Bacteriophage Ecology and Plants
... virulent phage exist that are not vir mutants but instead are unrelated to temperate phage. In addition to providing a safe home to the temperate-phage genome, and blocking the replication of non-virulent homologous phage, lysogeny has the potential to alter the phenotype of the host cell, a process ...
... virulent phage exist that are not vir mutants but instead are unrelated to temperate phage. In addition to providing a safe home to the temperate-phage genome, and blocking the replication of non-virulent homologous phage, lysogeny has the potential to alter the phenotype of the host cell, a process ...
Isolation, characterization and application of bacteriophage to treat
... In the United States, billions of pounds of animal by-products are generated by the food processing industry every year. Hydrogen sulfide producing bacteria (SPB) can utilize the sulfur-containing proteins and amino acids in the raw animal materials destined for the rendering process to produce harm ...
... In the United States, billions of pounds of animal by-products are generated by the food processing industry every year. Hydrogen sulfide producing bacteria (SPB) can utilize the sulfur-containing proteins and amino acids in the raw animal materials destined for the rendering process to produce harm ...
- Journal of Infection and Public Health
... Funding ..................................................................................................... Competing interests ........................................................................................ Ethical approval ................................................................ ...
... Funding ..................................................................................................... Competing interests ........................................................................................ Ethical approval ................................................................ ...
... Recombinant DNA (rDNA) technology involves transfer of genetic material between unrelated organisms and species, creating living modified organisms (LMO). There have been concerns that such organisms might have unpredictable properties and potential harmful effects on human health, livestock, agricu ...
... Recombinant DNA (rDNA) technology involves transfer of genetic material between unrelated organisms and species, creating living modified organisms (LMO). There have been concerns that such organisms might have unpredictable properties and potential harmful effects on human health, livestock, agricu ...
Burkholderia pseudomallei: AN UPDATE ON DISEASE
... is very much evident. This soil and water-dwelling saprophyte is resilient to various environments. This organism has gained further notoriety following the Centre for Disease Control’s classification of B. pseudomalleias a Tier 1 biological agent. Despite several decades of clinical research, the m ...
... is very much evident. This soil and water-dwelling saprophyte is resilient to various environments. This organism has gained further notoriety following the Centre for Disease Control’s classification of B. pseudomalleias a Tier 1 biological agent. Despite several decades of clinical research, the m ...
Avaa tiedosto
... detailed objectives for the work are agreed upon annually with the Ministry. The three main areas of work in KTL have traditionally been: 1) infectious diseases and immunizations, 2) chronic diseases and health promotion, and 3) environmental health. In all these areas, both research and public heal ...
... detailed objectives for the work are agreed upon annually with the Ministry. The three main areas of work in KTL have traditionally been: 1) infectious diseases and immunizations, 2) chronic diseases and health promotion, and 3) environmental health. In all these areas, both research and public heal ...
Tumors of the Lung and Upper Respiratory Tract
... • S. aureus is an important cause of secondary bacterial pneumonia in children and healthy adults after viral respiratory illnesses (e.g., measles in children and influenza in both children and adults). • It is associated with a high incidence of complications, such as lung abscess and empyema. • Ri ...
... • S. aureus is an important cause of secondary bacterial pneumonia in children and healthy adults after viral respiratory illnesses (e.g., measles in children and influenza in both children and adults). • It is associated with a high incidence of complications, such as lung abscess and empyema. • Ri ...
United States
... the National Strategy for Countering Biological Threats, this encompasses a range of initiatives, including improving global access to the life sciences to combat infectious disease regardless of its cause; establishing and reinforcing norms of safe and responsible conduct within the life sciences; ...
... the National Strategy for Countering Biological Threats, this encompasses a range of initiatives, including improving global access to the life sciences to combat infectious disease regardless of its cause; establishing and reinforcing norms of safe and responsible conduct within the life sciences; ...
Diversity, ecology and intestinal function of
... 76-268nm. In fact, the presence of one or more prophagelike elements has been observed in several bifidobacterial genomes (Table 2) [32]. The notion that prophage-like elements may act as a transmission vehicle of genes that do not appear to be essential for phage functions (e.g., hypothetical prote ...
... 76-268nm. In fact, the presence of one or more prophagelike elements has been observed in several bifidobacterial genomes (Table 2) [32]. The notion that prophage-like elements may act as a transmission vehicle of genes that do not appear to be essential for phage functions (e.g., hypothetical prote ...
Bordetella pertussis evolution in the (functional
... and Maskell 2004). Wider analysis of the expansion of IS elements in niche-restricted bacteria point towards the specialization of human-specific bacterial pathogens occurring during the Neolithic period (approximately 10 000 years ago) due to the advent of agriculture creating stable and larger hum ...
... and Maskell 2004). Wider analysis of the expansion of IS elements in niche-restricted bacteria point towards the specialization of human-specific bacterial pathogens occurring during the Neolithic period (approximately 10 000 years ago) due to the advent of agriculture creating stable and larger hum ...
Ecological fitness and strategies of adaptation of Bartonella
... Peru [101]. Battistini [10] established that sandfly bites can induce verruga peruana in monkeys under experimental conditions, and that disease manifestations could be reproduced in two Rhesus macaques (Macaca mulatta) inoculated with crushed sandflies collected in an area where Oroya fever was endem ...
... Peru [101]. Battistini [10] established that sandfly bites can induce verruga peruana in monkeys under experimental conditions, and that disease manifestations could be reproduced in two Rhesus macaques (Macaca mulatta) inoculated with crushed sandflies collected in an area where Oroya fever was endem ...
Phage therapy: Facts and fiction
... to deliver vaccines in the form of immunogenic peptides attached to modified phage coat proteins or as delivery vehicles for DNA vaccines, which was recently reviewed by Clark and March (2004). ...
... to deliver vaccines in the form of immunogenic peptides attached to modified phage coat proteins or as delivery vehicles for DNA vaccines, which was recently reviewed by Clark and March (2004). ...
Ecological fitness and strategies of adaptation of Bartonella species
... Peru [101]. Battistini [10] established that sandfly bites can induce verruga peruana in monkeys under experimental conditions, and that disease manifestations could be reproduced in two Rhesus macaques (Macaca mulatta) inoculated with crushed sandflies collected in an area where Oroya fever was endem ...
... Peru [101]. Battistini [10] established that sandfly bites can induce verruga peruana in monkeys under experimental conditions, and that disease manifestations could be reproduced in two Rhesus macaques (Macaca mulatta) inoculated with crushed sandflies collected in an area where Oroya fever was endem ...
C. Opisthorchis felineus
... tibia excessively forward on the femur. Diagnosis: ruptured anterior cruciate ligament (ACL). Which of the following statements about ACL is not correct? A. more commonly torn than posterior cruciate ligament B. passes upward, backward and laterally from the tibia C. attached to the lateral surface ...
... tibia excessively forward on the femur. Diagnosis: ruptured anterior cruciate ligament (ACL). Which of the following statements about ACL is not correct? A. more commonly torn than posterior cruciate ligament B. passes upward, backward and laterally from the tibia C. attached to the lateral surface ...
Special, clinical and ecological microbiology
... A. Binds to the Fc region of some subclasses of human IgG. B. Prevents activation of complement by the classical pathway. C. Enables bacteria to adhere tightly to mammalian cells. D. Reduces access of antibiotics to the bacterial membrane. E. *Inhibits phagocytosis by neutrophils 31. A post-surgical ...
... A. Binds to the Fc region of some subclasses of human IgG. B. Prevents activation of complement by the classical pathway. C. Enables bacteria to adhere tightly to mammalian cells. D. Reduces access of antibiotics to the bacterial membrane. E. *Inhibits phagocytosis by neutrophils 31. A post-surgical ...
Special, clinical and ecological microbiology
... 34. The main carrier site on the human body for strains of potentially pathogenic Staphylococcus aureus is the A. oral cavity B. *throat (posterior nasopharynx) C. nasal membranes D. gastrointestinal tract E. vagina 35. The carrier site in humans for pathogenic Neisseria meningitidis is the A. Conju ...
... 34. The main carrier site on the human body for strains of potentially pathogenic Staphylococcus aureus is the A. oral cavity B. *throat (posterior nasopharynx) C. nasal membranes D. gastrointestinal tract E. vagina 35. The carrier site in humans for pathogenic Neisseria meningitidis is the A. Conju ...
Implications of bacterial viruses on pathogenic bacteria
... short, and phages have had an essential role in the development of modern molecular biology. Phages are viruses infecting only bacterial hosts, and like all viruses, they lack the features required for autonomous replication. In order to reproduce, a phage needs to take over the metabolism of the ba ...
... short, and phages have had an essential role in the development of modern molecular biology. Phages are viruses infecting only bacterial hosts, and like all viruses, they lack the features required for autonomous replication. In order to reproduce, a phage needs to take over the metabolism of the ba ...
The characterization of inner core protein VP6 of African Horsesickness Virus
... CHAPTER 1: LITERATURE REVIEW 1.1 INTRODUCTION In 1898 researchers identified infectious agents that were smaller than the smallest known bacteria. Viruses are obligate intracellular parasites that use the machinery of the host cell to replicate. They consist of a DNA or RNA genome surrounded by a pr ...
... CHAPTER 1: LITERATURE REVIEW 1.1 INTRODUCTION In 1898 researchers identified infectious agents that were smaller than the smallest known bacteria. Viruses are obligate intracellular parasites that use the machinery of the host cell to replicate. They consist of a DNA or RNA genome surrounded by a pr ...
Biology 213 Syllabus Microbiology
... COURSE DESCRIPTION: The biology of pathogenic microorganisms will be stressed, emphasizing their microscopic and molecular aspects. Students will describe, in detail, the relationship existing between the host-parasite complex during the diseased state. They will also become acquainted with those ch ...
... COURSE DESCRIPTION: The biology of pathogenic microorganisms will be stressed, emphasizing their microscopic and molecular aspects. Students will describe, in detail, the relationship existing between the host-parasite complex during the diseased state. They will also become acquainted with those ch ...
bacteriophages - University of Macau Library
... employing the endocytosis mechanism (Lopez & Arias, 2010). The endocytic vesicles transport the viral particles to the perinuclear area of the host cell, where the conditions for viral replication are optimal. The other way of infection is to inject only the viral genome (sometimes accompanied by ad ...
... employing the endocytosis mechanism (Lopez & Arias, 2010). The endocytic vesicles transport the viral particles to the perinuclear area of the host cell, where the conditions for viral replication are optimal. The other way of infection is to inject only the viral genome (sometimes accompanied by ad ...
Laboratory diagnosis of sexually transmitted infections, including
... national STI policies, antimicrobial susceptibility testing guidelines, medico-legal issues, and STI testing in minors. This new manual, Laboratory diagnosis of sexually transmitted infections, including human immunodeficiency virus, provides a basic understanding of the principles of laboratory tes ...
... national STI policies, antimicrobial susceptibility testing guidelines, medico-legal issues, and STI testing in minors. This new manual, Laboratory diagnosis of sexually transmitted infections, including human immunodeficiency virus, provides a basic understanding of the principles of laboratory tes ...
1 The evolution of heritable symbionts
... advances in molecular biology have provided new tools for symbiosis research and stimulated new investigations of many symbiont systems that were described many years ago but were previously difficult to investigate in detail. The term 'symbiosis' in its most general (and original) sense refers to t ...
... advances in molecular biology have provided new tools for symbiosis research and stimulated new investigations of many symbiont systems that were described many years ago but were previously difficult to investigate in detail. The term 'symbiosis' in its most general (and original) sense refers to t ...
As cancer rates surge upward human survival is
... The best way to treat cancer is to stimulate the body's own resources to destroy the invading intruders, the colonies of yeast and fungus that cancer is / plus restore and revitalize human cells that are in a state of malfunction and decay. This fundamental methodology makes much more common sense t ...
... The best way to treat cancer is to stimulate the body's own resources to destroy the invading intruders, the colonies of yeast and fungus that cancer is / plus restore and revitalize human cells that are in a state of malfunction and decay. This fundamental methodology makes much more common sense t ...
Bacterial diversity and viral discovery in the invasive Argentine ant
... Invasive species can lead to major economic and ecological issues. For this reason, biological controls are being developed in order to help with invasive species population management. Pathogenic bacteria and viruses offer good biological control opportunities as both micro-organisms have played a ...
... Invasive species can lead to major economic and ecological issues. For this reason, biological controls are being developed in order to help with invasive species population management. Pathogenic bacteria and viruses offer good biological control opportunities as both micro-organisms have played a ...
... for the technical assistance you provided. I also would like to recognize everyone in the Gerba lab. You made my time in the lab enjoyable and I will cherish these memories. I also would like to show gratitude to Dr. Joan Rose and the Center for Advancing Microbial Risk Assessment (CAMRA) for fundin ...
... for the technical assistance you provided. I also would like to recognize everyone in the Gerba lab. You made my time in the lab enjoyable and I will cherish these memories. I also would like to show gratitude to Dr. Joan Rose and the Center for Advancing Microbial Risk Assessment (CAMRA) for fundin ...