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Things besides planets
orbit the sun.
Pluto is now a dwarf
Because they thought it
was way too small.
It’s not close enough to
our solar system.
It takes the earth 365 to
go around the sun.
A new planet X.
Sun is a huge star.
Made out of burning
gasses. The earth is an
Inner core outer core and
Astronauts can’t go to
mars, venus and mercury
because of hot
Darker parts of moon are
flat and lighter parts are
The moon is the earth’s
closest neighbor,
The sun is93,000,000
miles away from the earth
After you are on the moon
you can’t walk on earth
because of gravity.
Pluto has no moons.
Why would our eyes be
pulled out of our heads
without a helmet on the
How hot can the sun get?
How were the moon, earth
and sun made?
How do the planets stay
where they are?
How small is Pluto?
How does the sun gets so
Why is there zero grav. On
the moon.
How did the big bang
create the planets?
How many planets are too
cold or too hot?
Why earth doesn’t have
zero gravity?
How many stars are in our
solar system?
How many dwarf planets
there are?
Solar eclipse
Why do astronauts need
to see the moon?