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Business English Warm Up – Parts of Speech
(1)Underline the verbs in the following sentences. When a main verb is combined
with a helping verb, underline both.
(2) Circle the nouns
(3) Draw a triangle around the pronouns.
Example: We are asking for your opinion.
1. Kathy Daniels was the winner of the scholarship.
2. The secretaries were keyboarding the answers in the blanks.
3. Someone should have completed the job by Tuesday.
4. Who should go to the conference in Las Vegas?
5. Applicants are judged on their behavior as well as their knowledge.
Fill in the blanks with the name of the part of speech.
dependent conjunction
1. To name persons, places, things, ideas, places, times, activities, use a/an
2. To show or suggest an action or existence, use a/an ______________.
3. To describe a verb, adjective, or adverb, use a/an __________________.
4. To begin a prepositional phrase, use a/an _________________.
5. To describe a noun or a pronoun, use a/an _________________.
6. Although is an example of a ___________________________.
7. A word that substitutes for a noun is a ___________________.
Write the acronym for the 7 coordinate conjunctions and list them: