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Earth and Space STAAR Review
1. Define Universe:
2. What is the main piece of evidence supporting the Big Bang Theory for the Origin of the Universe?
3. List the components of the Universe from smallest to largest starting with stars and ending with
4. How do scientists classify stars?
5. What temperature is a red star?
What temperature is a blue star?
6. Classify the Sun
according to its
temperature, magnitude,
color and type.
7. Which type of stars
are the most common?
What is the pattern
between their brightness
and temperature?
8. Why do we have seasons?
9. Illustrate the summer and winter seasons (using the Sun in the middle) for the Northern Hemisphere.
10. How is day length determined?
11. What is a light year? What does it measure?
12. Draw and label the 3 types of galaxies.
13. What type of galaxy is our Milky Way Galaxy?
14. How long does it take to go through the lunar cycle?
15. The Sun is always closest to which moon phase?
16. Use the “T-method” to draw and label each phase of the moon.
17. How long does it take to go from a new moon to a full moon?
18. How long is it between a 1st quarter moon and a Full Moon?
19. At which latitude can the sun be visible for 24 hours
straight in June?
A. Arctic Circle
B. Tropic of Cancer
C. Equator
D. Tropic of Capricorn
Earth Science
1. What are renewable resources? Give 2 examples.
2. What are nonrenewable resources? Give 2 examples.
3. List and describe 5 renewable energy sources:
4. What is the difference between surface water and groundwater?
5. What is a watershed?
6. What is an aquifer? What happens if we pump too much water out?
7. Draw a picture of the water cycle including the following terms: evaporation, condensation,
precipitation, transpiration, runoff, groundwater.
8. Explain one way that humans negatively affect the water cycle:
9. What processes does it take to form an igneous rock?
10. What processes does it take to form a sedimentary rock?
11. What processes does it take to form a metamorphic rock?
12. Give 2 examples for how catastrophic events can change the Earth’s surface.
13. What is the theory for how dinosaurs became extinct?
14. What are the 2 main factors that affect climate?
15. How do oceans affect the temperature of nearby land? What does this do to the overall climate of
the area?
16. The land located next to cold ocean currents will be _________ and the land located next to warm
currents flow will be ___________.
17. What is El Niño and what effects can it have?
18. How does global warming affect the ocean temperatures and our weather?
19. What factors affect weather?
20. Pressure flows from _________ to ___________.
21. How do convection currents form? Illustrate also.
22. List 5 types of evidence supporting the theory of continental drift.
23. How does the age of rocks prove that sea-floor spreading is occurring?
24. Illustrate subduction.
25. With arrows show how the plates move and label the following plate boundaries: Transform,
Divergent and Convergent.
26. List 2 things formed at Transform Boundaries
27. List 3 things formed at Divergent Boundaries.
28. List 3 things formed at Convergent Boundaries.
29. Explain how humans can change Earth’s features:
30. How do gradual processes like rivers flowing change the surface of the land?
31. How do weathering, erosion, and deposition affect the Earth?