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Chapter 13 Section 1 – Exploration & Expansion
(p. 430-439)
Trade with Asia
(p. 430-431)
1.) 1200s = ________________________________________________ traveled to ________________________________
 met the Mongol ruler, Kublai Khan
2.) 1300s = Ottoman Turks ____________________________________________________________________________
3.) Europeans looked for a _____________________________________________________________________________
 Quest for “God, glory, and gold”
a.) ________________________________________________________________________________________________
 Spices = preserve and flavor food
 precious metals
b.) ________________________________________________________________________________________________
c.) ________________________________________________________________________________________________
Searching for a
Sea Route to
the Indies
(p. 432-433)
1.) 1420 = _________________________________________________________________________________ (Portugal)
 development of new technology helped to encourage explorations (compass / astrolabe )
a.) ________________________________________________________________________________________________
 “the Gold Coast”
2.) 1488 = _________________________________________________________________________________ (Portugal)
a.) ________________________________________________________________________________________________
 Cape of Good Hope
Educated Europeans knew that the world was round but didn’t know how big its circumference was or that there were
other land masses to the west
3.) 1492 = ____________________________________________________________________________________ (Spain)
a.) Sailed ___________________________________________________________________________________________
b.) ________________________________________________________________________________________________
 He discovered Cuba and Hispaniola, but he thought he had found Asia
4.) 1494 = __________________________________________________________________________________________
 made by Portugal and Spain to protect their newly acquired territories in Africa, Asia and the Americas
 line of demarcation from north to south through the Atlantic Ocean and eastern South America
a.) ________________________________________________________________________________________________
 Portugal controlled sea route around Africa
 the coast of Brazil was on Portugal’s side of the line
b.) ________________________________________________________________________________________________
 Spain controlled almost all of the Americas in the Western Hemisphere
5.) 1498 = _________________________________________________________________________________ (Portugal)
a.) ________________________________________________________________________________________________
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1510 = Portugal ____________________________________________________________________ from the Muslims
Expeditions to China and the Spice Islands
Portugal controlled the spice trade route but they weren’t interested in colonizing this area
Portuguese were successful explorers because of their guns and seamanship. They overpowered the native people
Modified 2012-2013
Chapter 13 Section 1 – Exploration & Expansion
(p. 430-439)
7.) 1519 = ____________________________________________________________________________________ (Spain)
 sailed along the coast of South America, through the Strait of Magellan into the Pacific Ocean
a.) ________________________________________________________________________________________________
b.) ________________________________________________________________________________________________
Exploring the
New World
Other European countries sent explorers westward
 1497 = John Cabot explored the coast of North America for England
 1500 = Pedro Cabral explored South America for the Portuguese
1.) 1499-1502 = _________________________________________________________________________ = a mapmaker
 on the voyage with Pedro Cabral around South America
a.) realized that this _______________________________________________________________________ (and not Asia)
 later mapmakers called this area the “Americas”
Aztecs in
(p. 434-435)
1.) ________________________________________________________________________________________________
2.) 1519 = __________________________________________________________________________________________
 550 soldiers and 16 horses
 made alliances with groups of natives who were tired of the Aztec oppression
3.) ________________________________________________________________________________________________
 Tenochtitlan = Aztec capital city
 Aztecs were amazed at the horses, firearms, cannons, and steel swords
4.) ________________________________________________________________________________________________
 1520 = Aztecs drove the Spanish out of Tenochtitlan
5.) ________________________________________________________________________________________________
 “white man’s diseases” = Aztecs had no natural immunity
 Cortes and his native allies recaptured the city. The Spanish destroyed Aztec pyramids and buildings to build their
government buildings and churches
6.) Spanish _________________________________________________________________________________________
Incas in South
(p. 435)
1.) Incas ruled _______________________________________________________________________________________
2.) 1530-1535 = _____________________________________________________________________________________
 180 men, steel weapons, gunpowder, horses
a.) ________________________________________________________________________________________________
 Incan emperor died
b.) ________________________________________________________________________________________________
 His two sons both claimed the throne creating a civil war. Atahuallpa defeated his brother. Pizarro captured and
executed Atahuallpa.
 Captured Cuzco, the capital of the Incan Empire
 1535 = set up new capital at Lima
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Chapter 13 Section 1 – Exploration & Expansion
(p. 430-439)
The Columbian
(p. 435)
1.) Spain = _________________________________________________________________________________________
2.) Portugal = _______________________________________________________________________________________
Queen Isabella made Indians Spanish subjects
3.) ____________________________________________ had the _____________________________________________
 Encomienda = the right of the Spanish landowners to use Indians as laborers
 The Spanish were supposed to protect the Indians, but hey forced them to work on sugar plantations and in gold and
silver mines
a.) _____________________________________________________________________________________ killed Indians
 Smallpox, measles, typhus
4.) ________________________________________________________________________________________________
 Set up parishes, schools and hospitals
a.) ________________________________________________________________________________________________
5.) _____________________________________________________________________ = exchange of plants and animals
between Europe and the Americas
 European influences dominated the culture = Religion, language, culture, government / Horses, cattle, wheat, sugar,
cotton, vanilla
 Native American influences remained = potatoes, coca, corn, tomatoes, tobacco
 See pages 438-439
(p. 437)
1.) Countries ________________________________________________________________________________________
2.) ________________________________________________________________________________________________
 1595 = Dutch set up the East India Company (India)
 1600s = 17th Century = England set up trade with NW coast of India
3.) ________________________________________________________________________________________________
 Dutch set up the West India Company (Americas)
17th Century = France claimed Canada and Louisiana
1608 = Samuel de Champlain founded Quebec
English set up colonies in Virginia and Massachusetts
1664 = English took New Netherlands from the Dutch and renamed it New York
a.) Late 1600s = ______________________________________________________________________________________
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