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Study Guide
– Digestive System
PART ONE: Fill in the missing words in the following description of the digestive system.
Food is received by the ____________, which possesses ___________ to grind and break up
particles. ___________ glands secrete ___________ that moistens food and binds it
together for swallowing. The taste of food is detected by ________ located on the _______.
2. At the back of the mouth, the muscular ___________ is involved in swallowing food. The
epiglottis folds over the glottis during the swallowing ________.
3. The esophagus propels food toward the ___________, using muscular contractions called
____________. At the upper end of the esophagus, a muscular ring called a(n) ___________
regulates the entrance of food to the esophagus.
4. The stomach is lined with ___________ that secretes protective ___________. Otherwise,
the lining would be injured by the strong ___________ acid secreted by _________glands.
Gastric juice also contains __________ that breaks down proteins.
5. The layer of the digestive tract that houses blood vessels is the ____________. The
____________ layer contains two layers of smooth muscle. The outside layer, ___________
protects the digestive tube.
6. The first section of the small intestine is the ___________. It receives secretions from the
____________ and _____________ and also receives food known as ___________ from the
7. The mucosa of the small intestine is folded into _________, which, in turn, have projections
from individual cells called ____________.
Proteins in the microvilli transport nutrients such
as _____________ directly into the blood stream, and fats must be reconstructed so they can
travel into vessels of the lymphatic system called _________.
8. State the purpose of the microvilli ____________________________________________
9. A number of hormones control the secretions of digestive juices. ___________ is secreted in
response to protein in foods and enhances gastric gland output, while __________ inhibits
gastric secretion. ____________ is secreted in response to acidic chyme. When fats are
present in chyme, ___________ triggers the release of bile from the gallbladder.
10. The large intestine functions to store and compact __________. Unusual outgrowths of the
lining of the colon, called ________ can be either benign or cancerous. Colon cancer incidence
increases for people who do not have enough _________ in their diets.
11. Pancreatic juice contains a mix of _________ solution to neutralize stomach acid, and digestive
___________ to further break down food.
12. The liver produces a greenish substance called __________, which is stored and concentrated
by the ___________. The liver has been called the ___________ to the blood because it
detoxifies substances entering the flood from the ____________. Other functions of the
liver include ____________________, ___________________, and ________________.
13. ___________ is an inflammatory disease of the liver caused by a viral infection, while
____________ is damage caused by chronic alcohol abuse.
14. ___________ is a fat-digesting enzyme produced by the accessory organ, the ___________.
Starch digestion begins in the _________ with salivary ___________ and continues in the
__________ with pancreatic __________.
15. Protein digestion begins in the __________ where the enzyme __________ is produced, and
continues in the small intestine with the aid of the enzyme _________ from the pancreas.
PART THREE: Nutrition
16. What are the recommended daily allowances of the following nutrients?
Bread, rice, pasta _________
Meat, poultry, fish and beans __________
Dairy __________________
Vegetables ________________________
Fruit __________________
Sweets, fats, and oils ________________
16. Of the macronutrients, __________ are the primary source of energy in the diet, while
________ supply building materials. ________ are stored to supply energy at a later time.
17. In the small intestine, _________ and _________ pass into the wall of the small intestine and
from there, into _________. Fats travel a different route, into __________ after being
reconstructed in intestinal cells.
18. It is recommended that carbohydrates comprise ____ % of calories in the diet, with the bulk
of those being _________ carbohydrates. Fats should be less than _____ % of total calories
for the day, especially keeping _________fats to a minimum.
19. Many vitamins function as __________ in various metabolic pathways. Vitamin ____ is
important as a visual pigment, and vitamin _____ is turned into a compound that enhances
calcium absorption. Vitamins __________ are antioxidants.
20. Too much of the mineral ________ can lead to hypertension. The mineral __________ is a
major component of bones and teeth.
21. ____________ is an eating disorder most commonly found in adolescent females who view
themselves as fat when they are not. ___________, the most common eating disorder, can be
controlled by a low-fat diet combined with adequate _________.
PART TWO: Working Together
22. The Working Together diagram in your textbook illustrates the ways in which the digestive
system benefits other organ systems of the body. Match the organ systems with the correct
__________ Integumentary System
__________ Nervous System
__________ Respiratory System
__________ Urinary System
__________ Lymphatic System
__________ Reproductive System
__________ Circulatory System
__________ Endocrine System
__________ Skeletal System
__________ Muscular System
Digestive tract provides nutrients for plasma protein formation and blood cell formation; liver
detoxifies blood, makes plasma proteins, destroys old red blood cells
b. Liver synthesizes urea; digestive tract excretes bile pigments from liver and provides nutrients.
c. Digestive tract provides nutrients needed by the skin.
d. Digestive tract provides nutrients for growth, maintenance, and repair of neurons and neuroglial
e. Digestive tract provides glucose for muscle activity; liver metabolizes lactic acid following
anaerobic muscle activity
f. Breathing is possible through the mouth because digestive tract and respiratory tract share
the pharynx.
g. Stomach and small intestine produce hormones.
h. Digestive tract provides nutrients for lymphoid organs; stomach acidity prevents pathogen
invasion of the body.
i. Digestive tract provides nutrients for growth and repair of organs and for development of
j. Digestive tract provides Ca++ and other nutrients for bone growth and repair.