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Chapter 8 Study Guide
1. What is learning?
2. What is associative learning?
3. What is Behaviorism? What are some criticisms of behaviorism?
4. Who is the father of behaviorism?
5. List 3 types of learning.
Classical Conditioning
6. Describe the Little Albert Study. Who conducted it? What was Little Albert conditioned
to fear?
7. How can classical conditioning help someone develop a fear? What can be done to
cause that fear to become extinct?
8. Who is the father of classical conditioning?
9. List 3 things the Pavlov Dog study taught people about learning.
10. How does a neutral stimulus become a conditioned stimulus?
11. Define the following terms and give an example from the Pavlov Dog Experiment
a. Unconditioned Stimulus:
 Example:
b. Unconditioned Response:
 Example:
c. Conditioned Stimulus:
 Example:
d. Conditioned Response:
 Example:
e. Neutral Stimulus:
 Example:
f. Acquisition:
 Example:
g. Extinction:
 Example:
h. Spontaneous Recovery:
 Example:
 Example:
 Example:
12. What are some criticisms of Pavlov?
13. Describe the Koelling and Garcia Taste Aversion Studies.
14. In what ways did the Koelling and Garcia Taste Aversion Studies prove Watson and
Pavlov wrong?
15. How do cognitive processes and biological constraints affect classical conditioning?
Operant Conditioning
16. What is Operant Conditioning?
17. How does operant conditioning differ from classical conditioning?
18. What is the Law of Effect? Who came up with the Law of Effect?
19. Who is considered the father of Operant Conditioning?
20. What are some criticisms of Skinner?
21. What is shaping? How could you use shaping to potty train a dog?
22. What is the difference between respondent and operant behavior?
23. Operant Conditioning basics
______________ Encourages behavior
______________ Discourages behavior
______________ Means adding a stimuli
______________ Means taking away a stimuli
24. Getting an A, watching TV and getting desert are all example of……..
25. No chores because you did the dishes or no HW because the class was polite are both
examples of ………….
26. Getting a spanking or getting a speeding ticket are examples of……………
27. No TV for a week or getting a time-out are examples of………
28. What is the difference between a primary reinforce and a conditioned (secondary)
reinforce? Give examples of each type.
29. What is the difference between immediate reinforcement/punishment and delayed
reinforcement/punishment? Which one works better?
30. What is the difference between continuous and partial reinforcement? Give an example
of each type.
31. How could you cause extinction to occur in operant conditioning?
32. Describe the following reinforcement schedules and example for each.
a. Fixed Ratiob. Variable Ratioc. Fixed Intervald. Variable Interval33. Which reinforcement schedule is likely to produce a learned response the quickest?
34. Which reinforcement schedule is likely to experience extinction the quickest, once a
reward is stopped?
35. Which reinforcement schedule will give you the most consistent results?
36. List 2 pros of punishment
37. List 2 cons of punishment
38. What is the overjustification effect? Give an example.
39. What is the difference between intrinsic and extrinsic reinforcement? Give an example
for each?
40. What is the premack principle? Give an example.
41. What is a cognitive map? Give an example
42. What is Latent Leanring? Give an example.
43. How do biological predispositions influence operant conditioning?
44. What is Token Economy? Give an example.
45. On the chart below, come up with how the terms would impact each type of learning.
Spontaneous recovery
Cognitive constraints
Biological constraints
Observational Learning
46. What is observational learning?
47. Who is the father of observational learning?
48. What is modeling?
49. How do mirror neuron aid in modeling?
50. Give an example of pro social behavior.
51. Describe the Bobo Doll experiment?
Major Studies- For the following individuals, identify the type of learning researched, briefly
explain the nature of the research conducted, and provide an implication for the research for
human behavior in the real world.
1. Ivan Pavlov-
2. John Watson-
3. John Garcia-
4. B.F. Skinner-
5. Albert Bandura-
Extra Credit- brain parts