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1. Students will analyze the cause and effect of
the vast expansion and eventual fall of the Roman
• Explore the internal weaknesses and territorial
threats to the sanctity of the Roman Empire
including political infighting, corruption, slavery,
lack of education, barbarian migration and
challenges to boundaries at height of empire.
• Explain the establishment of Constantinople and
the development of the Byzantine Empire and the
consequences of the development of two distinct
European civilizations.
7th Grade Medieval World History
2. Students will analyze the geographic, political,
economic, religious, and social structures of Islam in
the Middle Ages.
• Investigate the origins of Islam including the life and
teachings of Muhammad (including the Five Pillars of
Islam) and connection to Judaism and Christianity.
• Understand the intellectual exchanges among
Muslim scholars of Eurasia and Africa and the
contributions Muslim scholars made to later
civilizations in the areas of science, geography,
mathematics, philosophy, medicine, art and literature
7th Grade Medieval World History
2. Students will analyze the geographic, political,
economic, religious, and social structures of Islam
in the Middle Ages.
• Explain the significance of the Qur'an and
Sunnah as the primary sources of Islamic beliefs,
practice, and law, and their influence in Muslims’
daily life
• Compare and contrast early Muslim society to
today’s Muslim community.
• Explore the intellectual life of Islamic Spain and
its impact on Europe.
7th Grade Medieval World History
3. Students will analyze the geographic, political,
economic, religious, and social structures of the
Sub-Saharan civilizations of Ghana and Mali in
Medieval Africa.
• Study the Niger River and the relationship of
vegetation zones of
forest, savannah, and desert to trade in gold, salt,
food, and slaves;
and the growth of the Ghana and Mali empires.
• Investigate the growth of Arabic as a language
of government,
trade and Islamic scholarship in West Africa.
7th Grade Medieval World History
4. Students will compare and contrast the geographic,
political, economic, religious, and social structures of
Meso-American and Andean civilizations.
• Investigate the locations, landforms and climates of
Mexico, Central America and South America and
their effects upon Mayan, Aztec and Inca economies,
trade and development of urban societies.
• Compare and contrast the geographic, political,
economic, religious, and social structures of the
Mesoamerican (Aztec & Maya) and Andean (Inca)
civilizations including their subsequent destruction
by Spanish conquerors
7th Grade Medieval World History
4. Students will compare and contrast the
geographic, political, economic, religious, and
social structures of Meso-American and Andean
• Describe Mesoamerican achievements in
astronomy and mathematics, including the
development of the calendar and the
Mesoamerican knowledge of seasonal changes to
the civilizations’’ agricultural systems.
7th Grade Medieval World History
5. Students will analyze the geographic, political,
economic, religious, and social structures of
China in the Middle Ages.
• Analyze the influences of Confucianism and
changes in Confucian thought during the Sung
and Mongol periods.
• Describe the reunification of China under the
Tang Dynasty and the reasons for the spread of
Buddhism in Tang China, Korea and Japan
• Trace the historic influence of such discoveries
as tea, the manufacture of paper, wood-block
printing, the compass, and gunpowder
7th Grade Medieval World History
6. Students will analyze the geographic, political,
economic, religious, and
social structures of Medieval Japan.
• Explore feudal society in Medieval Japan
including the shogun, daimyo and samurai and the
lasting influence of the warrior code in the 20th
• Describe the significance of Japan’s proximity to
China and Korea and the intellectual, linguistic,
religious, and philosophical influence of those
countries on Japan.
7th Grade Medieval World History
7. Students will analyze the geographic, political,
economic, religious, and social structures of
Medieval Europe.
• Examine how geography influenced the
development of political and economic states
after the fall of the Roman Empire (e.g. Barbarian
• Investigate the struggle between church and
state (e.g. conflict and cooperation between the
Papacy and European monarchs, including
7th Grade Medieval World History
7. Students will analyze the geographic, political,
economic, religious, and social structures of Medieval
• Understand the development of feudalism, its role in
the medieval European economy, the way in which it
was influenced by physical geography and how feudal
relationships provided the foundation of political
• Discuss the causes and course of the religious
Crusades and their effects on the
Christian, Muslim, and Jewish populations in Europe,
with emphasis on the increasing contact by Europeans
with cultures of the Eastern Mediterranean world
7th Grade Medieval World History
7. Students will analyze the geographic, political,
economic, religious, and social structures of
Medieval Europe.
• Map the spread of the bubonic plague from
Central Asia to China, the Middle East, and
Europe and describe its impact on global
• Study the influence of the Magna Carta as a
foundation of modern democracy.
7th Grade Medieval World History
8. Students analyze the origins, accomplishments and
geographic spread of the
Renaissance and the historical development of the
The Renaissance
• Describe the way in which the revival of classical
learning and the arts fostered a new interest in
humanism (i.e., a balance between intellect and
religious faith)
• Detail advances made in literature, the arts, science,
mathematics, cartography, engineering, and the
understanding of human anatomy and astronomy
7th Grade Medieval World History
8. Students analyze the origins, accomplishments
and geographic spread of the
Renaissance and the historical development of the
The Renaissance
• Research the lives of famous individuals from
the Renaissance including Dante, Michelangelo, da
Vinci, Gutenberg and Shakespeare.
7th Grade Medieval World History
8. Students analyze the origins, accomplishments
and geographic spread of the
Renaissance and the historical development of the
The Reformation:
• List the causes for the internal turmoil in and
weakening of the Catholic Church including tax
policies and the selling of indulgences.
• Describe the theological, political and economic
ideas of the major figures during the Reformation
(including Erasmus, Martin Luther, John Calvin,
and William Tyndale).
7th Grade Medieval World History
8. Students analyze the origins, accomplishments
and geographic spread of the
Renaissance and the historical development of the
The Reformation:
• Investigate the Counter-Reformation as an
attempt by the Catholic Church to reform itself.
7th Grade Medieval World History
9. Students will analyze political and economic change
during Age of Exploration, the Scientific Revolution,
the Enlightenment, and the Age of Reason.
Scientific Revolution
• Discuss the roots of the Scientific Revolution
(including Greek rationalism, Jewish, Christian and
Muslim science, Renaissance humanism, and new
knowledge from global exploration).
• Understand the significance of the new scientific
theories (e.g. Copernicus, Galileo, Kepler and
Newton) and the significance of new inventions (e.g.
telescope, microscope, thermometer and barometer).
7th Grade Medieval World History
9. Students will analyze political and economic change
during Age of Exploration, the Scientific Revolution,
the Enlightenment, and the Age of Reason.
Scientific Revolution
• Understand the scientific method advanced by
Bacon and Descartes, the influence of new
scientific rationalism on the growth of democratic
ideas, and the coexistence of science with
traditional religious beliefs
7th Grade Medieval World History
9. Students will analyze political and economic
change during Age of Exploration, the Scientific
Revolution, the Enlightenment, and the Age of
Age of Exploration, the Enlightenment and the
Age of Reason
• Know the great voyages of discovery, the
locations of the routes, and the influence of
cartography in the development of a new
European worldview
7th Grade Medieval World History
9. Students will analyze political and economic change
during Age of Exploration, the Scientific Revolution,
the Enlightenment, and the Age of Reason.
Age of Exploration, the Enlightenment and the
Age of Reason
• Examine the origins of modern capitalism; the
influence of mercantilism and cottage industry;
the elements and importance of a market economy
in seventeenth-century Europe; the changing
international trading and marketing patterns,
including their locations on a world map; and the
influence of explorers and map makers
7th Grade Medieval World History
9. Students will analyze political and economic
change during Age of Exploration, the Scientific
Revolution, the Enlightenment, and the Age of
Age of Exploration, the Enlightenment and the
Age of Reason
• Describe how democratic thought and
institutions were influenced by Enlightenment
thinkers (e.g. Locke, Montesquieu, Rousseau and
Thomas Jefferson) influenced institutions.
7th Grade Medieval World History
9. Students will analyze political and economic
change during Age of Exploration, the Scientific
Revolution, the Enlightenment, and the Age of
Age of Exploration, the Enlightenment and the
Age of Reason
• Explore how the principles in the Magna Carta
were embodied in such documents as the English
Bill of Rights and the American Declaration of
7th Grade Medieval World History