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1. List the characteristics of an angiosperm.
Dominant Generation: Sporophyte
Fluid Transport: Vascular
Sperm Transport: Wind or animal dispersal
Dispersal Unit: Seeds
2. Explain the differences between monocots and dicots.
Cotyledons: 2
Leaf Venation: netted
Flower Parts: 4’s or 5’s
Vascular Bundles: organized in a circle
Root: taproot (single, large)
Cotyledons: 1
Leaf Venation: Parallel
Flower Parts: 3’s
Vascular Bundles: scattered
Root: cluster of fine roots (fibrous system
3. Describe the importance of root systems and shoot systems to plants and explain how
they work together.
Root System: (beneath ground) anchor plants, absorb and conduct water and nutrients, and stores food.
Shoot System: (above ground) stems, leaves, and flowers.
4. Describe how plant cells grow.
Plant cells have apical growth (vertical growth) that is primary growth and/or lateral growth (horizontal
growth), which is secondary growth.
5. Distinguish between parenchyma and collenchyma cells with regards to structure and
Parenhcyma cells have the ability to divide, and perform most of the plants metabolic funsctions of
synthesis and storage. Collenchyma cells support young growing parts of the plant with their unevenly
thickened cell walls.
6. Describe the differences in structure and function of the two types of sclerenchyma
Fibers: long, slender, tapered cells occurring in bundles. Sclerids: shorter, irregularly shaped cells.
7. Explain the differences between simple tissues and complex tissues.
Xylem: carries water and nutrients. Phloem: carries sugar.
8. Describe the functions of the dermal tissue system, vascular tissue system and ground
tissue system.
Dermal tissue system: covers the outside of plant parts (outer layer). Vascular tissue system: consists of
xylem and phloem. Ground tissue system: consists of the 3 types of cells (parenchyma, collenchyma, and
9. Distinguish between the arrangement of vascular tissues in roots and shoots.
I already know this.
10. Using a diagram, describe the basic structure of a root, a stem, and a leaf.
Picture of stem, leaves and roots: Figure 3504
Diagram of different type of leaves: Figure 3507
1. List three levels in which transport in plants occurs and describe the role of aquaporins.
Transport occurs at the following levels: level of individual cells, at the short-distance level of lateral
transport within plant organs, and at the long-distance level of sap flow within the xylem and phloem.
Different mechanisms operate at these different levels of transport.
2. Trace the path of water and minerals from outside the root to the shoot system.
3. Define water potential.
Water potential is the negative pressure or tension of water.
4. Explain how solute concentration and pressure affects water potential.
Osmosis occurs depending on the concentration of a solute, wherever there is more negative pressure is
where water potential will be greatest since is always negative.
5. Predict the direction of net water movement based upon differences in water potential
between a plant cell and a hypoosmotic environment, a hyperosmotic environment or an
isosmotic environment.
I already know this.
6. According to the transpiration-cohesion-adhesion theory, describe how xylem sap can
be pulled upward in xylem vessels.
Sap is pulled upward in xylem vessels by transpiration, which is the evaporation of liquids from the leaves.
However, this would not be possible is water was not cohesive. Whenever one water molecule is removed
it pulls the other, which are put together in a column due to adhesion, it sticks to the cell walls.
7. Explain why a water potential gradient is required for the passive flow of water
through a plant, from soil.
Water potential is the reason why water moves at all. Water always moves from a place of lower negative
pressure to a place of higher negative pressure.
8. Describe both the disadvantages and benefits of transpiration.
The benefits are that it moderates the water concentration on plants and therefore allows them to grow, but
in case of drought the plants will die off quicker.
9. List three cues that contribute to stomatal opening at dawn.
Light, potassium guard cells accumulate potassium
10. Describe environmental stresses that can cause stomata to close during the daytime.
Excessive potassium, flash of darkness
1. Describe the chemical composition of plants including:
a. Percent of wet weight as water 80-85%
b. Percent of dry weight as organic substances
c. Percent of dry weight as inorganic minerals
3. Distinguish between macronutrient and micronutrient.
Macronutrients are elements required by plants in large amounts. Micronutrients are elements required by
plants in small amounts.
4. List the nine macronutrients required by plants and describe their importance in normal
plant structure and metabolism.
Carbon: component of plant’s compounds.
Oxygen: component of plant’s compounds.
Hydrogen: component of plant’s compounds.
Nitrogen: component of nucleic acids, proteins, hormones, & coenzymes.
Sulfur: component of protein, coenzymes.
Phosphorus: component of nucleic acids, phospholipids, ATP, several coenzymes.
Potassium: cofactor functional in protein synthesis; major solute functioning in water balance; operation of
Calcium: important for formation and stability of cell walls; maintenance of membrane structure and
permeability; activates some enzymes; regulates many responses of cells to stimuli.
Magnesium: component of chlorophyll; activates many enzymes.
5. List seven micronutrients required by plants and explain why plants need only minute quantities of these
Chlorine: required for water-splitting step of photosynthesis; functions in water balance.
Iron: component of cytochromes; activates some enzymes.
Boron: cofactor in chlorophyll synthesis; may be involved in carbohydrate transport and nucei acid
Manganese: active in formation of amino acids; activates some enzymes.
Zinc: active in formation of chlorophyll; activates some enzymes.
Copper: component of many redox and lignin-biosynthetic enzymes.
Molybdenum: essential for nitrogen fixation; cofactor functional in nitrate reduction.
Nickel: cofactor for an enzyme functioning in nitrogen metabolism.
6. Explain how soil is formed.
The weathering of solid rock produces soil. Living organisms may accelerate the process once they become
established. The eventual result is topsoil, a mixture of decomposed rock of varying texture, living
organisms, and humus.
7. Explain how humus contributes to the texture and composition of soil.
Humus us the decomposing organic material formed. It prevents clay from packing together and builds and
crumbly soil.
8. Explain why plants cannot extract all of the water in soil.
The can not extract all of the water because some of it is tightly held by hydrophilic soil particles,
9. List the three mineral elements that are most commonly deficient in farm soils.
Nitrogen, phosphorus and potassium
10. Describe the environmental consequence of overusing commercial fertilizers.
Commercial fertilizers may lead to the pollution of lakes and streams and they are not long retained in the
11. Describe modifications for nutrition that have evolved among plants including parasitic plants,
carnivorous plants, and mycorrhizae.
Parasitic – uses projections called haustoria
Carnivorous plants – digest insects for nutrients
Mycorrhizae – they either help or invade the root
1.Outline the angiosperm life cycle.
Look in notes in Biology Folder
2. List the four floral parts in their order from outside to inside of the flower.
Petal, sepal, stigma, style, anther, filament, ovary, receptacol, and the ovule
3. From a diagram of an idealized flower, correctly label the following structures and describe their
a. Sepals c. Stamen: filament and anther
b. Petals d. Carpel: style, ovary, ovule and stigma
Look in notes in AP book.
4. Explain by which generation, structure, and process spores are produced.
The diploid plant called a sporophyte is produces spores by meiosis.
5. Explain by which generation, structures, and process gametes are produced.
In the haploid generation, the gametophyte structure gametes are produces my mitosis.
6. Distinguish between pollination and fertilization.
Pollination is when an animal leaves behind traces of something upon a flower, fertilization is when they
decompose and leave their nutrients behind for the plants
7. Describe how pollen can be transferred between flowers.
Pollen can be wind- dispersed from flower to flower. The bee can land on one plant and then may pass on
that pollen to a different plant because of wind.
8. From a diagram, identify the following structures of a seed and recall a function for each:
a. Seed coat d. Radicle g. Endosperm
b. Embryo e. Epicotyl h. Cotyledons
c. Hypocotyl f. Plumule i. Shoot apex
Look in notes in AP book.
9. Explain how a monocot and dicot seed differ.
The dicot has a vascular cambium while the monocot does not. Also the monocot system has sparingly
dispersed vascular cylinders within it, while the dicot has evenly spaced out and uniformly placed vascular
10. Describe several functions of fruit and explain how fruits form.
Fruits are used for seed dispersal and protect the enclosed seed. The seed dehydrates and forms a seed coat,
the fruit then begins to form.
1. List five classes of plant hormones, describe their major functions, and recall where they are produced in
the plant.
Auxin: produced in the apical meristem, promote plant growth by facilitating the elongation of developing
Gibberellins: promotes cell growth, they are synthesized in young leaves, roots, and seeds. They are also
involved in the promotion of fruit development and of seed germination, and the inhibition of again in
Cytokinins: a hormone that stimulates cytokinesis (cell division). Are produced in roots (and perhaps
elsewhere). The also influence the direction of organ development, stimulates the growth of lateral buds,
and have been found to delay senescence (aging) of leaves.
Ethylene: a gas that promotes the ripening of fruit and inhibits the elongation of roots, stems, and leaves,
and influences leaf abscission, the aging and dropping of leaves.
Abscisic Acid: is a growth inhibitor. In many species of plants ABA maintains dormancy in seeds. In buds,
it delays growth and causes the formation of scales in preparation for over wintering.
2. Explain how a hormone may cause its effect on plant growth and development.
They are small molecules, capable of passing through cell walls that affect the division, growth
(elongation), or differentiation of the cells. The specific effect of a hormone depends upon the particular
hormone, its concentration, the target cell, and the presence or absence of other hormones.
3. Define circadian rhythm and explain what happens when an organism is artificially maintained in a
constant environment.
Circadian rhythm is a clock that measures the length of daylight and night.
4. Define photoperiodism.
Photoperiodism is the response of plants to change in the photoperiod, or the relative length of daylight and
5. Distinguish among short-day plants, long-day plants, and day-neutral plants; give common examples of
each; and explain how they depend upon critical night length.
Long day plants flower in the spring and early summer when daylight is increasing.
Short day plants flower in late summer and early fall when daylight is decreasing. These plants flower
when daylight is less than a critical length (or when night exceeds a critical length). Day neutral plants do
not flower in response to daylight changes. Some other cue, such as temperature or water, triggers