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Jennifer Crane & Irma Crespo
EDD 501
April 2009
Date: 4/16/2009
Class/Hour: 8th Grade, 3rd and 5th Hour
Course: Language Arts
Unit: Persuasion
Concept/Topic to Teach:
Propaganda Techniques - What techniques are used to persuade consumers into buying
certain goods and services?
Standards Addressed:
CE 1.3.1- Students will compose a writing assignment that will require students to
identify persuasion techniques used in the media they encounter on a daily basis. During
class they will be comparing and contrasting persuasive techniques as well.
Specific Objectives:
1. Students will be able to identify the seven most common propaganda
techniques. (Comprehension)
2. Students will be able to identify propaganda techniques in television ads.
3. Students will be able to apply propaganda techniques in the creation of their
own persuasive ad. (Application & Synthesis)
 Teacher: ‘Do Now’ transparency, commercial selections,
magazine ads, and propaganda techniques handout, homework assignment
handout (all attached).
 Students: writing implement, paper
Lead-In/Motivation/Anticipatory Set:
 Slogan Quiz & Short Answer Question regarding advertising (see attached).
Part 1: Do Now Activity
* Teacher 1 will begin class with the ‘Do Now’ and will ask students to take out
their journal and write down numbers 1-4 on their paper.
(Modeling Opportunity: Teacher will model this on the black or white board. Teacher1 will
explain what it should look like in their journal and explain that they will be writing their selection
to multiple choice questions next to the corresponding number).
Teacher 1 will then put the quiz on the visualizer or the overhead (just 4
multiple choice questions). Students will have two minutes to answer.
When the two minutes is up, teacher 1 will reveal the short answer questions.
(See ‘Do Now’ attachment) Students will have 3 minutes to complete the
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Jennifer Crane & Irma Crespo
EDD 501
April 2009
(During the 5 minutes Do Now time, teacher will be walking around, reviewing student answers
and being accessible to students who may have questions.)
Teacher 1 will use the next 5 minutes to reveal the answers to questions and
review student answers before moving on to the actual lesson. (10-12 minutes)
Part 2: Introduction to Propaganda Techniques
 Teacher 2 will hand out Propaganda Technique information sheet for students
to use as notes. By pulling sticks to select readers, students will read through
all techniques with the entire class. (7-10 minutes)
 Teacher 2 will show commercials and the class will discuss after each
commercial, which technique(s) is used for each, and students will provide
examples from the commercial to pinpoint the technique used.
(Total time: 15-20 minutes)
(10 minutes for commercial viewing, 10-15 minutes in between commercials for discussion.
Teacher 1 will be bringing up the commercials on YouTube by pasting the links in the address bar
while teacher 2 is conducting the discussion. Also, teacher 1 will look for raised hands, but if
some students are not contributing to the conversation, teacher 1 will begin pulling sticks.)
Part 3: Identifying Propaganda on Print ads
 Teacher 1 will ask students to partner up with the person next to them, and
then teacher will hand out one magazine ad to each group. Group members
will discuss what propaganda technique(s) is used in the ad, and identify what
the ad is trying to sell to the consumer. They will need to write their ideas
down on paper and make sure both students’ names are on the paper and that
the ad is stapled to their paper. This is their exit slip out of class.
 After 5-7 minutes, teacher 1 will have each group come to the front of the
class, show their ad, explain the technique(s) used and what is being sold to
the consumer. They will have 1 minute to do this. (15 minutes)
(Modeling opportunity: teacher will model identifying an ad technique, and will model what to
report to the class, acting as if she, the teacher is a student working on the assignment. Then,
students will know what this process should look like.)
(In a 30 person class, teacher would select, maybe, 5-6 groups based on time constraints, and
would pull sticks to select the groups so that everyone has a fair chance to share)
Independent Practice:
 Group activity, where students are identifying propaganda techniques in print
 Homework assignment is independent practice, as students have to identify
commercials at home that night, explain the techniques used in 5
commercials, and explain what the ad is trying to sell to consumers.
 The last five minutes, Teacher 2 will hand out the homework: explain that
students are to go home and identify 5 propaganda techniques in 5 different
commercials on their own. They will need to report their results typed in
paragraph form (one paragraph for each commercial). They will use the
propaganda handout and notes from class to support their points. They will be
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EDD 501
April 2009
instructed to see the rubric on the back of the assignment to see how they will
be graded.
When the bell rings, students will hand in to the teacher the group assignment
as exit slip out of class.
Assessment Based on Objectives:
 Students will be assessed during group discussion to be sure they are properly
identifying propaganda techniques used by the reasons they give to support
their answers in reaction to the commercials shown.
 Students will be graded on their group work and will earn 5 participation
points if they correctly identify at least one propaganda technique.
 Students will be assessed on the television ad objective based on the rubric
(see attached). This will be determined when their homework is graded.
Adaptations (for Students with Learning Disabilities): Students with LD’s will only be
responsible for reporting on 3 commercials and will be allowed to work on the
assignment with a parent as opposed to completely working on their own.
Extensions (for Gifted Students): Gifted Students may be asked to find one commercial
for each of the seven techniques and be required to have seven paragraphs instead of five.
Possible Connections to Other Subjects: This lesson could be connected to a
journalism special elective course, as propaganda techniques are used in journalism.
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Jennifer Crane & Irma Crespo
EDD 501
April 2009
Do Now
1. Number your papers from 1-4
2. For each question select either A, B, C, or D and write you answer by the
corresponding number
3. Begin working on short answer when teacher reveals the questions. You will
have 3 minutes to write.
1. “The Heartbeat of America, is today’s _____________.”
Sunny Delight
2. “They’re GRRRRRRRRRRReat!”
A. Lucky Charms
B. Frosted Flakes
C. Corn Pops!
D. Quaker Instant Oatmeal
3. “Easy, Breezy, Beautiful ___________ .”
A. Cover Girl
B. Clinique
C. Mary Kay
D. Rimmel
4. “Mmmm Mmmm Good…”
A. Dunkin Donuts
B. Betty Crocker
C. Jolly Green Giant
D. Campbell’s Soup
Think of a commercial you have recently seen that inspired you to go out and buy that
- What in the commercial made you buy it?
- What did you think the product was going to do for you?
- Were you pleased or disappointed with your purchase or not sure yet?
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Jennifer Crane & Irma Crespo
EDD 501
April 2009
Propaganda Techniques
Who do advertisers target when using Propaganda Techniques? Consumers.
What is a consumer? Consumers are people who buy things.
What are Propaganda Techniques? Propaganda Techniques are used by advertisers to
persuade consumers to buy goods, services, and/or ideas.
There are seven Propaganda Techniques or ‘Tricks of the Trade’, that advertisers like to
use to influence the consumer to buy into an idea or to purchase certain goods or services.
Let’s take a look at those techniques!
1. Name Calling:
 Creates fear or arouses prejudice.
 Uses negative words or bad names to create a bad opinion about a group, beliefs,
or institutions they are against.
 Uses sarcasm and/or ridicules without providing evidence for both sides.
2. Glittering Generalities:
 Uses vague statements (slogans or catchphrases).
 Uses language associated with values and beliefs without giving support or
reason for the claim.
 Appeals to audience emotions of honor, glory, love of country, desire for peace,
freedom, or playing on family values.
 The impression you are left with is good and favorable.
3. Transfer:
 Plays on approval of something we respect and hold sacred.
 Uses images that we feel we must accept.
 Uses symbols to stir our emotions (a waving flag) and win our approval.
4. Testimonial:
 Often uses celebrity endorsements, which give the celebrity’s stamp of approval.
 Tells audience to follow the celebrity’s example and use the product or beliefs in
the cause.
5. Plain Folks:
 Convinces audience that the person/people in the commercial are everyday
people like you.
 They want you to trust the person and believe your best interest is at heart.
 Uses ordinary language and situations so audience identifies with person in ad.
6. Bandwagon:
 Everyone is doing it!
 Plays on feelings of loneliness and isolation.
 Makes you feel like if you don’t join you will be left out. If you are already using
this product, it makes you a winner: so, keep using it.
 Do or use this or life will pass you by.
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Jennifer Crane & Irma Crespo
EDD 501
April 2009
7. Card Stacking:
 Makes the best case for the product and makes the worst case for the
 Only uses facts that support their product and tries to convince audience that
this product is the only solution.
 Hardest technique to detect because not all information is given.
 Audience has to make an informed decision and has to decide what information is
missing to help them reach a decision.
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Jennifer Crane & Irma Crespo
EDD 501
April 2009
Your mission:
1. Watch TV!! (Yes, watching TV is part of the homework!)
2. Select five commercials that use the techniques we discussed (remember: some
commercials, as we found today, use more than one technique).
3. In paragraph form (one paragraph per commercial), report on your findings.
- Name of the product or idea and what technique(s) was used?
- Was it convincing? Why or why not?
- Give your overall opinion on the commercial in terms of Propaganda Techniques.
(You can and should use your notes from class to assist you)
Must be typed and it will be collected during the ‘Do Now’. This is a formal
assignment similar to a book report on only TV commercials. Please remember to use
spell check and even have someone proofread it. You will be graded on
Propaganda Writing Assignment Rubric
0-1 – You may
want to ask for
help on this…
2 – Needs Work
3 - Average
4 –Good
5 – GREAT!!
Named product
and identified
technique for
explained if ad
was/was not
convincing for
each commercial
and why.
Overall opinion
given for each
Conventions- 5
typed, correct
spelling used,
Total Points:
___ / 20
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Jennifer Crane & Irma Crespo
EDD 501
April 2009
Commercial List:
Kelly Clarkson Proactive (2 minutes):
Snuggie (2 minutes):
Tobacco Commercial (1 minute):
Chevy Commercial (1 minute):
Marines Commercial (1:30 minutes):
ITT Tech Commercial (1:40):
Diet Pepsi Commercial (30 sec.):
Works Cited:
McDonald, Andy and Lene Palmer. Response-Ible Rhetorics: Propaganda Techniques.
15 December 2003. George Mason University. 03 April 2009
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