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Role Of Media Planner In Advertising Agency
Media Planner
Media planner, also known as brand strategists or brand planners, is a job title in media
planning and buying agency or an advertising agency. They are responsible for selecting media
for advertisement placement on behalf of their clients.
They work with the radio, televisions, press and new media, in particular the Internet. They also
do brand promotions on the sides of taxis and buses (using advertisement template).
The job of media planning entails many areas of expertise, which media planner uses to
determine what the best combination of media is to achieve the given marketing campaign
It is a four-step process –
Setting media objectives in light of advertising and marketing objectives.
Developing a proper media strategy and plan for implementing advertising and
marketing objectives.
Designing media tactics for realizing media strategy.
Suggesting procedures for assessing the effectiveness of the media plan.
Work Activities of Media Planner
Typical work activities of media planner involves 
Identifying target audiences and analyzing their media habits, behavior and
Reading market trends and understanding motivations of consumers.
Working with the client to understand advertising strategies and business strategies.
Presenting proposals with cost and media schedules to clients.
Applying knowledge of media and communication platforms to identify the most suitable
path for building awareness of a client’s brand.
Thinking creatively about ways to represent particular clients.
Analyzing and researching data to translate ideas into a quantifiable task.
Developing evaluation techniques for campaigns.
Managing client relationships to ensure trust and respect in your judgment.
Proofreading advertisement content and text prior to release.
Maintaining detailed records.
Television Is The First Choice In Advertisement
Advertising is a necessity for any corporate in today’s product rat race. If they want to increase
their customer base or retain their position by competing with their rivals, they have to choose
the most effective medium of advertisement. One could actually see the struggle and feel the
cold war happening between television advertisements. Television is the most effective mode of
passing a message to the targeted audience. Television has revolutionized the advertising
media and has dominated the market until today.
Unlike other modes of advertising, television uses audio and video display that could be applied
in many variations, which will surely influence the viewer. One of the biggest advantages of
television is the availability of television signal, which can be reached at every corner of the
world, after easy or minimum setup. These advertisements can target larger number of people
in the shortest period of time. It has been found out by the research that the television
advertisements influence the viewers for long time.
Advertising agencies perform deep research before they create and feature the advertisement
for the targeted audience. For example, if kids are targeted, then cartoons or animation
advertisements are often used in the in the programs. If the advertisement has to features a car,
then specific program slots are selected by the agency to reach maximum viewers. In United
States, the Super Bowl Championship is considered to be the most prominent event for
advertising. Broadcasting networks such as CBS and NBC, charged $3 million in 2009 for a
single 30 second slot of advertisement. Television commercials has high price during popular
program’s airtime. Advertisements are featured in such a way that they can make the viewer
relate to the product.
Television Advertising History:
In United States until 1948, television was totally a new phenomenon that offered audio with the
visual display. Advertising agencies were in a search of the most effective mode of advertising
media, apart from radio, to reach large number of people. After deep research and study, they
came up with a concept that will feature single product or a series of products in the television
show, by sponsoring a show. Some of the examples of these concepts that featured in 1950’s
are shows such as Coke Time, Colgate Comedy Hour and Kraft Television Theater, which
featured their products in the show; and worked really well for the products. Due to its
effectiveness and popularity, television media raised their prices for the sponsorship, and were
earning tremendously, which further imposed an upward pressure on the cost of the product.
Advertisers were in need of a new advertising concept, which would work in favor of their
product. To overcome the raising price of the product, advertising agencies came up with the
concept by booking a slot for a minute or two, in the popular event, instead of sponsoring the
complete program. This concept would allow multiple products to feature in a single event as
well as create same impact on the viewer. This was the birth of modern advertisement, which is
working effectively still today.
Today, most of the television advertisements are produced by an agency that simplifies the job
of advertising and researching for the product at the right slot.
Radio Surprisingly Recaptured The
Advertisement Industry
Marketing and advertising plays a crucial role for any business to determine their success or
failure in market. Advertisements are featured to target maximum crowd in the minimum time
and cost. Among the entire available advertising medium, radio accounts for 6.9% of the total
advertising expenditure. Many businesses prefer radio as it is an effective media of
communication and surprisingly, the number of radio listeners is significantly increasing these
Radio advertisements are affordable and effective for small as well as large businesses. In
United States, 95% of people listen to radio while going to work, while returning home or after
morning wake up. Car radios and cell phone radios have increased the spread of radio, across
United States. According to a survey, radio is the second greatest communication medium, and
majority of the listeners of radio, fall in the age group of 18 – 40. Radio makes enough
customer-base for all the businesses to feature their advertisements 24X7, according to the
category of customers. Commercial stations or radio networks make the most profit by featuring
advertisements in the peak time by selling their airtime. Every radio station has different price
for the airtime and program.
Radio advertisements are broadcast in air through radio waves, from a transmitter such as
station to the receiving end such as antenna of the radio. The specialty of radio advertisements
are that they can target the customers who are constantly traveling or are always on a move.
History and Evolution of Radio Advertisement:
Although, radio was aired in 1900’s, it began constant broadcasting only after 1919 in United
States. KDKA (a radio news company), featured their first radio advertisement in 1920 on radio.
During that time, the major hurdle for radio technology was the cost of operating the channels.
In 1922, AT&T sold the toll broadcasting to the advertisers, which mentioned the sponsor’s
name in the program. WEAF was the first paid advertiser for radio. Later many businesses
advertised their products on various stations in 1920’s. During the golden age of radio,
numerous changes and experiments took place in the radio-advertising formats. Some
advertisers sponsored entire programs while some introduced celebrity voices for their products.
Due to the voice limitation, the introduction of television media affected the radio advertising.
Although, many technologies and media channels are available to communicate with customers
or to create customer base, radio listeners are increasing these days. Today, 13% of the US
population listens to Internet radio, and the count is ascending.
Internet Dominates Advertising Industry
Since 1870, advertising has experimented various methodologies and mediums over the
century to reach public and sell their products. Few platforms dominated the advertising market
and offered an opportunity for the advertisers to pass on the message to people, and market
their products. After traversing from print media, radio to television media.
Today, new era of advertising has evolved, which is both cost-effective as well as efficient at
global level. Online advertising is the fastest growing medium of advertising that has proven its
effectiveness and stability in the advertising world.
The sudden rise in the internet advertising is due to the wide availability of customer base
across the globe. Twenty-one percent of internet users consider internet advertisements as the
most relevant advertisements. Internet advertisement has generated $220 billion in year 2009,
and by the end of 2010, it is expected to generate $428 billion.
An internet advertisement relates directly with the sales and it has huge impact on the brand
awareness and recognition of the product. The greatest advantage is the immediate publishing
irrespective to the geographic location. Furthermore, internet advertisements are very costeffective and it gives the flexibility for the advertisers to target particular age group or certain
categories of people internet users. Web advertising is the first choice in the internet advertising
History of Internet Advertisement:
Internet advertising was a visionary dream of computer users in 1960’s, who believed in the
globalization of computer network. They proposed the internet network theory in 1962, which
was successful in 1965 in United States. Dial-up telephone line was used to connect distant
computers, and the development of internet technology progressed thereafter.
In early 1990’s, online advertisements offered businesses an opportunity to sell their products
online. In 1994, first web advertisement appeared after the introduction of first internet browser
that helped in creating more complex websites. Online advertisements and e-commerce rapidly
captured the market until 2001, till the dot com crash, which resulted in the sudden decline in
the internet advertisement media. In 2002, Google introduced text advertisement system
through Ad Words, which earned $9.6 billion in 2004.
Today, as the number of internet users has increased worldwide, businesses find internet media
as the most efficient mode of advertising. The new venture in the internet such as social
networking and the latest technologies, have boomed the internet advertising media.
Celebrity Advertisements Catches Attention
Advertisements that feature celebrities are the most popular and watched advertisements.
These advertisements catch the attention of the viewer because of the popularity of the talented
artist. Celebrity’s fame, style and fan-base play an important role in the promotion of the
product. Most of the viewers relate themselves directly to the artist and the associated product
features with the artist.
Celebrities promote the product through advertisements that appear on television in the form of
commercials. Special events and other popular programs that carry their signature name of the
celebrity is also one of the forms of branding. Some artists have popular styles and voice that is
often the attraction of the advertisement. This advertising method is very expensive method.
Often a bond or a contract is signed between the celebrity and the advertiser for the promotion
of the product. Some artists have licensed products or a service that is named after them which
usually runs with a great success. Almost all popular products are tagged with popular
personalities these days. Frequently used products are commonly used for celebrity branding
such as clothing or fragrances.
Appearance of celebrity in the advertisements is a global phenomenon, which is very effective in
the developing countries such as India and China, where the artist is paid heavily for product
branding. With the gaining popularity of social networking and mobile internet, celebrity branding
is becoming popular these days.
Since the evolution of advertising from print media to television, popular artists were always
highlighted in the advertisements. Their fame and star value narrowed the distance between the
customer and the product.
Today, almost 20% of the advertisers signs celebrities to promote their products. Once the
celebrity is associated with the product, viewers usually copy the style and personality through
the product such as David Beckham, whose style was often copied across the globe.
Celebrity logos and graphical representation of artist’s image is yet another form of advertising;
whose popularity and craze is more than enough for any advertiser to attract wider section of
The Disguised Form Of Advertisement Is The
Product Placement
Advertisers often innovate different methodologies to market their product. Entertainment media
is one of the prominent platforms for the advertisers to target their audience. Imagine a scene in
a movie where the actor is busy drinking a branded soda, and then a bad guy appears and
steals his branded car; then the actor’s follows him, and finally throws the bad guy out of the car
on a big truck with a logo on it. This might appear to be a normal movie clip but the brands that
are focused in the above scene is a form of an advertisement called as product placement.
Product placement is a smart way of branding and advertising a product, where the lead actor
or any one of the character highlights the brand. The product is sometimes spoken verbally or
exposed to the audience in such a way that it catches the attention immediately. The brand is
embedded in various forms in the chosen media to accelerate sales or promote trademark.
Product placements are never disclosed as a form of advertisement. One could easily observe
the branded product that is promoted in the movie, news program and other story line of the
popular television shows. The most common products that are promoted through product
placement are branded notebook computers, popular drinks, mobile phones, personal
accessories and other items.
Few entertainers and movie makers dislike the idea of product placement as the movie might
look too commercial for the audience, while some of them welcome product placement as it
adds additional fund in the making of the movie. In spite of its commercialization, this
phenomenon works very well in most of the cases as the movie viewer remembers the scenes
along with the brand.
According to a product placement consulting firm PQMedia, the product placement market
earned $3.1 billion in 2006, and in 2010 the market is expected to close with approximate
revenue of $10 billion. The major promoters of product placement are the digital video player
and other modern equipments that allow the viewers to skip the advertisement.
Product placement was initially started in the later 19th century, where authors used to mention
a brand in their novel. Books still contribute in the promotion of a particular product to a certain
extent. After 1920’s movies started product placement which is still an effective form of
advertisement. Sports and other popular forms of entertainment sources are common picks for
the advertisers.
Media Buyer And Media Buying Process
Media Buyer
Media Buyers are those individuals, who are responsible for purchasing time and advertising
space, as well as developing the campaign and researching how it will be most effective for the
client. Media buyer can purchase media, nationally or regionally. There are two types of buyers:
Direct Response Media Buyers and General Marketing Media Buyers.
Direct Response Media Buyers is efficient in purchasing media from the proper stations, and is
also proficient in negotiating a functional rate. They attach unique phone numbers to each
station and track the sales. They also make adjustments to the media plan and schedule as
necessary to optimize results. Whereas, General Market Media Buyer create media schedules
and negotiate rates, based on a media plan constructed by a Media Planner; they actualize or
enact media plans drawn by Media Planners. They rely on published cost per point guides,
which in reality, are often based on hypothetical standards and somewhat outdated models.
Media Buying Process
There are five steps involve in media buying process –
Identify your target audience or market – Create a profile that reflects the consumer
you are trying to reach i.e. their age, incomes, gender, etc.
Do Research on your target market – You will need to identify, where you will find your
target market; online, television, or magazines.
Understand the consumer behavior – It is very important to understand the consumer
behavior that you are targeting. It will help you in placing a media or product in the market,
which will be effective and better than the competitor’s product.
Set your objectives and plan out your strategy – Identify what objectives are
important to you for each media buy, so that you can measure whether those objectives
are being achieved or not. When you set the marketing objectives that you want to
achieve with your target market, you can begin to create a plan.Your plan should contain –
Where you will buy media?
What is your budget and where you can allocate that budget.
Execute your plan – After setting your objectives and planning your strategy, it is a time to
execute your plan. Contact the media outlets and start negotiating your media buy rates. As
your plan for media buy is executed, be sure to evaluate how your strategy and plan is working
for you. If you are not meeting your objectives, then don’t be afraid to adjust your plan as
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