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AP Spanish Language
Course Syllabus
Laura Howell
Paw Paw High School
30609 Red Arrow Highway
Paw Paw, MI 49079
(269) 657-8898 ext. 6518
[email protected]
Prerequisite: Spanish IV
The content of this course is largely determined by the AP Spanish Language Course
Description provided by the College Board. It covers the equivalent of a third-year
college course in advanced Spanish writing and conversation. The course seeks to
develop language skills that enable students to function in a Spanish-speaking culture.
Students enrolled in Spanish V AP have the overall goal of developing their language
skills for active communication within the Spanish-speaking culture. To that end,
students have the following objectives:
1. the ability to comprehend formal and informal spoken Spanish;
2. the acquisition of vocabulary and a grasp of structure to allow the easy,
accurate reading of newspaper and magazine articles, as well as of modern
literature in Spanish;
3. the ability to compose expository passages;
4. the ability to express ideas orally with accuracy and fluency; and
5. the ability to behave in culturally appropriate ways within a Spanish-speaking
 spiral notebook
 three-ring binder with dividers
 folder
 pencils/pens (of different colors)/highlighter
 501 Spanish Verbs (Barron’s Educational Series)
 Dictionary
Primary Text
Draggett, Parthena, et al. Temas, AP Spanish Language and Culture. Boston, MA: Vista
Higher Learning, Inc., 2014
Supplementary Text
Díaz, José M., Leicher-Prieto, Margarita, Nissenberg, Glida, AP Spanish Preparing for
the Language Examination, 3rd Edition, Boston, MA: Pearson-Prentice Hall, 2007
This class is conducted almost exclusively in the target language and students can expect
to gain greater competence in speaking, listening to, reading, and writing Spanish.
Students will:
express themselves in Spanish throughout the class (both through the spoken and
written word
read and write extensively
listen to a variety of resources recorded or presented in the target language
become familiar with the different Spanish and Latin American cultures though
the language and experiences in the classroom
explore and exploit opportunities to use the target language outside the classroom
From Teacher’s guide: AP Spanish Language, Bencomo, Gisela
Students will be able to:
 express facts, ideas, and feelings in a manner that is intelligible to a native
 use acquired vocabulary to summarize a story;
 narrate, describe, and explain in the past, present, and future tenses, using
appropriate grammatical structures (e.g., indicative and subjunctive, preterit and
 formulate oral questions that clarify meaning and participate in class discussions
that include higher level thinking, such as analysis, synthesis, and evaluation;
 use the language for a variety of functions, such as complaining, advising,
apologizing, and asking for or giving directions;
 speak with an accent that does not interfere with comprehension.
Students will be able to:
 follow a conversation between educated, native Spanish-speakers that may
include idiomatic and colloquial expressions;
 obtain information from oral reports or other types of narratives;
 understand standard Spanish on radio or television programs, such as soap operas,
interviews, and news reports;
 identify cues that affect meaning in communication, both verbal cues (inflections,
point of view) and non-verbal cues (facial expressions, body language);
 recognize the purpose and motivation of speakers.
Students will:
 have an overall comprehension of expository and narrative selections;
 have an overall comprehension of magazine and newspaper articles on a variety
of topics;
 draw conclusions and make generalizations;
 defend a given opinion by citing references;
 determine the main idea (stated or implied), the cause and effect (stated or
implied), and probable outcomes in reading selections;
 answer questions about literal or inferred meaning
 distinguish between fact and opinion, and identify an unstated opinion in a written
 specify ideas about characters, actions, and places
 paraphrase and summarize ideas or concepts from a text
 interpret idiomatic expressions, old popular sayings, proverbs, and colloquial
 integrate contextual clues and structural analysis to gain meanings of unknown
Students will:
 write for a variety of audiences and purposes;
 write in a variety of modes, including narrative (personal experience); expository
(essay, paper, biographical incidents); persuasive (editorial); and imaginative
(story, poem);
 respond directly and efficiently to a prompt in a timed writing
 begin to develop a personal writing style that reflects an awareness of voice;
coherent, precise word choice; appropriate literary devices; and effective
introductions and conclusions;
 use appropriate transitional devices, varied sentence lengths, and patterns of essay
 recognize and select appropriate language with regard to connotation and
In general, the AP rubrics, as well as the ACTFL Proficiency Guidelines are used to
grade speaking and writing activities that have been given as quizzes, test, oral
presentations, homework assignments, and other informal assessments.
Evaluation Criteria
(See attached pages)
Evaluation Criteria for Speaking Assessments
Naturalness of speech (30%)
High: Very conversational. Comfortable speaking Spanish. Natural turn taking.
Medium: Sometimes slow and problematic. Reticent, with longer pauses in turn taking.
Low: Long pauses, breaks in conversation. Disjointed sequence. Listener had to make
significant effort to understand.
Unsatisfactory: Short answers with no sequence. The conversation was more dependent
on listener’s coaching than on the speaker.
Content and Task Completion (24%)
High: Well developed ideas, clear and to the point. Ideas well sequenced. Speaker
could have done the same task if alone in a Spanish-speaking country.
Medium: Ideas mostly well developed and sequenced, fairly clear and relevant. Would
be understood by a sympathetic native Spanish speaker.
Low: Little development or ordering of ideas. Would be understood by a sympathetic
native Spanish speaker accustomed to interacting with foreigners.
Unsatisfactory: Ideas confusing or not well developed, unclear. Communication
broke down; speaker lapsed into English. Had problems completing
the task. Would probably not have succeeded if partner weren’t an
English speaker.
Vocabulary (24%)
High: Broad in range, precise. Speaker used vocabulary covered in class with few or
no errors and was able to create with it.
Medium: Generally adequate for the situation. For the most part speaker showed
mastery of vocabulary covered in class.
Low: Somewhat inadequate or inaccurate. Speaker had difficulty with and made
errors with vocabulary covered in class.
Unsatisfactory: Mostly inaccurate or inadequate. Abundance of errors.
Grammar and Accuracy (22%)
High: Very accurate verb forms, subject-verb agreement, adjective-noun agreement,
sentence structure. Very few errors overall. Appropriate use of register.
Medium: Mostly accurate, errors do not impede comprehensibility. Mostly
appropriate use of register.
Low: Demonstrated little mastery of grammar and/or accuracy. Numerous errors
That often impeded communication. Inappropriate use of register.
Unsatisfactory: Mostly inaccurate, incomprehensible. No mastery of grammar
Demonstrated. Apparent unawareness of register.
Evaluation Criteria for Compositions
Content (Information Conveyed)(30%)
High: very complete information; no more can be said; thorough; relevant; on target
Medium: adequate information; some development of ideas; some ideas lack supporting
detail or evidence
Low: limited information; ideas present but not developed; lack of supporting detail
or evidence
Unsatisfactory: minimal information; information lacks substance (is superficial); inappropriate
or irrelevant information; or not enough information to evaluate
Organization (25%)
High: logically and effectively ordered; main points and details are connected; fluent
not choppy whatsoever
Medium: an apparent order to the content is intended; somewhat choppy; loosely
organized but main points do stand out although sequencing of ideas is
not complete
Low: limited order to the content; lacks logical sequencing of ideas; ineffective
ordering; very choppy; disjointed
Unsatisfactory: series of separate sentences with no transitions; disconnected ideas; no
apparent order to the content; or not enough to evaluate
High: broad; impressive; precise and effective word use and choice; extensive
use of words studied
Medium: adequate but not impressive; some erroneous word usage or choice, but
meaning is not confused or obscured; some use of words studied
Low: erroneous word use or choice leads to confused or obscured meaning;
some literal translations and invented words; limited use of words studied
Unsatisfactory: inadequate; repetitive; incorrect use or non-use of words studied; literal
translations; abundance of invented words; or not enough to evaluate
High: no errors in the grammar presented in lesson; very few errors in subject/verb or
adjective/noun agreement; work was well edited for language
Medium: no errors in the grammar presented in the lesson; occasional errors in
subject/verb or adjective/noun agreement; erroneous use of language does not
impede comprehensibility; some editing for language evident but not complete
Low: no errors in the grammar presented in the lesson; some errors in subject/verb
agreement; some errors in adjective/noun agreement; erroneous use of language
often impedes comprehensibility; work was poorly edited for language
Unsatisfactory: one or more errors in use and form of the grammar presented in the lesson;
frequent errors in subject/verb agreement; non-Spanish sentence structure;
erroneous use of language makes the work mostly incomprehensible; no evidence
of having edited the work for language; or not enough to evaluate
Marking period grades
Student grades for each of the six-week marking periods will be determined as follows:
Tests and quizzes……………………..80%
Coursework ……….…………………20%
(homework, class activities)
A marking period grade is not a final grade in and of itself. It is merely a progress report
toward the final grade that is posted at the semester. Therefore, a student’s grade, when
reported at any given time during the semester is cumulative from the beginning of the
Semester grades
A student’s cumulative grade at the end of 18 weeks will account for 80% of the semester
grade. The remaining 20% will be based on a semester exam.
Grading Scale