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Ch 5.3: The Appendicular Skeleton
Composed of 126 bones, which attach the limbs to the axial skeleton
Limbs (appendages)
The Pectoral (Shoulder) Girdle
**Part One: Upper Appendages**
Composed of two bones
1. ________________ – collarbone
(Both start with C? – Clavicle, Collarbone)
*It attaches to the arm __________________________ and helps prevent shoulder _____________
2. ________________ – shoulder blade
(Both start with S? Scapula, Shoulderblade)
*Triangular and are commonly called _____________
*These bones allow the __________________________ to have exceptionally _________ movement
*Shoulder girdle is ______________________________, but very susceptible to dislocation
Processes of the scapula
* __________________ process – enlarged _________________________ & attaches to the ____________
* __________________ process – points over the _________________ and anchors some ______________
Bones of the Shoulder Girdle
Bones of the Scapula
Borders of the Scapula
 Superior
 Inferior angle
 Vertebral (medial)
 Axillary (lateral)
 Glenoid cavity – a shallow socket that
receives the head of the arm bone
Bones of the Upper Limb
 The upper arm is formed by a ____________________
 Humerus
*Head (proximal end) of the Humerus fits ________
*The distal end forms a joint with ________________
 The lower arm (forearm) is formed by _________________
* ________ – located on the lateral side or ___________ side
* _______ – located on the medial side or ___________ side
 The hand
* ______ – __bones arranged in __rows form the carpus (wrist)
* Metacarpals – ____________
* ________________ – fingers
–Each hand consists of ___ phalanges – ___ in each finger
–Making ____________, ___________, and __________
–The _______ is an exception, it has ___ phalanges, only
the proximal and distal ones
** Part Two: Lower Appendages**
Bones of the Pelvic Girdle
3. Pubis:
* The pubis is the most ______________ part
of a _____________________________
* The pubic bones of each hipbone fuse
anteriorly to form a cartilaginous joint called
the ____________________________
- The ilium, ischium, and pubis fuse at a deep
socket called the ________________ (hip socket)
- The acetabulum receives the head of the
_______________ (femur)
- The male and female pelvis _____________
Two hip bones (___________ bones)
• Composed of ______ pair of ________ bones
2. Ischium
3. Pubic bone
• The total weight of the upper body rests on the
• Protects several organs
•Reproductive Organs
•Part of the __________
1. Ilium:
* The ilium connects posteriorly with the
___________ at the _____________joint
* It is a large, flaring bone that forms
most of the _________________
* If you put your hands on your hips,
they are resting on the __________
* The upper edge of the ilium is _____
2. Ischium
* The ischium is the ________________
bone because it forms the inferior part of
the ___________________
* The ischial tuberosity is a
___________________________ that
receives body __________ when you are
The Pelvis
* The Pelvis: Right Coxal Bone
* Gender Differences of the Pelvis – Females; are
Bones of the Lower Limbs
 The thigh has one bone:
1. Femur – ________ bone
o Heaviest, ________________________in the body
o The _______________ end has a ball-like head, a neck, and
greater and lesser trochanters
o It has many sites for _______________________ such as
the ___________________________________________
o The head of the femur articulates or __________________
_______________of the hip bone in a deep, secure socket
o Distally, the _________ has lateral and medial condyles
that articulate or ____________________ below
The leg has two bones
1. Tibia (shin bone):
* Larger and _____________________, supports body weight
* At the proximal end, the ________ and lateral condyles articulate
or __________________________________________________
* Forming the _______________________
* _________________ is the kneecap
* The patellar tendon attaches to the ________________________,
a roughened area on the anterior _______________________
* Distally, the medial malleolus is the inner bulge of the ________
2. Fibula:
* Lies alongside the tibia is ________ and sticklike
* The ________ has no part in forming the _________
* The distal end has the lateral malleolus, forming the
The foot
a. Calcaneus
b. Tarsus
c. Metatarsals
d. Phalanges
• Supports our body weight and serves as a lever that
allows us to propel or move our bodies forward when we
walk or run
a. Tarsus makes up the ___________
•It is composed of __________ tarsal bones
•Most _____________ is carried by _____ tarsal
1. ____________________ (heel bone)
2. _________ (ankle bone) located between the tibia & the
b. Five __________________ form the sole
c. _______________________ make up the toes
•Each toe has ________________________________
•except for the great toe which has __________________
*Arches of the Foot
 Bones of the foot are arranged to form three strong arches
- 1.
- 2.
- 3.