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June 2003
No. 0302
The Recent Controversy in Japan on
Evolutionary Studies in Reference to
Explosive Speciation of the Cichlids
in Lake Victoria:Focused on Species
=Societal Theory of Evolution
Kawamiya, Nobuo *
Explosive speciation of the cichlids, elongation of giraffe's neck, and
peacock's ocelli feathers are the Gordian knots for the extant theories
of evolution. This paper provides a consistent solution for all these
problems by the Species=Societal approach to theory of evolution
introduced by K. Imanishi and developed by S. Mizuhata.
*Correspondence address: Department of Economics, Chukyo University,
101-2 Yagoto-honmachi, Showa-ku, Nagoya 466-8666 JAPAN
e-mail: [email protected]
The Recent Controversy in Japan on Evolutionary
Studies in Reference to Explosive Speciation of
the Cichlids in Lake Victoria:
Focused on Species=Societal Theory of Evolution
Kawamiya, Nobuo (School of Economics, Chukyo University)
§1 Explosive speciation of the cichlids and limitations of extant theories
§2 The recent controversy in Japan on evolution theory
§3 The Neo-Imanishi theory of evolution on the Species=Society concept
§4 Giraffe's long neck explained by Species=Societal adaptation
§5 Diverse ways of mating explained by Mating Priority Rule (MPR)
§6 Peacock's ocelli feathers to imply non-adaptive evolution
§7 Mate selection: female choice or Species=Societal consensus?
§8 Evolution of the cichlids explained by the Neo-Imanishi theory
§9 Further application of the MPR and the SS partition approach
§10 Modes of evolution and the evolution of evolutionary modes
§11 Reinvestigating concepts of Species and Species=Society
§12 Methodological notes
Concluding remarks
Evidently, (a) explosive speciation of the cichlids, (b) elongation of
giraffe's neck, and (c) peacock's ocelli feathers are the Gordian knots for
the extant theories of evolution. Because: (a) occurred while the species
have completely retained their genetic identity or zygotic homogeneity;
whereas (b) seems to have been a typical adaptive evolution there has been
found no fossil showing intermediate neck length; and all efforts to
attribute (c) to adaptive evolution resulted in illogical inferences. The
recent discussion concerning these problems in Japan seems to reveal that
the fiction of Action Controlling Genes is nothing but Alchemy of Today.
In contrast a consistent solution for all these problems can be obtained by
the Species=Societal approach to theory of evolution introduced by K.
Imanishi and developed by S. Mizuhata.
Explosive speciation of the cichlids and limitations of extant theories
Observation on the haplochromine cichlids in Lake Victoria (LV)
shows the following facts and the interpretations thereto:
1) The cichlids in LV seem to have speciated into more than five hundred
species in less than 12500 years [Goldschmidt 1996, 244a]. On an average,
a new species appeared continually in every 2-3 generations. During this
period, effective gene mutation of the cichlids leading to speciation must
have been negligible because the replacement of amino acid in molecular
evolution is confirmed to be very slow and stable [Kimura 1988, 202]. Some
reports suggest that the cichlids’ evolution might have started earlier than
12500 years [Verheyehn et al. 2003]. Yet they do not refute that the major
diversification occurred in the present LV.
2) Morphological divergence of the cichlids has been enormous, although
the structure of their genoms seems to have remained unchanged.
Interspecific hybrids are fertile and fully viable [Seehausen 1997a, b; 2000].
According to Mayr, “A completely consistent scenario can be inferred
without any reference to the genic basis” [Mayr 2001]. In fact massive
hybridization occurred when the lake water turned muddy and mate
discrimination by body colors became difficult.
3) W. Dominey and other researchers attributed the cichlids' explosive
speciation to disruptive selection by females on male characteristic
variants (especially in body colors) [Dominey 1984]/ [Goldschmidt 1996].
Their observation and interpretation cannot be refutable. However, the
importance of female choice does not necessarily imply that the hypothesis
of “female choosy gene” (FCG) is tenable.
4) Consequently, in the cichlids' speciation, populations having identical
genoms started mate choices oriented toward different directions, resulting
in reproductive isolation. And then each population began to prefer a
different niche or feeding habit [Seehausen et al. 1999]. This process must
have occurred frequently.
5) No extant theory can explain this remarkable divergence without any
inconsistency: both the runaway and the indicator hypotheses are based on
individual gene mutation and the change in mutant gene frequency in the
population. Even if, however, the “choosy gene” should really exist, it
cannot mutate and diverge so rapidly in only 125 centuries.
The recent controversy in Japan on evolution theory
The said cichlid problems ask for a fundamental reinvestigation of
extant theories of evolution. What is a species? What is speciation? And
what is evolution? There have occurred interesting discussions in Japan
concerning these topics including the cichlid case, which deserve
international recognition.
Firstly the cichlid problems concern the species concept. Paterson's
definition based on conspecific recognition will be appropriate for this case
because one has to discriminate genetically identical populations [Paterson
To Define species by conspecies recognition is not a tautology because
one can verify the extent of “conspecific recognition” by means of
observation. This definition, however, can apply only to animals having the
brain: though this limitation is not defective but advantageous as discussed
later on.
K. Imanishi had proposed a more advanced concept on conspecies
recognition. According to him [Imanishi 1941, Ikeda & Sibatani 1994]:
1) Individuals of a species not only share mutual conspecific recognition
but also cooperatively obey “the law of species” to live the identical life
2) Thereby they form a Species=Society (in short, SS). Imanishi proposed a
term “specia” for “Shu(Species)+Shakai(Society)”. The term is, however,
not appropriate because the SS should encompass both species and society.
3) All the species=societies form the total biotic community in concert.
4) A new species population would evolve while maintaining their unity as
a species=society and interacting with the total biotic community [Nature
5) Speciation occurs as a splitting or partition of species=society, or
“Sumiwake” as called by Imanishi [Imanishi 1980, 1986]. @1
@1: “Sumiwake” has been translated as “habitat segregation”. This translation is no
good because it sounds similar to geographical isolation. Ikeda and Sibatani renamed
it as “lifestyle partition” [Ikeda & Sibatani 1995]: In this paper, we further rename it
as “species=societal partition” after Imanishi's original idea.
His theory had a clear advantage to other evolutionary studies
because the concept of species=societal partition, for describing speciation,
enables to explain both the continuity of a population as a reproductive
community and the discontinuity by reproductive isolation in species
bifurcation. No genic theory has ever given a consistent explanation of
these continuity and discontinuity during speciation.
He compared gradual (intraspecific) evolution and intermittent
partition (speciation) of a species=society to a history of a language family
[Imanishi 1980], where a continuous diachronic development causes a
discontinuous synchronic diversity. It can be a reasonable analogy because
both language and conspecific recognition are kinds of cerebral program.
A population going to form a new species would come to acquire a new
life type while retaining their mutual conspecific recognition intact. They
renovate their life type without hurting parental/filial and mating relation.
So this partition is, essentially, an intentional and cooperative process and
not an unintentional (incidental) and individual process. Imanishi gave a
clear account for discontinuity of speciation and continuity in reproduction
[Imanishi 1980; 1986], which had been an insolvable Gordian knot in the
genic theory of speciation.
Meanwhile, Imanishi's original theory of species=society comprised a
serious fault: He estimated the homogeneity of individuals within a species
so highly that he came to deny that competition among morphological
variants could be vitally important in evolution. This fault prevented him
from further consideration of evolutionary mechanisms based on his
species=society concept. Due to this difficulty, most of Imanishi's numerous
disciples deserted him without trying to revise and improve his theory. And
instead they sealed it as an embarrassing and untouchable “taboo”.
Recently S. Mizuhata published “SHIN-IMANISHI SHINKARON”
(The Neo-Imanishi Theory of Evolution) [Mizuhata 2002], where he
proposed an improved theory on species=societal aspects of evolution. He
successfully eliminated the said theoretical fault of Imanishi's, while
retaining and developing the species=societal theory of evolution. However,
the Neo-Imanishi theory of evolution had to suffer an almost unanimous
refusal by Japanese evolutionists and biologists because it proposed a
re-evaluation of Imanishi's Theory, disclosing the once buried taboo. In fact
they seemed as if detesting any discussion to remind Imanishi.
Such a situation, however, is now being mitigated owing to a fair
treatment to the new theory by several well-known biologists, such as T.
Hidaka, Y. Kishi, T. Yahara, etc. Especially T. Hidaka, once a crucial
critique of Imanishi's theory, proposed re-evaluation of Imanishi's
evolutionary thought in response to Mizuhata's new theory, which startled
Japanese biologists [Hidaka 2003].
Improvement of Imanishi's theory by Mizuhata lies on the following:
Imanishi did not recognize the vital importance of competition among
morphological variants because he respected equality of individuals in a
species very highly and, besides, he favored orthogenetic view of evolution.
Mizuhata found that mate selection is vitally important in evolution and
that the mate choice system is essentially of species=societal nature,
distinct from the traditional concept of sexual selection.
This paper tries to introduce this new theory and thereto relevant
discussions in anticipation that world biologists and evolutionists would
treat these studies without prejudice, although Imanishi's reputation may
not be so good also in the West except among some anthropologists and ape
researchers. Anyway the author considers that the species=societal
approach to evolutionary study will soon make an indispensable
methodology. Moreover the lifework of Imanishi “SEIBUTU NO SEKAI”
(the World of Living Things) was published in English as a result of
assiduous translation by P. J. Asquith et al. [Imanishi 2002].
The Neo-Imanishi theory of evolution on the Species=Society concept
Improvement of Imanishi's theory by Mizuhata lies on the following:
Imanishi did not recognize the vital importance of competition among
morphological variants because he respected equality of individuals in a
species extremely highly and, besides, he favored orthogenetic view of
evolution. In contrast Mizuhata found that mate choice is vitally important
in evolution and that the system of mate choice is essentially of
species=societal nature, distinct from the traditional concept of sexual
Main points of Mizuhata's theory are:
1) “Sumiwake” (Imanishi) or “species=societal partition” is a key concept
to solve the speciation problem: this is a reconfirmation of the original
Imanishi theory. @2
2) The origin of species=society (and its partition) traces back to the
Cambrian Great Explosion and the appearance of cerebral animals. Species
does not have any origin but only has bifurcation (partition) with sibling
species. The true origin of species (not of species=society) traces back to the
first appearance of life.
3) Mizuhata redefined the species=society as populations that share the
identical brain program, or “the species=societal software”, having the dual
objectives: individual survival (viability) and achievement of mating
(reproduction). It is this cerebral software that governs ethological
behaviors of animals. Also beware that this software acts as a
self-organizing information processor. @3 This concept is not so unorthodox
because it corresponds to: what Darwin called “Mental Powers” of animals;
what Lorenz called “Releasing Mechanisms”; or, what Imanishi called
“Subjectivity/ Autonomy” of animals [Mizuhata 2002, 146].
@2: Imanishi supposed that all species (including non-animals) should have their
“species=society”. His supposition was, however, inappropriate.
@3: Self-organization of the brain program was assigned firstly to learning
(ontogenetic) alone [M 2002] and then also to “down-loading” [M 2003a], of which the
latter implies formation of standing memories in the brain besides learning.
4) Splitting of a species=society occurs when a population of the original
(parent) species comes to change (modify) its species=societal software. If
the change occurs in the way of mating, it will directly lead to reproductive
isolation and species=societal partition (speciation), where mating occurs
in accordance with a proper-to-species rule: male's “priority” for mating
firmly concerns a species-proper character of males, e.g., long necks of
giraffes, ocelli feathers of peacocks, antlers of deer, nuptial colors of fish etc.
This mating rule is named “Mating Priority Rule (MPR)” [Mizuhata 2002,
5) Besides adaptation, there is another motive force for evolution: struggle
to reinforce one's own species=societal unity and identification (or
differentiation) against close kin species. This motive force is named
species=societal coherence (SSC) [Mizuhata 2003]. The SSC explains the
true cause of “character displacement”, which implies that a rapid
evolution occurs in differentiation of close kin species.
This character displacement has been interpreted in terms of
adaptive evolution: where one has attributed the accelerated evolution to
enhanced “struggle for life” among close kin species. In fact the rapid
cichlids' speciation seems to have been driven not by struggle for life but by
struggle for species identification and differentiation. When the cichlids'
struggle for life became extremely hard due to Nile perch and lake water
deterioration, it resulted in disruption of the specific diversity instead of
accelerating speciation.
The evolutionary mechanism of (4) and (5) are the newly found aspects
in the species=societal theory of evolution, which explain a mechanism (or
dynamics) governing evolution. This implies a fundamental improvement
on the former Imanishi's theory that lacked any mechanism of evolution.
Thus the Neo-Imanishi theory of evolution attributes the cause for
species=societal partition to the following:
1) Evolution for species=societal adaptation by which a population in the
precedent species comes to seek for a new niche or life type. Beware that
this is an intentional and cooperative activity, distinct from the Darwinian
process of adaptation due to natural (stochastic) selection, where
“Intentional” means “through brain activity”.
2) Evolution for species=societal coherence by which a population in the
precedent species comes to set up a new species=societal symbol, making it
a new criterion for mate selection (or MPR). In the cichlids, newly appeared
male variants in body colors and patterns frequently got adopted as a new
species=societal symbol, resulting in species=societal partitions (i.e.
Also beware that these factors imply not the results but the cause of
evolution. The two moments, SS adaptation and SS coherence, are
mutually interactive. Which to prevail depends on occasion. In cichlids, it
is confirmed that the second proceeded in advance [Seehausen et al. 1999].
Combination of the both factors is possible as seen in the seeking for long
necks in the species=society of giraffe (see below).
Giraffe's long neck explained by Species=Societal adaptation
A long neck of the giraffe is “adaptive” for eating acacia leaves, their
most favorite food. Darwin firmly believed that this must be the result of
natural selection [Darwin 1996]. However, there is no fossil evidence for
intermediate neck length to show a gradual elongation of giraffe necks.
Transition from the short-necked proto-giraffe to the present type must
have been too fast to leave any trace of “intermediate” giraffe necks.
Simmons and Scheepers attributed neck elongation of the giraffe to
sexual selection [Simmons & Scheepers 1996]: however, they denied an
adaptive aspect of the long neck without sufficient reasoning. Mizuhata
explained the rapid and adaptive elongation of giraffe necks as an adaptive
evolution driven by the MPR, i.e. species=societal motive force [Mizuhata
2002, 41].
Progenitors of the giraffe (a kind of Paleotraguinae) were a ruminant
like the okapi: they were short-necked and lived in thick forests. A
population of this proto-giraffe moved out of forests into savannas, seeking
for a new life type: this implied a start of species=societal partition from
the proto-giraffe that had remained in the forests. Ancient giraffes having
moved to savannas had to change and adjust their life type toward the new
environment. They became especially fond of acacia leaves, delicious and
eutrophic, where long necks were effective to reach wide range of acacia
trees. Thus they began to want having a longer neck and this propensity
began to control mate choice (till this time this population might have
remained conspecific with the former species) [Mizuhata 2002].
Meanwhile, ardent seeking for long necks resulted in the species habit
of “mating contest” among males to compete for their neck length and
thus for their priority to mate with females. When this “Mating Priority
Rule” came to be shared by all the populations living in savannas, their
reproductive isolation from the former species must have been completed.
This is a case of speciation through SS partition, as first proposed by
Imanishi. Further the mating contest became increasingly fiercer and
giraffe males began “neck combats” using their neck and skull like a
hammer. The impact of neck blows became ever serious, even lethal, as
their neck got longer [Simmons & Scheepers 1996].
It is easy to understand that the MPR, once established, would
greatly accelerate evolution. In fact, superior males monopolize the mating
priority and females reject courtship of shorter necked males. In contrast to
the former theory of Imanishi, the MPR theory is consistent with
population genetics: the MPR will reduce the effective population size,
raise the inbreeding coefficient, and halt the Hardy-Weinberg law: all, in
concert, will have effects to accelerate evolution, as is well known in the
ordinary theory of population genetics.
Diverse ways of mating explained by Mating Priority Rule (MPR)
All the animals have a species-proper way of mating, identifying the
conspecific mate of the species=society. Most insects, birds, fish etc. have a
proper procedure for mating courtship and consent, whether selective or
monogamic. Rather, one may say that the existence of species and
species=society lies on having a species-proper way of mating [Hidaka
There is a wide variety of mating processes in species=societies, from
monogamy to holding a large harem. For example, In leks of the Sage
Grouse (Centrocercus urophasianus) or harems of Elephant Seal
(Mirounga), a superior male mates with more than one hundred females,
excluding most fellow males from mating. A species=society of this type
seems to be in an “Enhancement Mode” of MPR. When the morphological
evolution turns into a saturation, the species=society will enter into a
“Relaxation Mode” of MPR, and then probably into an “Equilibrium Mode”
of MPR, such as monogamy.
A species=society now having an enhanced MPR may change its mode,
resulting in a relaxed MPR. In turn, another SS now having a stationary
MPR might have had an enhanced MPR. There seems to be a general trend
that characteristic differences between males and females may be large in
the enhancement mode, diminishing in the relaxation mode, and
disappearing in the stationary mode. For example, the present MPR of
giraffe's SS is considered to be in the relaxation mode and therefore its
sexual dimorphism has been sufficiently reduced [Mizuhata 2003a] though
still existent [Simmons & Scheepers 1996].
What causes the diversity in ways of mating? According to Mizuhata,
this diversity can be explained in terms of MPR and its diachronic modal
transition: each species=society itinerates diachronically through the said
several modes of the MPR. If one takes a synchronic view (cross section) of
the distribution on various MPR modes, it will show a wide variety
[Mizuhata 2003a].
The relation between synchronic variety and diachronic shifts of
mating modes are as follows:
First a population in a SS begins to strongly cherish a special male
character such as long necks, splendid tail feathers, etc. and makes it their
species sex-attracting symbol. This implies a beginning of SS partition
from the original (parental) SS. Then the population will enter into an
enhanced mode of MPR and perform a fierce mating contest, resulting in
accelerated character evolution. However, this evolution will in time reach
saturation and the MPR will enter into a relaxation mode, where the
mating contest may continue with reducing intensity. Finally the MPR will
turn into a next equilibrium mode [Mizuhata 2003a].
The modal transition will occur in proper order. However, it may
depend on occasion in which mode each species=society now resides.
Therefore a synchronic observation will correspond to an incidental
distribution of MPRs into various modes: equilibrium, enhancement,
relaxation, or transitional. Thus one can confirm that the synchronic
diversity of MPRs represents a projection of diachronic transition through
various MPR modes. This gives a solution for the riddle why ways of
mating is so diverse, which is an interesting result achieved by the
Neo-Imanishi theory [Mizuhata 2003a].
Peacock's ocelli feathers to imply non-adaptive evolution
T. Hidaka confirmed that peacock's ocelli feathers couldn’t be
explained as a result of adaptive evolution [Hidaka-Mizuhata 2003]. His
confirmation is grave because numerous evolutionists have been trying to
explain the ocelli feathers of peacocks as indicating viability [Cronin 1991].
Hidaka assertion implies that the handicap hypothesis or its revision, the
indicator hypothesis, is not an achievement in the evolution theory. Rather,
these theories might be a product of psychological obsession of evolutionists
to attribute every evolution to adaptation. The popularity of these
hypotheses can be attributed to the fact that so many biologists share the
same obsession.
Compare their obsession with Darwin's good sense: he wonders, if
females seek to know male's “general vigour”, why they focus their
attention to a special trait confined to male, enormously developed due to
sexual selection, instead of seeing a more common indicator of “general
vigour” [Darwin 1998, chapt.4].
Also if Darwin heard Hidaka's testimony, he might say why Hidaka
repeats what he already said in 1860s: animals have a proper “Sense of
Beauty” and “mental powers” enough to make careful mate selection
[Darwin 1999, 95]. However, Darwin should have said that animals have a
“Sense of Species Identification and Individual Discrimination”. Then no
one could refute him. Anyway there has been no necessity to attribute mate
choice to adaptation or to the “choosy gene” fiction.
As far as one thinks in line with Darwin, Hidaka, and Mizuhata, the
sociobiological approach to evolution becomes untenable because it
attempts to see evolution in a closed cycle of genes--fitness--genes.
How far is it possible to treat genes as an autonomous self-duplicator?
1) If it is genes alone that determine both survival and reproduction, then
evolution can be explained in terms of genes and fitness alone. @4
2) If factors other than genes should cause a selective effect on gene
reproduction, it is no more possible to attribute evolution to a closed loop of
gene-fitness-gene. In such a case, what select genes of next generation is
not genes but mating behaviors (e.g. MPR) of non-genic origin.
@4: The term “fitness” in sociobiology sounds inconsistent because fitness is a
synonym of viability which is inseparable with adaptation, so the word is
inappropriate for representing fertility. Moreover sociobiologists suppose that
maturity brings forth reproduction, thus reducing reproduction to viability. This is not
correct for highly selective mating. In the Japanese language, this inconsistency is far
more serious because the word Tekioudo (fitness) is synthesized from Tekiou
(adaptation) and Do (rate), literally meaning ”adaptation rate”. A more neutral word
like “genic copy rate” or “genic reproduction rate is required.
Then what is a motive force for evolution besides adaptation? It is to
seek for “species=societal coherence”. Species-proper characters such as
ocelli patterns of peacock, long necks of giraffe, nuptial colors of fish,
antlers of deer etc. are considered to be a species sex-attracting symbol
determined by each SS, and not by the choosy gene. Such species-proper
male characters are “the colors of each species=society” to symbolize its
own unity and identity against other SSs (especially of close kin)
[Mizuhata 2003].
Ethological behaviors due to MPRs and the relevant mating
procedures are not the “result of natural selection” but, on the contrary, the
“cause (motive force) for SS evolution”. This assertion will clearly
distinguish the MPR theory from the runaway hypothesis that supposes
the “runaway” of a species trait to be a result of choosy gene increase owing
to its higher fitness. This theory admits the occurrence of non-adaptive
evolution, however, but does not explain why it occurs with so enormous
diversity in so short a period.
A species=society subjectively adopts a specific character as their
sex-attracting symbol in order to establish and enhance the identity of the
species=society. Wide variety of the species=societally unique characters is
caused by requirement to represents interspecific differences and contrasts.
Therefore evolution for species=societal coherence can occur toward
adaptive, neutral, or non-adaptive directions.
Recently studies on the “culture of animals” are becoming popular.
This approach of “gene-culture coevolution” is similar to this theory in that
both deal with a non-genic gene selection mechanism [Aoki 2001]. However,
this theory is fundamentally based on gene/meme analogy, where the
'meme frequency' changes just like genes: due to natural selection, sexual
selection and analog of mutation etc. Therefore, the “culture” in this theory
lacks the concept of species=society.
Mate selection: female choice or Species=Societal consensus?
As described hitherto, one can see that MPR is not a way of mating
but a general principle for mating in each species=society. Here we try to
verify that the so-called female choice is essentially a species=societal
In fact it is absurd to suppose: that there were once female giraffes
detesting a long neck or peahens disliking splendid tail feathers; but that
they disappeared gradually because of their lower fitness. Such a ruminant
or such a bird would not have taken part in an incipient species=society of
the giraffe or the peacock/hen. In speciation or, precisely, SS partition, the
population must have been unanimous concerning its SS symbol.
It is a mating contest in public that decides superior males on the
MPR or in sexual selection. Both winner males and loser males are fully
aware of their own position in their herd or deme, where inferior males
spontaneously retreat from mating activity. For example, male Babirusa
pigs in Celebes compete for larger upper tusks. But males having defective
upper tusks hide themselves and never appear to the theater of mating
contest [Clayton 2001].
An inferior male also respects the result of MPR due to the contest
and would never try to challenge for mating, outwitting a superior male.
The exclusion of inferior males from mating is admitted by themselves. The
usual concept of “female choice” or further “female choosy gene” is unreal
because the criterion of selection and the resultant ordering is completely
shared and observed by all the mature males and females. Thus
sociobiologists will have to create “male choice-suffering genes”. What's
more, inferior males in general do not chase females directly but try first to
raise their own ranking in the population. They play a role imposed by the
law of the SS (MPR) [Mizuhata 2002, 111].
Now it is clear that the so-called “female choice” is an insufficient
expression or rather a misconception for a species=societal consensus.
Perhaps Darwin, Lorenz, or even Erasmus Darwin must have been aware
of this cooperative nature of mate choice, comprising the consensus of
males and females (but perhaps R. Fisher and R. Dawkins might have
lacked this insight). Yet they were unable to express their correct intuition
in correct terminology because they never thought of the concept of
species=society and conspecific brain program (or species=societal
As it is incorrect to attribute mate selection to “female choice”, its
attribution to “female choosy genes” is doubly incorrect: it is a phantom of
phantom. As a FCG should correspond to each pattern or trait of each
species, FCGs of cichlids must have had to mutate frequently and diverge
explosively in advance to speciation while their genoms have remained
completely iso-structural. A FCG theorist will have to assert such an
enormous fiction for applying their theory to the cichlid problem. And
what's more, diverse FCGs seem to have been having similar fitness, where
“the difference in fitness” might be unimportant. Anyway multiple fictions
are required if one would continue to apply the extant theories to the
All these absurdities reveal the fundamental shortcoming of the
traditional genic theories. All the complex confusion arises from barren
efforts to attribute mate choice, an essentially intentional and cooperative
procedure, to a certain unintentional and stochastic mechanism.
Evolution of the cichlids explained by the Neo-Imanishi theory
The observation on the cichlids' evolution gives a marvelous situation
to which one can apply the above-mentioned SS theory. The basic
methodology here is to treat a speciation as SS partition.
W. J. Dominey and T. Goldschmidt assigned the cichlids' rapid
speciation to choosiness of females [Dominey 1984]/[Goldschmidt 1996].
This is half correct and half wrong. It is true that mate choice caused
reproductive isolation and hence speciation. However, it may not be correct
that they assigned it to female choosiness, or further to the FCG. The true
cause for the mate choice is the MPR seeking for SS coherence, which lead
to reproductive isolation.
The SS partition corresponding thereto seems to have brought life
type partition, and bifurcation in niche preference. As these were all
intentional and cooperative processes, they could have got completed in
several generations.
As for this rapid SS partition, cichlids seem to have been especially
adaptive: the fish seem to have a high visual sensitivity. This character
made a prerequisite for quick response to new morphological variants of
males. This reasoning was inversely confirmed by the fact that the lake
water deterioration and loss of water transparency exert a serious
disturbance on all the cichlids' world [Seehausen 1997a], [Mayr 2001].
The cichlids have highly specialized feeding habit and highly adaptive
characters thereto [Goldschmidt 1996, chapt.2]. The concerned researchers
have interpreted this, hitherto, as a typical case of adaptive evolution as
considered by Darwin (and Wallace) [Mayr 2001]. This popular and
seemingly “natural” interpretation is, in reality, doubtful: in our theory, it
seems to be the same misinterpretation as Darwin's inference for evolution
of the giraffe.
Adaptation as the results of evolution does not explain the cause to
drive the adaptation, as has been explained for giraffe's evolution.
Especially, rapid speciation cannot be interpreted as Darwinian evolution,
or unintentional and stochastic “selection”. Giraffe's evolution was driven
by their MPR, or more explicitly, their seeking for species=societal
coherence. Also the cichlids' evolution must have been driven by their MPR,
or more explicitly, their ardent seeking for the species=societal identity and
the differentiation from close kin species. This is why their speciation
occurred at trivial differences like body patterns and colors, the least
concerned with viability or adaptation.
Thus, a SS partition, or a speciation as intentional and cooperative
process of the population can occur within several generations, which will
accompany the relevant niche specialization or life type differentiation. In
this incipient stage, the feeding habit might have changed but the feeding
organs, seemingly, had not yet made morphological adaptation. It would
have taken far more time to evolve the shapes of mouth, teeth, gill etc. into
those more adaptive for eating new foods.
Beware that this aspect of adaptation may not be identical with that
considered by Darwin and evolutionists hitherto. There has been found the
SS aspect of adaptive evolution: it begins with a SS partition, or
intentional and cooperative alteration of life type or mate choice criteria.
This precedes and will release the morphological adaptation hitherto
considered in the traditional theory of natural selection.
Natural selection might serve to promote this adaptation through
unintentional and stochastic discrimination of
“the fit and the less fit”.
In contrast SS selection, if it occurred, could strongly accelerate adaptation
through intentional and cooperative behavior of the population. For
example, if females of prawn-eating cichlids prefer to mate with male
variants looking adaptive for eating prawns, then this mating behavior
(MPR in kind) would surely accelerate adaptation: so to say, this is a
“highway” course of adaptation and the Darwinian is a local path. Whether
in Darwinian or Neo-Darwinian process, effective adaptation cannot
proceed in few generations.
As for the cichlids' species divergence, the unusual speed of speciation
itself will reject most usual theories and await a new (unusual?) theory. In
contrast SS theory of evolution clarified the motive force toward a frequent
and rapid development of reproductive isolation and niche specialization.
In conclusion the cichlids' speciation proceeded as followings: mate choice
by MPR seeking for a new SS coherence, reproductive isolation,
species=societal niche specialization, morphological adaptation through
natural and/or SS selection.
One should note that both mate and niche preferences occur as
intentional and cooperative phenomena functioning in concert, and not as
unintentional and stochastic phenomena by natural selection. The former
is essentially a function of the brain [Yoro 2000]. Also remember that
members of a SS share the same brain program or the SS software.
Further application of the MPR and the SS partition approach
Analysis of speciation as SS partition can apply, beyond the cichlids'
case, to speciation in general because:
1) In any speciation or cladogenesis, the incipient difference between the
partitioning populations must be minimal genetically and morphologically.
2) Thus the difference in viability between them must also be small.
3) Therefore natural selection is very ineffective: in fact Darwin expected
thousands or tens of thousand generations for speciation.
4) Indispensable for cladogenesis is a mechanism capable to discriminate
slight character differences and to “translate” them to mating behaviors
(accompanying gene selection).
5) Genic theories of sexual selection are found to be untenable and should
be replaced by species=societal theory of evolution.
For example, when the neck of giraffe was still short, the difference
(variance) of neck length among males must have been ever small. Yet
shorter necked males must have had no less viability because their necks
were longer than any female or infant. It is absurd to say that (even
inferior) males were more viable or adaptive than females. Thus even
adaptive evolution requires some viability-independent motive force. It is
not genic but cerebral information processing that can convert slight
morphological differences into a decisive discrimination in mating and
other ethological behaviors. (The nature and the mechanism of this
information processing will be discussed in the next section.)
But for such highly sensitive systems to differentiate peer characters,
a viability-independent slight variance cannot lead to disruptive or
directive selection. Remember that suppression of visual recognition due to
muddy lake water caused a grave disturbance in the world of
haplochromine species. Darwinists naively suppose that even a slight
character variance could surely cause a corresponding effect, though small
yet accumulative, on viability. However, this supposition is dubious. In
fact if such a characteristic difference remains “subliminal”, then it would
not cause any difference in their ethological behavior and hence in their
viability. Natural selection, or unintentional and stochastic selection, is
ineffective in principle. Therefore it is hardly applicable not only to the
cichlids' speciation but to speciation in more general.
§10 Modes of evolution and the evolution of evolutionary modes
Living things without the brain cannot make selection for themselves.
They only suffer selection. Evolutionary “selection” has two modes: an
Unintentional and Stochastic (incidental) Mode (is it still selection?) and
an Intentional and Cooperative (synergetic) Mode. Here we call the former
USM and the latter ICM. (We refrain, hereafter, from using the ambiguous
term, “natural selection”.) In USMs, the environment “selects” living things.
In ICMs, to the contrary, animals actively (intentionally) select their niche
and mating partners, although their options are restricted by the natural
environment and their positions in the total biotic community.
In the primeval USM, evolutionary “selection” is externally imposed
on living things and adaptation is to be caused by the difference in viability
(or mortality) among variants or mutants of populations [Kawamiya 2002].
This mode has two aspects: the one (USM1) is selection (preservation) of
the fit (or the fitter) and the other (USM2) is selection (elimination) of the
unfit. The positive selection USM1 is too tardy for effective scientific proof,
as Darwin repeatedly noticed, whereas the negative selection USM2 is well
established as had been studied since J. B. S. Haldane and H. J. Muller. @5
@5: The concept of natural “selection” in USM is somewhat self-contradictory because
it does not comprise any information processing. Therefore a better term for
“selection” in USM would be “screening or sifting” [Mizuhata 2002, 198f]. In Japanese,
there have been collateral terms for (evolutionary) selection, i.e. Sentaku (=Choosing)
and Touta (=Screening). It is highly advisable to assign USM and ICM to different
terms, such as Screening and Selection.
Therefore the traditional “natural selection”
should be called “stochastic screening”.
It is noteworthy that the second mode (ICM) had been established
only after cerebral animals (which can form species=societies) appeared in
the Cambrian Period. The two modes, USMs and ICMs, correspond to the
dual layers of the biotic communities: The brainless layer and the cerebral
layer. Evolutionists will have to distinguish the two layers because these
have a different mode of evolution [Kawamiya 2002]. Cross-layered
coevolution is also important as seen in the case of insects and flowering
plants. Evolutionists should be aware that evolution after the Cambrian
Great Explosion is distinct from evolution before this period [Kawata
Since the onset of ICMs, it has become difficult to suppose that a
pure USM evolution could occur in cerebral animals because the
reproductive isolation in speciation occurs essentially in an ICM.
Differentiation of niche preference or mate preference by SS partition
(speciation of animal species) belongs to an ICM, in fact it corresponds to
revise a version of species=societal software, which comprises the innate
releasing mechanism (IRM) and the acquired releasing mechanism (ARM)
in animal ethology.
The information processing by the brain in ICMs is considered to be a
feedback mechanism of Wiener-Yoshida type [Wiener 1961], [Yoshida
1990a]. It consists of three stages: Cognition (observation/ detection),
Evaluation (comparison/ identification), and Direction (decision/ practice).
One can easily verify how these stages concern the cichlids' ethological
behaviors. For example, species diversity of cichlids occurred in the second
(evaluative) stage but their interspecies confusion occurred due to visual
disturbance in the first (cognitive) stage. The feedback mechanism
the said three stages gives a clear account for the cichlids'
behavior in mate choice.
Yoshida asserted to distinguish ICM selection from USM selection. He
named the former “Subjective/ Autonomous Selection” against the latter, i.e.
usual “natural selection” [Yoshida 1990b]. We highly estimate his original
concept created for his “Socio-Information Study”. However, we adopt the
term USM or ICM in discussing evolution because these terms are more
As seen in the peacock case, one can rather easily identify ICM (like
MPR) as such when it functions toward species=society coherent evolution
and not toward adaptation. Superficially, however, it is difficult to identify
ICM as such when it occurs toward adaptation as seen in the giraffe or the
cichlids. Most evolutionists, like Darwin, would take it for an adaptation
due to Darwinian natural selection. One should remember Yoshida's
remark to distinguish “subjective selection” (ICM) from “natural selection”
For example all species of cichlids strictly identify their mates by
body colors and patterns of males: where the difference lies on the second
stage: criteria of evaluation became diverse, meanwhile ways of cognition
and decision seem to have been common to all the cichlids.
One should note that macroscopic information in the brain cannot be
derived from microscopic genetic codes. There is a “Communications
Crevasse” between microscopic (molecular) signals and macroscopic (molar)
records [Szilard 1929] (just compare electron Volt with micro-Joule. This is
an entropy theoretical constraint. In order to get over this crevasse and to
convert microscopic signals (DNA or amino acid sequences) into
macroscopic information (e.g. brain cell memory), one requires an energy
intensive amplifier such as gene analyzers or photo multipliers. Otherwise
there is no way to convert molecular signals into macroscopic records. It is
strange that most evolutionists are unaware of this thermodynamic
constraint and naively lenient to the unproved fiction of “Action
Controlling Genes” (ACGs).
Brain cells are sensitive only to macroscopic signals. However, a very
round about and indirect interaction may be possible, e.g. genes・・・protein
synthesis・・・formation of organs・・・endocrine discharge・・・conditioning of
brain activity・・・actual action.
Therefore all the brain memory including its innate part must be
transmitted from sources other than genes, where self-organization,
interaction with sensory organs and organic chemicals are important in
ontogenetic development of the brain [Yoro 2000]. Especially the brain of
insects seems heavily dependent on macromolecular chemicals.
§11 Reinvestigating concepts of Species and Species=Society
It is well known that a consistent species concept is hardly attainable
as described in the review of J.S.Wilkins: A Taxonomy of Species
Definitions...[Wilkins 1997]. The difficulty seems to lie on that the
definition has to cover all the species and all their historical transition.
E. O. Wilson defined the biological species as:
A population or series of populations within which free gene flow occurs
under natural conditions. What is gene flow? And what are natural
conditions? These problems may trigger a chain of problems [Wilson 1988].
As for brain having animals, mating to cause “gene flow” is an
intentional and cooperative process described above and a more explicit
description of “natural conditions” becomes necessary. Therefore we can
define species for cerebral animals as: a population to form a reproductive
community sharing the identical Mating Priority Rule (all its modes
It should be noted that this species concept has diachronic validity.
Human being as a reproductive community itinerated all the vertebral
classes: from the Paleozoic vertebrates, proto-fish, proto-amphibians,
proto-reptiles, proto-mammals etc., through apes and primates, to Homo
erectus and Homo sapiens. Through all these stages, human being must
have belonged to the same species. There can be no “origin” for Homo
sapiens. Even Pithecanthropus is of the same species as Homo sapiens as
far as the former is our monotaxonic ancestor. Even bipedalism cannot
sever human being from apes. Identity of human species had continued
while they came to live on the ground, descending from trees in forests.
Anyway diachronic identity of Homos can trace back to the
proto-vertebrate in the Cambrian Period. In fact the present Homo sapiens
must have itinerated through all the classes of vertebrates except the bird:
proto-vertebrate, proto-fish, proto-amphibian, proto-reptiles, and protomammals in the diachronic anagenesis up to the present human being
while retaining their identity as one species. Further consideration leads to
the idea that origin of the species must trace back to the origin of life itself.
In summary all species exist in a transitional stage, though they seem to
belong to each terminal of phylogeny.
As discussed in the former section, evolution of cerebral animals
should be treated in ICMs, where species populations form species=society
and its speciation or cladogenesis in general occurs as SS partition. Here
unit of evolution turns from individuals into species=society [Nature
1985-87]. In parallel to the definition of species, one can resume that: a
species=society of cerebral (brain having) animals consists of populations
sharing the identical ethological brain program (SS software), which
contains Mating Priority Rule as its part [Mizuhata 2002]. And all
species=society in concert form the total biotic community [Imanishi 1941]
Species=society has its own history independent of diachronic “gene
flow”. The SS software is to be transmitted by intergenerational
communication. For example animals learn their MPR through mutual
communications in their species-societal life cycle: the MPR is not innate
but postnatal (to be acquired ontogenetically). However, as it is a ‘law’ of
the SS, it exists prior (prenatal) to each SS individual. If raised being
severed from the species-societal life cycle, a giraffe would fail in the
practice of the MPR. Therefore, it is not by heredity but by communicative
transmission that the MPR is retained diachronically. And this situation is
the same for SS software in general.
For example human children raised by wolves acquired wolf's SS
software (brain program). Their human genes gave no instruction about
how to behave him/herself as a human being [Singh 1942]. After they were
retaken into the human society, people tried to teach them language and
way of living. However, the children made little progress and failed in
acquiring sexuality as human being [Itard 1978]: this means that they
could not return to the reproductive community of human being, despite
their genes were genuinely human.
In short human beings have no “action controlling genes” (ACGs) by
which to live a humane life. However, is it human beings alone that lack
ACGs? Do all animals except Homo species have their species ACGs? If so,
when and why Homo lost their ACGs? It is time to discard the fiction of
ACGs including FCGs (female choosy genes). Evolution theory will no more
need such a fictitious hypothesis.
§12 Methodological notes
Evolutionists hitherto seem to have believed in natural selection (in
USMs) to be the most essential motive force for evolution and have been
trying to reduce an ICM (e.g. mate choice) process down to a USM process.
They developed lots of theory on the dubious hypothesis of action
controlling genes, whereas what controls animal actions is not genes but
the brain program.
In contrast, the MPR is not a hypothesis but a consequence of
ethological observations. So ICMs have been widely known since C. Darwin.
All we had to do was to identify these concepts as such, setting up correct
terminology. These are nothing but Columbus’s egg. This SS approach to
evolution will provide an effective methodology for studying evolutions
whether adaptive or non-adaptive, rapid or slow, as shown for the cases of
the giraffe, the peacock, and the cichlids. The evolution in ICMs is a
well-known fact though it has not been identified as such. The MPR theory
will replace genic hypotheses concerning mate choice. Especially this new
theory can give a clear explanation of speciation process, which had been
hardly explained on the concepts of gene mutation.
If ICMs have been equally or more important than USMs, this will
reinforce the standpoint of the neutral theory of molecular evolution
[Kimura 1988]. Suspicion of panselectionists to the neutral theory seems to
have been based not on observed evidences but on their mentality to
attribute any evolution to natural selection (USM in kind), where gene
mutation controls everything.
That molecular evolution should be neutral (and tardy) is exclusively
compatible with the reproductive (genic) continuity indispensable for
intergenerational species succession. This genic continuity must have been
kept without any leap even at the very instant of speciation. This condition
shall be called “continuity constraint”. Under this constraint one has to
elucidate discontinuous phenomena of speciation, where the theory of SS
partition will be of great help: discontinuous isolation is completely
admissible in ICM evolution while no discontinuity is admissible in
diachronic “gene flow”. Thus the SS approach to evolution and the neutral
theory are compatible and complementary. In fact, as seen in the cichlids, a
SS partition driven by MPR can explain “congenic speciation”, i.e. congenic
reproductive isolation. On the other hand, the neutral theory can explain
genic isolation after congenic speciation. If species diversity of the cichlids
could continue in LV, without suffering extinction, then they might have
genic isolation in future.
Such a consideration concerns the following problem setting by
Kimura, the initiator of the neutral theory [Kimura & Ohta 1971]:
1) Selective constraint would suppress the phylogenetic divergence.
Adaptive radiation, for instance, would require a prior relaxation in
struggle for life [Kimura 1988, 257].
2) Association between morphological and molecular evolution theories is
deficient and awaiting further development [Kimura 1988, 58].
Here Kimura suggested that macroevolution would occur when
“selective constraint” is relaxed. This directly implies that it is not selective
constraint but its “relaxation” that drives evolution. Many evolutionists
including the late S. J. Gould seem to favor this suggestion. In fact the
cichlids' rapid speciation also seems to have occurred due to relaxation of
selective constraint, though it is a microevolution. However, Kimura's is a
suggestion fundamentally unorthodox and Anti-Darwinian because
selective constraint corresponds to the traditional natural selection and
hence a kind of USM evolution.
Then what, except the Darwinian natural selection (USM evolution), is
the real driving force for evolution? Our reply to this question is ICM
evolution of Species=Societies motivated by the MPR that would, as
discussed above, proceed rapid cladogenesis of whether macro- or
microevolution. For example, if the proto-mammals had been able to enjoy
enlarged empty niches due to extinction of dinosaurs, their “adaptive
radiation” might have occurred rather in the ICM than in the USM
Concluding remarks
Rapid speciation in the LV cichlids has shown decisive importance of
mate selection in evolution. Ethological observation has shown that mate
selection is carried out by MPR on Species=Societal consensus and not by
unilateral “female choice”: even more simple courtship in monogamy is
according to SS consensus.
Mate selection can be entirely attributed to proper-to-SS MPR. It is
too fictitious to attribute mate selection to Female Choosy Genes because
the FCG hypothesis further requires to assume (a) male “choice-suffering
genes” to ensure the species=societal nature of mate selection; (b) absurd
alleles such as genes for long-neck detesting giraffes or ocelli-pattern frigid
peahens; (c) readability of genetic codes by the brain (i.e. possibility of in
vivo conversion of microscopic signals into macroscopic records). Facts by
imprinting of birds prove that even conspecies recognition is not genetic
but postnatal. Genes are incompetent to tell either how to recognize
conspecies or how to discriminate other species, to say nothing of how to
choose a better mate.
Also it is essential in evolutionary studies to distinguish USMs (i.e.
stochastic screening) and ICMs (subjective selection) and to recognize the
proper importance of ICMs. (For example every sympatric reproductive
isolation belongs to an ICM.)
MPR analysis of mate selection has given a clear and consistent
explanation for the long neck of giraffes, the ocelli feathers of peacocks, the
species divergence of the LV cichlids etc. This theory can apply more
generally if one takes the diachronic transition of the MPR into
Recently cases of adaptive mutation in a synergetic mode have been
reported for Escherichia coli etc., which gave evidence for existence of a
Non-Darwinian adaptation mechanism. This is considered to be a kind of
USM: in fact it is synergetic but not cooperative. However this paper has
set aside this problem in order to focus our attention to ICMs.
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