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Name ___________________________ Class ________ Date ___________
Week 27 CCA Review
1. What are the two different kinds of vascular tissue in plants? Briefly describe each kind.
The two kinds of vascular tissue in plants are xylem and phloem. Xylem is a water-conducting tissue
consisting of tracheids and vessel elements. Phloem transports the products of photosynthesis through
sieve tube elements and companion cells.
2. Describe three ways that plants can distribute their seeds. For each method of distribution, describe
or sketch an example of a seed that is distributed in that manner.
3. Define the term tropism.
Response of a plant to an environmental stimulus
4. Plants exhibit three kinds tropisms: phototropism, gravitropism, and thigmotropism. Fill in the following
blanks with the correct tropism.
 A potted plant growing towards the only window in a room is an example of phototropism
 The roots of seeds from our germination experiment growing toward the ground is an example of
 A fern closing its leaves when it is touched is an example of thigmotropism
Name ___________________________ Class ________ Date ___________
5. Label the parts of the leaf.
A. Cuticle
B. Epidermis
C. Mesophyll
Vascular Tissue
(Xylem and Phloem)
E. Guard Cells and Stoma
Use the following diagram of a flower for questions 6 – 9.
6. Inside which structure is pollen produced? What is the
name of this structure?
Pollen is produced inside the anthers, labeled C.
7. What structure is represented by A? What is its function?
The stigma is labeled A; it is a sticky or feathery structure
specialized to trap pollen.
8. In which structure do seeds develop?
Seeds develop in the ovary, labeled F.
9. What are the names of structures G and H?
A sepal is labeled G and a petal is labeled H.
10. Briefly describe the main characteristics (temperature, precipitation, vegetation, etc.) of the following
Chapter 4-3 (pgs 100 – 104) gives a good summary of each biome.
Tropical forest
Tropical Savannah
Temperate Woodland
Name ___________________________ Class ________ Date ___________
f. Boreal Forest / Taiga
11. List three types of human activities that can affect the biosphere. For each activity, give one
environmental cost and one benefit. (Hint see Chapter 6-1 of the textbook)
(Answers will vary) Urban development: cost – lose of habitat resulting in increased competition for
resources; benefit – housing and jobs for people. Industry: cost – toxic wastes; benefit – efficient
production of products. Agriculture: cost – uses large amounts of water; benefit – increased food
12. Which would provide more energy for the owl, the frog or the snake?
How do you know?
I wrote this question over the weekend, but when I looked at it again, it is
not the best question, because I could make an argument for both the
snake and the frog.
The best answer that relates to the test is…..
If you assume equal weights, the frog would have more energy, because
it is at a lower trophic level.
Name ___________________________ Class ________ Date ___________
13. Define the terms speciation and geographic isolation. Describe how geographic isolation between
two populations of the same species can lead to two populations becoming two different species
over time.
Speciation is a population of one species becoming its own species over a long period of time.
Geographic isolation is form of reproductive isolation in which two populations are separated
physically by geographic barriers such as rivers, mountains, or stretches of water. It is an one of the
important mechanisms for speciation.
The example we studied in class was the evolution of different finch species on the different
Galapagos Islands. The finches where geographically isolated from each other and the islands had
different conditions and food resources. Over time, different species of finches arose with different
shaped beaks that were ideal for the different food sources on the islands.
14. a. Think of an animal that you know is a predator. What kind of adaptations does it have that make it
a good predator?
Answers will vary
b. Now, think of an animal that is food for another animal. What kind of adaptations does it have to
avoid being eaten?
Answers will vary
c. What process helped these species develop these adaptations?
Natural selection
15. Answer True or False for the following:
a. An ecosystem with a lot of different resources will have very little species diversity. FALSE
b. A very diverse population is more likely to survive an ecological disaster than a population without
a great deal of diversity. TRUE
The process of photosynthesis takes carbon dioxide from the atmosphere and converts the
carbon into sugars. TRUE
d. Algae are photosynthetic organisms. TRUE
e. In osmosis, water will flow from a solution with high salt concentration to a solution with low salt
concentration. FALSE