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Chapter 6 Quiz – Sexual Reproduction
and Meiosis
BLM 2-38
Write your answers on our own sheet of paper.
1. Which of the following is the correct order in sexual reproduction?
A. meiosis, gamete, fertilization, embryo
B. gamete, meiosis, fertilization, embryo
C. fertilization, meiosis, gamete, embryo
D. gamete, fertilization, meiosis, embryo
2. Mitosis is similar to meiosis II because
A. in both processes, the number of chromosomes is doubled
B. in both processes, identical daughter cells are produced
C. in both processes, sister chromatids separate and move to opposite poles
D. in both processes, homologous chromosomes separate and move to opposite poles
3. Which of the following events occurs in mitosis only?
A. produces genetically different cells
B. produces haploid cells
C. cells divide two times
D. produces genetically identical cells
4. Gamete formation in males is different than in females because
A. in males, meiosis begins before birth and stops until puberty
B. in males, meiosis II occurs before meiosis I
C. in males, there is equal distribution of cytoplasm into four cells
D. in males, there is unequal distribution of cytoplasm into four cells
5. The difference between gene mutations and chromosomal mutations is that
A. a single gene mutation can affect many genes in the chromosomes
B. gene mutations are the result of mutagens such as radiation
C. chromosomal mutations affect the sequence of the bases
D. chromosomal mutations can affect many genes in the chromosomes
6. A mutation that would be inherited must occur in a
A. skin cell
B. egg cell
C. muscle cell
D. cancer cell
7. Cow body cells have 60 chromosomes. How many chromosomes will be in a sperm cell
following meiosis II?
A. 30
B. 60
Copyright © 2007, McGraw-Hill Ryerson Limited, a subsidiary of the McGraw-Hill Companies. All rights reserved.
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BLM 2-38
C. 120
D. 15
8. What is the main advantage of sexual reproduction?
A. Very little energy is required to find a mate.
B. Fewer offspring are produced.
C. The embryo is protected from dehydration.
D. The offspring are genetically different from the parents.
9. What conditions are required for a zygote to begin cell division?
A. It must be protected inside the mother’s body.
B. It must go through meiosis.
C. There must be enough food, warm, moisture, and protection.
D. The membrane must chemically change so that only one sperm can enter.
10. How does fruit help maintain genetic variation in plants?
A The fruit is a food source for the developing embryo.
B. The seeds are carried far away from the parents.
C. Fruits are a form of vegetative reproduction.
D. Fruits attract animals.
Copyright © 2007, McGraw-Hill Ryerson Limited, a subsidiary of the McGraw-Hill Companies. All rights reserved.
This page may be reproduced for classroom use by the purchaser of this book without the written permission of the publisher.
BLM 2-38
Open Ended Quiz
Meiosis and Sexual Reproduction
Write your answers on this sheet.
Match each Term on the left with the best Descriptor on the right. Each Descriptor may be
used only once.
Meiosis Term
___ 11. anaphase I
___ 12. anaphase II
___ 13. metaphase I
___ 14. metaphase II
___ 15. prophase I
___ 16. telophase II
mark out of 6: ___________
Descriptor of Event in Meiosis
A. homologous chromosomes pair up and nonsister chromatids exchange genetic material
B. homologous chromosomes pair up along the
centre of the cell
C. independent assortment of chromosome pairs
D. a nuclear membrane forms around each set of
E. the chromosomes form a single line at the
F. sister chromatids move to opposite poles of
the cell
G. there is one chromosome of the homologous
pair in each cell
Copyright © 2007, McGraw-Hill Ryerson Limited, a subsidiary of the McGraw-Hill Companies. All rights reserved.
This page may be reproduced for classroom use by the purchaser of this book without the written permission of the publisher.
BLM 2-38
17. Explain how the events of sexual reproduction produce variation in a species. (2 marks)
18. Explain how sexual reproduction by internal fertilization provides advantages over
external fertilization. (2 marks)
Copyright © 2007, McGraw-Hill Ryerson Limited, a subsidiary of the McGraw-Hill Companies. All rights reserved.
This page may be reproduced for classroom use by the purchaser of this book without the written permission of the publisher.
BLM 2-38
Chapter 6 Quiz – Sexual Reproduction and Meiosis
1. Which of the following is the correct order in
sexual reproduction?
A. meiosis, gamete, fertilization, embryo
B. gamete, meiosis, fertilization, embryo
C. fertilization, meiosis, gamete, embryo
D. gamete, fertilization, meiosis, embryo
2. Mitosis is similar to meiosis II because
A. in both processes, the number of
chromosomes is doubled
B. in both processes, identical daughter cells are
C. in both processes, sister chromatids separate
and move to opposite poles
D. in both processes, homologous chromosomes
separate and move to opposite poles
3. Which of the following events occurs in mitosis
A. produces genetically different cells
Copyright © 2007, McGraw-Hill Ryerson Limited, a subsidiary of the McGraw-Hill Companies. All rights reserved.
This page may be reproduced for classroom use by the purchaser of this book without the written permission of the publisher.
BLM 2-38
B. produces haploid cells
C. cells divide two times
D. produces genetically identical cells
4. Gamete formation in males is different than in
females because
A. in males, meiosis begins before birth and stops
until puberty
B. in males, meiosis II occurs before meiosis I
C. in males, there is equal distribution of
cytoplasm into four cells
D. in males, there is unequal distribution of
cytoplasm into four cells
5. The difference between gene mutations and
chromosomal mutations is that
A. a single gene mutation can affect many genes
in the chromosomes
B. gene mutations are the result of mutagens
such as radiation
C. chromosomal mutations affect the sequence of
the bases
D. chromosomal mutations can affect many genes
in the chromosomes
Copyright © 2007, McGraw-Hill Ryerson Limited, a subsidiary of the McGraw-Hill Companies. All rights reserved.
This page may be reproduced for classroom use by the purchaser of this book without the written permission of the publisher.
BLM 2-38
6. A mutation that would be inherited must occur
in a
A. skin cell
B. egg cell
C. muscle cell
D. cancer cell
7. Cow body cells have 60 chromosomes. How
many chromosomes will be in a sperm cell
following meiosis II?
A. 30
B. 60
C. 120
E. 15
8. What is the main advantage of sexual
Very little energy is required to find a mate.
Fewer offspring are produced.
The embryo is protected from dehydration.
The offspring are genetically different from the
9. What conditions are required for a zygote to
Copyright © 2007, McGraw-Hill Ryerson Limited, a subsidiary of the McGraw-Hill Companies. All rights reserved.
This page may be reproduced for classroom use by the purchaser of this book without the written permission of the publisher.
BLM 2-38
begin cell division?
A. It must be protected inside the mother’s body.
B. It must go through meiosis.
C. There must be enough food, warm, moisture,
and protection.
D. The membrane must chemically change so
that only one sperm can enter.
10. How does fruit help maintain genetic variation
in plants?
A The fruit is a food source for the developing
B. The seeds are carried far away from the
C. Fruits are a form of vegetative reproduction.
D. Fruits attract animals.
Copyright © 2007, McGraw-Hill Ryerson Limited, a subsidiary of the McGraw-Hill Companies. All rights reserved.
This page may be reproduced for classroom use by the purchaser of this book without the written permission of the publisher.
BLM 2-38
Open Ended Quiz
Meiosis and Sexual Reproduction
Match each Term on the left with the best
Descriptor on the right. Each Descriptor may be
used only once.
Meiosis Term
C 11. anaphase I
F 12. anaphase II
B 13.metaphase I
E 14. metaphase II
A 15. prophase I
G 16. telophase II
mark out of 6:
Descriptor of Event in
A. homologous chromosomes pair up
and non-sister chromatids
exchange genetic material
B. homologous chromosomes pair up
along the centre of the cell
C. independent assortment of
chromosome pairs occurs
D. a nuclear membrane forms around
each set of chromosomes
F. the chromosomes form a single
line at the equator
F. sister chromatids move to opposite
poles of the cell
G. there is one chromosome of the
homologous pair in each cell
Copyright © 2007, McGraw-Hill Ryerson Limited, a subsidiary of the McGraw-Hill Companies. All rights reserved.
This page may be reproduced for classroom use by the purchaser of this book without the written permission of the publisher.
BLM 2-38
17. Explain how the events of sexual reproduction
produce variation in a species. (2 marks)
18. Explain how sexual reproduction by internal
fertilization provides advantages over external
fertilization. (2 marks)
Copyright © 2007, McGraw-Hill Ryerson Limited, a subsidiary of the McGraw-Hill Companies. All rights reserved.
This page may be reproduced for classroom use by the purchaser of this book without the written permission of the publisher.