何不同。(10 分)
能够转化细胞的逆转录病毒分为三类:转换、顺式作用 和反式作用。
蛋白,包含有源于病毒基因的附加序列,一般病毒的 gag 序列位于蛋白质的 N
病毒编码一种转录激活物蛋白如 tax 基因编码蛋白,通过反式作用来刺激细胞内
DNA 肿瘤病毒通过与
(4)P53 和
(5)Rb 相互作用,改变细胞周期,从而使细胞转化