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Midterm Review
Name ____________________________
1. Distinguish between scalar and vector quantities and give an example.
2. What is speed?
3. What is the formula and the unit for speed?
4. What reading do you get from the speedometer of a moving car?
5. What is acceleration?
6. What is the formula and the unit for acceleration?
7. If an object is in free fall, how far does it fall each second? What is the speed increase each second?
8. Distinguish between objects falling on earth and on the moon. Why is it different? What happens to your mass
on the moon?
9. A basketball play jumps in the air. After he leaves the ground what is his acceleration? What is the direction of
this acceleration?
10. If an object is thrown straight up, what is the instantaneous speed at the top of its path? What is the
11. If a free falling rock were somehow equipped with a speedometer, its speed reading would increase each
second by ______.
12. One-quarter (0.25) of a second after starting from rest, a freely falling object will have a speed of about
13. Compare how objects will fall when dropped in a vacuum tube to those dropped in a tube filled with air.
Feather and a bowling ball are dropped in a vacuum – which will hit the ground 1st?
14. What are the two components of a projectile? How do they relate to each other?
15. In the absence of air friction, which component of a projectile's velocity does not change as the projectile moves?
16. What is the horizontal and vertical velocity of a ball at the very top of its path if it is thrown into the air at an
17. What is a projectile? What is the vertical acceleration of any projectile?
18. What is terminal velocity? What is the acceleration of an object that has reached terminal velocity?
19. How would the mass of an object change if it was on the moon? How would the weight change?
20. What is net force? During what situation(s) is net force zero?
21. The force of friction on a sliding object is 5 N. What is the force needed to maintain constant velocity?
22. What is Newton’s first law? What is another name for Newton’s first law? 25. What is the equation that
expresses Newton’s second law?
23. What is Newton’s third law?
24. What causes accelerations?
25. How does the acceleration of an object change if the mass changes? the force changes?
26. What increases the inertia of an object?
27. What is friction? What causes it? In what direction does it act? What is the equation to calculate friction? When
is an object at equilibrium?
28. Describe action and reaction forces and give and example.
29. Two objects collide. One object is a hundred times more massive. Compare the force of impact of the two
objects. The deceleration of the two objects. The impulse of the two objects.
30. A 900 N man stands on the floor. What is the force that the floor exerts on him?
31. What is momentum? What is the formula and what are the units?
32. What happens to momentum as mass is increased?
33. What is impulse? What is the formula and what are the units?
34. What increases momentum? decreases momentum?
35. What is the conservation of momentum?
36. What are the two types of collisions and the characteristics of each?
37. What are the units for rotational speed?
38. What is the direction of force that acts on clothes in the spin cycle of a washing machine?
39. Review the figure below. What will be the path of the can when the string breaks?
40. A ball is thrown up, what is the acceleration at the top of the path? What is the speed at the top of the path?
As the ball returns to the earth, what is the speed 1 second after the top of the path? What is the acceleration 1
second after the top of the path?
41. What are Newton’s 3 laws? Consider Newton’s second law, what is the relationship between the three
variables? (If force is constant what is the relationship between mass and acceleration. If mass is constant what
is the relationship between force and acceleration)?
42. Are mass and weight the same? Which changes when you go to the moon?
43. What is friction?
44. What are the 4 fundamental forces? Which is the weakest? Strongest?
45. If the mass of the Earth increased, with no change in radius (distance), what would happen to your weight?
46. Why do we use simple machines?
47. Using the KE equatin, KE = 1/2mv2 , what would happen to the KE if the value of both the mass and the
velocity doubled?
48. What is the ratio of useful work output to total work input?
49. John has a mass of 82 kg, and Sue has a mass is 60 kg. They sit 1.5 m apart in physics class. What is the
force of gravitational attraction between John and Sue?
50. Sally and Bill are playing on a seesaw. If Sally weighs 190 N and sits 1.2 m from the fulcrum of the seesaw,
where should Bill, who weighs 225 N, sit to balance the seesaw?
51. Mike wants to jump into a pool from the roof of his building! What must Mike’s horizontal jumping speed
(v x) be to reach the pool that is 25 m away (horizontally) from the edge of the building? The building is 40 m
high. (Hint: how long will Mike fall?)
52. If a person weighs 330 N. What is the mass of the person?
53. A car going 15 m/s undergoes an acceleration of 2 m/s2 for 4 seconds.
a) What is the final velocity?
b) How far did it travel while it was accelerating?
54. If the initial horizontal launch speed is 3 m/s, what is the horizontal speed at the very top? What is the
vertical speed at the very top? What is the acceleration at the very top?
Midterm Calculations Review
Name:__ ___________
1) Suppose you take a trip that covers 50 km and takes 8 hours. What is your average speed?
2) Suppose a car is moving in a straight line and steadily increases its speed. It moves from 30 km/h to 35 km/h the
first second and from 38 km/h to 43 km/h the next second. What is the car's acceleration?
3) A cannon with a barrel velocity of 200 m/s launches a cannonball horizontally from a tower. Neglecting air
resistance, where will the cannonball be 1 second later?
4) What is the resultant of a 4-unit vector and 5-unit vector at right angles to each other?
5) A 100-kg brick and a 10-kg book are dropped in a vacuum. How does the force of gravity compare for these two
6) A tennis ball weighs 2 N. What is the net force if it is held at rest above your head?
7) A girl pulls on a 20-kg wagon with a constant force of 20 N. What is the wagon's acceleration?
8) What is the acceleration of a mass with 10 kg acted upon by a force of 10 N? How does this compare to the
force of 200 N accelerating a mass of 200 kg at the rate of 1 meter per second squared.
9) A 20-N falling object encounters 20 N of air resistance. What is the magnitude of the net force on the object?
10) A Delta Airline’s 767 jumbo jet has a mass of 20000 kg. The thrust of the engines is 18000 N. What is the jet's
acceleration when taking off?
11) A20-N force and a 50-N force act on an object in opposite directions. What is the net force on the object?
12) What is the maximum resultant possible when adding a 2-N force to an 11-N force?
13) A book bag has a mass of 12 kilograms. What would be weight?
14) An object weighs 20 N on earth. A second object weighs 20 N on the moon. Which has the greater mass?
15) A 65kg ball is thrown at 2 m/s. What is the ball's momentum?
16) A ball is moving at 8 m/s and has a momentum of 52 kg m/s. What is the ball’s mass?
17) How many joules of work are done on an object when a force of 8 N pushes it 12m?
18) How much power is expended if you lift a 15-N rock 3 meters in 2 seconds?