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Study Guide
Chapter 11
Michelangelo painted the ceiling of the Sistine Chapel.
The Medici family ruled the city of Florence.
The Council of Trent stopped the sale of indulgences.
Florence grew wealthy through banking.
John Calvin taught the people about predestination.
The Act of Supremacy made the king the head of a new church in England.
Leonardo da Vinci was an Italian scientist and artist.
The Renaissance began in Italy.
The humanist clergyman Desiderius Erasmus criticized Church corruption.
Kings’ and princes’ support contributed to Protestantism’s success.
Humanism believed individuals were important.
Secular meant that people focused on this world instead of getting into
Gutenberg’s printing press made books available to more people and
allowed ideas to spread more rapidly.
During the crusades, Western Europeans came into contact with Muslims
scholars in the Middle East and gained new knowledge about the study of
ancient Roman and Greek works.
Marco Polo traveled the overland Silk Road to China.
William Tyndale’s translation of the Bible into the vernacular language helped
make the Bible available for everyone to read and understand.
Calvinism’s ideas included the belief that government should not control
Martin Luther believed the church was made up of all people (believer) not
just clergy.
King Henry VIII seized the Catholic Church lands to gain the support of his
nobles for the Church of England.
King Phillip II of Spain send the Spanish Armada to England for revenge on
Elizabeth I for supporting the Protestant Dutch who were rebelling against
the Spanish.
The founder of the Jesuits was St. Ignatius of Loyola.