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Space School
Solar System
The Sun
The Moon
Moon Phases
Strange Things
Milky Way Galaxy
SOLAR SYSTEM (page 5 11•11•14)
1. There are inner and outer regions to our solar system.
2. Pluto is now a dwarf planet because it doesn’t have a clear orbital
neighborhood around itself.
3. The Heliosphere is an immense magnetic bubble which surrounds our
solar system.
4. The Kuiper Belt is home to the majority of our comets.
5. There are about 3,350 known comets in our solar system.
THE SUN (page 6 11•12•14)
1. The temperature of the Sun’s surface is 9,9000F and the core is
127,000,000 0 Fahrenheit (water boils at 2120F).
2. The Sun creates heat and energy by combining Hydrogen and making
Helium. This is called Nuclear Fusion.
3. The Sun makes up 99% of all the mass in our Solar System.
MERCURY (page 6 11•13•14)
1. Mercury is the smallest planet in our Solar System barely larger than
Earth’s Moon.
2. Mercury’s temperatures ranges from -3000 F to 8000 F because there is
no atmosphere due to the weak gravity.
3. Mercury is the closest planet to the sun but not the hottest!
Venus (page 7 11•14•14)
1. There are over 100,000 volcanoes on Venus.
2. Venus is the brightest object in the sky besides the Sun and the Moon.
3. Mt. Mott is a volcano that is five miles high. It is one mile taller than
any volcano on Earth.
Earth (page 7 11•17•14)
1. Earth is the only known planet that is able to sustain life, because
it has an atmosphere and oxygen.
2. Earth has been around for 4.6 billion years. The planet was
formed from left over parts from the newborn Sun.
3. Earth is the fifth largest planet in the solar system. In the center of
the Earth, it has an iron core.
Mars (page 8 11•20•14)
1. Mars has the largest volcano in the entire Solar System called
Olympus Mons. 340 miles wide and 16.7 miles high!!
2. Mars is also home to the largest canyon in the Solar System, more
than 10x larger than our Grand Canyon!
3. In Mars temperatures reach a comfy 600 F in the summer but in
the winter it is a nasty 2230 F below zero! Brrrrrr
4. A telescope glitch led people to believe there were straight canals
dug on Mars, leading to the fantasy of Martians (aliens).
Jupiter (page 9 11•24•14)
1. Jupiter has the fastest rotation, out of all the planets, turning once
on its axis, in less than 10 hours.
2. Jupiter, even though it is huge, needs to be 80x more massive to
turn into a star!
3. Jupiter has a large, permanent storm, called The Great Red Spot
which changes from Earth size to 3x larger than Earth.
4. Jupiter has approximately 63 moons-Ganymede is slightly larger
than Mercury!
5. Jupiter is over 400 million miles away but its gravity protects us,
here on Earth, from being struck by asteroids!
Saturn (pg 10 11•25•14)
1. Titan, one of Saturn’s moons, has liquid oceans and seas of
Methane. This makes it the only other place in our Solar System to
have surface fluid.
2. Saturn takes 29.5 Earth years to complete one trip around the Sun!
3. Saturn’s rings are made up of rock and ice particles perhaps from
an old moon that broke apart. Three of the rings are visible from
Earth with binoculars!
Uranus (pg 11 12•3•14)
1. Uranus appears to be blue because of Methane in the atmosphere.
2. It is 4 times larger than our Earth.
3. Trillions of diamonds are believed to be in the core of Uranus due
to the intense pressure.
4. The planet rotates like it is rolling so the equator is actually North
and South perpendicular from ours!
Neptune pg11 12•5•14
1. Neptune is 17 times the mass of Earth and could hold 60
Earth’s if it was hollow.
2. Neptune’s winds are the fastest in the Solar System, nearly
reaching Mach 2!!!!!
3. Neptune was named after the Roman God of the Sea.
(Greek is Poseidon)
The Moon pg12 12•8•14
1. The Moon was maybe created from a collision with a large
space object…it is called the Big Whack Theory.
2. It is moving away from the Earth at a rate of 1½ inches per
3. There are flat lands like seas called Marias.
Moon Phases pg 12 12•11•14
Strange Things in Space pg13 12•12•14
1. Our Sun can never become a black hole. It is too small and
does not have enough gravity.
2. A black hole’s gravity is so strong that even light can’t
3. Black holes form when a large star uses up all of its
hydrogen fuel and collapses in on itself.
4. Wormholes could allow humans to travel through space
quickly….if they exist!
Milky Way Galaxy pg 14 12•16•14
1. Light travels 5,878,499,812,499 miles in one year!!
2. All objects in the Milky Way Galaxy orbit a gigantic black
hole that has a mass equal to 2,000,000 of our Suns!
3. The Milky Way Galaxy is slowly consuming a smaller,
neighboring galaxy called Sagittarius Dwarf.
Eclipses pg 14-15 1•7•15
1. There are two kinds of eclipses: Solar and Lunar
2. A solar eclipse is when the Sun is blocked by the moon and
a lunar eclipse is when the moon goes into Earth’s shadow.
3. Each eclipse can be total or partial.
4. A shadow has two parts: the dark part is the umbra and the
lighter part is the penumbra.
5. A total eclipse is only when the umbra is involved and a
partial involves only the penumbra.
Parallax pg 17
1. Parallax is when an object appears to change its position
based upon your viewing angle.
2. Objects closer to us appear to move more than objects
farther away.
3. Our eyes use parallax to give us depth perception.
Tides pg 18 01•14•15
1. Earth’s surface water rises and falls each day because of
the Moon’s (& partly the Sun’s) gravitational pull.
2. The Moon is closer than the Sun so its gravity feels stronger.
3. Each day there are two High and Low Tides on Earth.
4. When the Moon and Sun are in a line (New or Full Moon
Phase) there is a super strong tide called a Spring Tide.
5. When the Moon and Sun are 900 from each other (First or
Last Quarter) the tides are weakest called a Neap Tide.