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Name _____________________________
Period _______
Ch. 45: Endocrine
1. List a few similarities between the endocrine system and the nervous system.
2. Define negative feedback and give an example.
3. Define positive feedback and give an example.
4. Describe the two ways hormones affect target organs using
a. Cell-surface receptors
b. Intracellular receptors
5. How do the steroid model and the protein model for hormone action differ?
6. Hormone and receptor interactions are based on _________________________________.
7. What does a “second messenger” do in a cell?
8. Describe a typical cellular response to a cell signaling pathway.
9. What is a tropic hormone?
10. What stimulates the anterior pituitary?
11. Elaborate on the role of the hypothalamus.
12. What are the functions of the
a. Thyroid gland
Name _____________________________
Period _______
Ch. 45: Endocrine
b. Parathyroid gland
13. What happens when someone has an iodine deficiency?
14. Describe the function of the thymus gland.
15. How does the pancreas regulate blood sugar?
a. Insulin
b. Glucagon
16. What are the two mechanisms that stimulate the adrenal glands?
17. Describe several action caused by the release of epinephrine.
18. What is the role of the gonadotropic hormones in males and females?
a. FSH
b. LH
19. What hormones are responsible for the secondary sex traits in males and females?
20. How are hormones related to homeostasis?
21. Describe the secretion, target, action, and regulation of at least three hormones.
Name _____________________________
Period _______
Ch. 45: Endocrine