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Unit 14 Lesson 1
Name ____________________________________________
Unit 14 Lesson 1 Notes – Plant Adaptation
Fill in the notes as you view the powerpoint. Turn them in to your classroom teacher when complete.
1. Plants have ___________________________ to help them live, grow, and
reproduce. An _________________ is an structure inherited by DNA that a
plant or animal has to allow them to live in a
particular habitat.
2. There are 4 main types of plants
a. _______________________ (mosses)
b. _______________________
_______________________ (conebearing plants)
c. _______________________ (flowering
STEM Adaptations
3. One adaptation is to have ______________
_________________ inside the stem (you can
see it in celery pictures). These are tubes that
help transport materials through the body (like
your veins and arteries).
a. _________________ are small, spongy
Unit 14 Lesson 1
Name ____________________________________________
plants. They are called _____________ plants, because they don’t have
any special tubes. They have to live close to water.
b. Ferns, gymnosperms, and angiosperms all have __________________
tissue. One type of vascular tissue is ______________. It carries water
up from the roots. Another type is ______________. It carries food down
from the leaves.
“Xylem moves water up and phloem moves food down. Xylem up and phloem down.”
On your picture, label what is moving UP the xylem and what is moving DOWN the
LEAF Adaptations
4. Most leaf adaptations help the plant do ___________________________.
Remember the equation for photosynthesis?
________________________________________________________ The leaf
needs to get carbon dioxide gas _____________ the cells and let oxygen gas
_____________. It also needs to keep the water that
was brought by the xylem.
a. For the gases to be exchanged, the plant has a
small opening called a _________________. It
is able to open and close to let the gases in and
out. Sometimes water escapes also!
On your picture of the stomata, label what is going IN and label the two things
that would be coming OUT….
Unit 14 Lesson 1
Name ____________________________________________
b. To prevent water loss, the leaves are usually covered in a __________
ROOT adaptations
5. The jobs of the ____________ are to anchor the plant and absorb water. Some
roots are even modified to store ____________ (like carrots!).
a. To help absorb ____________, plants have tiny extensions for more
surface. These are called __________ ______________.
Reproduction adaptations
6. Gymnosperms and angiosperms both have ____________ that help them
reproduce. Seeds are adaptations because they can remain __________, or
not growing, until the conditions are right. They also don’t dry out, and they can
be transported by wind, water or animals!
There are three parts to a seed:
a. ___________________ (baby plant)
b. Seed _______________
c. ___________ supply
7. _______________ have flowers for reproduction. Flowers have brightly colored
___________ that will attract birds and ___________ to transfer the pollen.
Unit 14 Lesson 1
Name ____________________________________________
a. The ____________ is the male part
of the flower and makes
___________, which contains the
b. The female part of a flower is called
the ___________. It has a sticky
stigma to capture the pollen and guide it down to the ovule where the egg
is. Once the egg is fertilized, it becomes a seed.
8. Angiosperms also make _________, which surround the seed. The fruit usually
has a lot of sugar to attract ________________ to eat the fruit. The main
advantage for having fruits is to get the seed ______ ___________ from the
parent plant. This means the new plant will not have to compete with the parent
plant for sunlight, water and other nutrients.
Adaptations for survival
9. Plants also have adaptations that help them not be eaten by animals. Some
examples are thorns, needles and bitterness.
a. The leaves on a cactus are called ___________ and they are very
_________ so that the plant won’t lose water. Cacti can also store water
Unit 14 Lesson 1
Name ____________________________________________
in their stem. The tiny leaves of a cacti are usually ______________ so
that animals don’t eat the plant.
b. Pine trees and other gymnosperms have _____________ for leaves.
These are also small and have a thicker ___________ coating so they
don’t lose too much water.
c. Some plants taste bitter or have poisons so that they won’t be eaten.
Review Summary
1. What are adaptations?
2. What are the 4 kinds of plants?
3. What is vascular tissue? What do the two types do?
4. What is a stomata?
5. How does the waxy cuticle help the plant?
6. How do root hairs help the plant?
7. What is the advantage of gymnosperms and angiosperms having a seed?
8. How do flowers and fruits help angiosperms?
9. How do some plants protect themselves from being eaten?
How are pine needles an adaptation? Can you name other adaptations?