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What are the eight parts of speech?
A noun is the name of any person, place
or thing.
John, Madrid or pen.
Which of the following is a noun?
A. Running
B. Green
C. Beside
D. Leaf
A pronoun is a word that takes the place of
a noun.
She, herself, it, and this are examples of
Which of the following is a pronoun?
A. Tree
B. Laugh
C. You
D. Friend
A verb is a word which implies action or
the doing of something, or it may be
defined as a word which affirms,
commands or asks a question.
Examples of verbs are:
– Moved
– Carried
– running
Which of the following is NOT a verb?
A. People
B. Feared
C. Dance
D. Swimming
Linking Verb
A linking verb is a word that links the
subject (noun) in a sentence to a word in
the predicate.
Most common linking verbs:
‘To Be’ Linking Verbs:
– Be
– Am
– Is
– Are
– Was
– Were
– Be
– Being
Verbs That Express Condition:
- Appear
- Become
- Feel
- Grow
- Look
- Seem
- Smell
- Sound
- Remain
- Taste
Examples of Sentences with Linking Verbs
A. People are excited about football season.
B. Mrs. Maroney is amazing.
C. Do your feet smell bad after PE?
D. The rabbit appeared frightened.
Helping Verb
A helping verb is a word that helps the
main verb express an action or show time.
Most common Helping verbs:
Forms of ‘Be’:
– Be
– Am
– Is
– Are
– Was
– Were
– Be
– Being
Forms of ‘Have’:
- Has
- Have
- Had
Forms of ‘Do’:
- Do
- Does
- Did
- Could
- Should
- Would
- May
- Might
- Must
- Can
- Shall
- Will
Examples of Sentences with Helping Verbs
A. She will be running in the Houston
B. Mrs. Maroney will not run in the Houston
C. He should have jumped over that puddle?
D. There could be a snake behind that bush.
Adjectives are descriptive words. An
adjective is a word which qualifies a noun,
that is, shows or points out some
distinguishing mark or feature of the noun.
– A black dog
– An angry man
– A round theater
All of the following are adjectives except…
A. Rainy
B. Ireland
C. Irish
D. Beautiful
An adverb is a word that adds information
to a verb, an adjective or an adverb.
The most common way to form an adverb
is to add the letters 'ly' to the adjective.
Not always, though!
Examples: quietly, softly, rapidly
Which of the following are adverbs?
A. Eagerly
B. Amazingly
C. Quite
D. They are all adverbs
A preposition connects words, clauses, and sentences
together and shows the relation between them. "My hand
is on the table" shows relation between hand and table.
Prepositions are so called because they are generally
placed before the words whose connection or relation
with other words they point out.
Examples of common English Prepositions: above, after,
behind, during, from, toward and until
The knight is under the dragon.
What is the preposition in this sentence?
A. Knight
B. Is
C. Under
D. Dragon
A conjunction joins words, clauses and
sentences; as "John and James." "My
father and mother have come, but I have
not seen them."
Examples: and, also; either, or; neither,
nor; but, however
Debbie and Fred went to the store to buy some milk.
Identify the conjunction in the sentence.
A. And
B. Went
C. To
D. Some
An interjection is a word used to express
some sudden emotion or excitement.
– Wow, There’s a big dog.
– Oh! You scared me!
Which sentence does not use an interjection?
A. Ah! There he comes.
B. Aw, your puppy is so cute.
C. Whoa! Watch where you are going.
D. All of the above