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Name ____________________________
Period ___________
10B - Plant Systems Review
1. What do plants need to survive?
2. What are the two plant systems?
3. Plants take in ____ gas and release ___ ___ gas through an opening called ________
4. What are the reactants and products of photosynthesis?
5. What are the reactants and products of cellular respiration?
6. Label the cell wall, cell membrane, vacuole, nucleus, ribosomes, chloroplast, and mitochondria.
Plant Cell
7. What is the function of a chloroplast?
8. Why are plants green?
9. Where does most of the photosynthesis take place in the leaf? ___________________Why?
10. Fill in the following boxes as either vascular or nonvascular plants, and describe how they transport food and water.
Transports materials
(food, water, minerals)
11. What is the function of the xylem?
12. What is the function of the phloem?
13. Compare and Contrast gymnosperms and angiosperms.
Reproductive Organs
14. How do mosses and ferns reproduce?
15. What is the advantage of having root hairs?
16. List plant organs.
17. Fill in the table.
Plant Organ
How does water enter a root?
By what process?
How do minerals enter a root?
By what process?
22. Describe the functions of taproot and fibrous root.
Type of root
Fibrous root
23. To do photosynthesis a plant’s stoma must be ______ Why?
O2, CO2, and H2O are involved in gas exchange. Indicate what enters and what leaves the leaf through stomata.
O2, H2O
24. Define transpiration.
25. How does water move up the stem against gravity?
26. What is cohesion?
27. What is adhesion?
28. What is capillary action?
29. What is pollen?
30. Where is pollen produced in a plant?
31. What is a fruit?
32. Where are the eggs produced in the plant?
33. What is pollination?
34. Why is animal pollination is more efficient than wind pollination?
35. Where in the plant does mitosis take place?
36. Label the parts of the flower and the function of each.
37. Use the word bank below to fill in the blanks. WORD BANK: embryo, style, ovary, ovule
Fertilization begins when a pollen tube grows into _______ pollen travels down the tube and reaches ______ and then enters
_____ (egg)  egg & sperm unite to form a 2n - zygote (fertilized egg)  zygote develops into _______.
38. What is the function of a seed?
39. List some examples of seed adaptations.
40. What is a tropism?
41. Fill in the table.
42. What type of tropism is the plant on the right responding to and how?
43. What is germination?
44. What is the importance of the cuticle?
45. What conclusions can you draw from a plant that has lots of stomata?
46. What happens to the guard cells when the plant is lacking water?
When it has plenty of water?
47. What type of adaptations might a plant have if it lived in a desert?
48. What type of adaptations might a plant have if it lived in the tundra?
49. What type of plant adaptations might a plant have in the rainforest?
50. What type of plant adaptations might a plant have if it lived in an aquatic environment?
51. If an aquatic plant is placed near a light source and begins producing bubbles, what does that mean? What are those bubbles?
52. How do plants respond to stimuli?
53. What is a hormone?
54. Describe the functions of the plant hormones.
Abscisic acid