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Guiding Notes – Planet Earth (Powerpoint/Keynote) Name: ___________________ Period: ____
The Earth’s Structure
Crust – the _______________________ and _______________________ layer of Earth
Mantle – the layer of rock between the Earth’s _______________ and its ________________
- rocks are “__________________”  soft and easily ______________________________
Core – __________________________ of the Earth
- Inner core – _________________________ metal
- Outer core – _________________________ metal; surrounds the inner core
Plate Tectonics
Plate Tectonics – theory that Earth’s ______________________ is made up of large moving
__________________, which may have ______________________ throughout Earth’s history
- In 1911, Alfred Wegner, a German geologist saw that the continents fit together like a huge
_______________________ _______________________.
- East coast of South America fits into the west coast of Africa
- Wegner thought that all of the continents were once together in a super-continent he called
- Explains _______________________ formation, ___________________________,
________________________, and how similar
________________________ could have lived at the same
time on what are now widely separated continents.
- The crustal plates are thought to move due to Earth’s
internal heat causing ________________________
________________________ in the __________________.
Earth’s Plates
Lithosphere – the thin outer shell of Earth, consisting of the __________________ and the rigid
upper ____________________________
- made up of several ____________________ plates
Asthenosphere – the zone of the mantle beneath the _______________________________ that
consists of slowly ______________________________ solid rock
- plates of lithosphere “__________________” on top of the asthenosphere
Plate Boundaries
Divergent Boundaries – two plates _____________________ apart
- ____________________ from the mantle rises into the ____________
_________________between the plates
- Magma – ______________________ rock within the Earth
- New material is added to the edge of each plate becoming new ____________ ________
- Forms a ___________ ______________ surrounded by high mountains
- Can form ________________________
Volcanoes often form hills or mountains as materials pour or explode from a vent
Vent – _____________________ through which ___________________ rock flows
onto Earth’s surface
Convergent Boundaries – plates are moving __________________ each other
Subduction – process in which a tectonic plate _____________ beneath another
tectonic plate and into the ______________________________.
Ocean __________________, _____________________, and
_________________________ are formed at subduction zones.
Transform Fault Boundary – two plates move ____________________ each other
Fault – a ______________________ in the earth created when rocks on either side
of a break _________________
Causes earthquakes
o ___________________________ – study of earthquakes
o Focus – area along a _____________ where the earthquake is
o Epicenter – the point on Earth’s surface _____________ _______________
the focus of an earthquake
o Richter Scale – scale that expresses the ___________________
_______________________ of an earthquake
Transform Boundary
Mineral – a natural, __________________ solid with a definite _______________ ______________
and a characteristic internal structure
Types of Rock
Igneous Rock – rock formed from ___________ and _____________ __________ or __________
Intrusive igneous rock – formed from ___________ that __________ ___________the earth
- contains _____________, ______________ crystals
Extrusive igneous rock – formed as it cools on ____________ _____________
- contains ____________, _____________ crystals
Sedimentary Rock – rock formed from _________________ or _______________ ___________ of
Deposition – the ________________ in which ______________ is ____________ ________
Metamorphic Rock – rock formed from __________ ___________ as a result of ____________,
________________, or _________________ __________________
Types of Weathering
1. Physical or mechanical weathering
a. Ice – _____________ ____________
b. Plants – ________________ grow into ________________ in rocks
2. Chemical weathering
a. Reaction with ________________
b. __________________________________________ (carbonic acid) As it __________ into
the ground it can for weather rock _______________. (______________ __________)
c. _____________ rain (high in _____________ or ________________ acid)
Types of Erosion
Erosion - the ________________ and _____________________ of materials by running
_____________, ____________, _____________, ____________, _____________
____________, and __________________ .
Water Erosion - water scours out places on the ______________ and carries new ______________
away. There is a _____________ ____________________ between the ______________ of
the ______________ and the ____________ and the _______________ of the sediment it
can carry. __________________ moving rivers can carry away a lot of sediment, and create
_______________ __________________.
Glacial Erosion - large _______________ of _______ moving can ______________ the surface it
rests on, often creating _________________valleys.
Wind Erosion – wind carries sediment that creates a ___________________ effect
Geologic Time
Relative Age  one ___________ occurred ___________ or _____________ a different event
Absolute Age  a ______________ is ________________ to an event relative to a fixed measure
- uses __________________ ______________
- Carbon-14 Dating - Compare the amount of ___________ present in ___________ to
current ______________________
Relative Time
Principle of Superposition  Assuming no ___________ in the _________________ of the rock
______________, the ______________ will be on the _________________, and the
_________________ will be on ______________.
Principle of Original Horizontality  _____________ of ___________________ are generally
___________________ in a ____________________ position
Faunal Succession  ________________ can be used as __________ __________________
- Index Fossils – fossils that are ___________________ in extent, yet occurred within a
____________________ interval of ________________
Principle of Cross-Cutting Relationships – cross-cutting rocks are ________________ than the
rocks they ________ ____________________.
Inclusions – _______________ and ________________
included in ________________ and ____________
must be ______________ than the ___________
_____________ containing them.
Deformation – any rocks affected by a
______________ (i.e. – folding, tilting)
must _____________ the deformation
Unconformities – _____________________ in the _____________________ record
Using the law of superposition, inclusions, cross-cutting, relationships to determine the relative ages
of the following cross sections. With 1) being the youngest...
Youngest ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Oldest
1) _____
2)_______ 3)________ 4)_______ 5)_________ 6)______ 7)_______ 8)_______
Youngest --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------Oldest