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5th Grade Grammar Terms to Know
● Definition – a word that names a person, place, thing, or idea.
● Proper noun – the specific name of a particular person, place, thing, or idea.
● Common noun – refers to any one of a general group of persons, places, or things.
Common nouns
Proper nouns
Jim Carrey
William Bennett
Phoenix Suns
San Francisco
● Definition – a word used in place of one or more nouns or pronouns.
● Definition – a word that modifies or describes a noun or pronoun.
● A​, ​an​, and ​the​ are the commonly used adjectives. They are called articles.
● When a noun is used to describe another noun or pronoun, it is considered an adjective.
Example: Mother put different kinds of ​beans​ in her special ​bean​ soup.
● Definition – a word that expresses action or state of being.
● Action verb – a verb that expresses physical or mental action.
Examples: I ​bowled​ a great game tonight. She ​believes​ your story.
● Linking verb – instead of showing what the subject is doing, this verb shows the subject in a state of
being. It links the subject to some other word in the sentence that describes, identifies, or gives more
information about it.
John ​was
​ ​​
for two days. John ​was​ ​
of the senior class.
These will always be linking verbs: BE: be, being, been, become
IWAWA: is, was, are, were, am
● Some verbs can be either action or linking depending on how they are used. (Examples include: look,
taste, feel, appear, remain)
ex. The girl looked at the dog.
action verb
ex. The boy looked sad.
linking verb
● Definition​ – a word that modifies or describes a verb, adjective, or another adverb.
e, when, how, how often,
​ to what
or​ ​
We ​often​ study together.
New-comers work ​incredibly​ hard to learn the language.
Spanish can be a ​fairly​ difficult language to learn.
·​ Definition ​– a word used to link words, clauses, or phrases
·​ Commonly used conjunctions: and, or, but, nor, for, so, yet, or
I went to the house ​and​ the mall.
I will either go the house ​or​ to the mall.
·​ Definition ​– Shows the relationship of a noun/pronoun to another word (time, location, direction)
·​ A good test to find a preposition: __________________ the house
·​ Example prepositions: in, on, of, above, beneath, through, before, after, during
·​ A prepositional phrase begins with a preposition and ends with the object of a prepositions (You can find the
object of the preposition by asking “​preposition​ what?” The answer will be a noun or pronoun.
·​ Independent clauses ​can stand on their own as sentences.
·​ Subordinate clauses (dependent clause) ​cannot stand on their own as sentences. They must latch on to an
independent clause to complete their meaning.
Kinds of Sentences
Declarative​ - A declarative sentence ​makes a statement​. A declarative sentence ends with a period.
· Example: The house will be built on a hill.
Interrogative​ - An interrogative sentence ​asks a question​. An interrogative sentence ends with a question
· mark.
Example: How did you find the card?
Exclamatory​ - An exclamatory sentence ​shows strong feeling​. An exclamatory sentence ends with an
· exclamation mark.
Example: The monster is attacking!
Imperative​ - An imperative sentence ​gives a command​. Sometimes the subject of an imperative sentence
· (you) is understood.
Example: Cheryl, try the other door.
Example: Look in the closet. (You, look in the closet.)
Sentence Structures
·​ Simple sentence: 1 independent clause and 0 dependents
·​ Compound sentence: 1+ independent clauses and 0 dependents
·​ Complex sentence: 1 independent clause and 1+ dependent clause